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Activity on D.

Dialoguing Entails Becoming a Prophet

A. Describe in summary form the Prophet Jesus of Nazareth (one paragraph of 6-8
As Jesus and his followers journeyed throughout Palestine, he taught people about God and
God's kingdom. He was known as a healer and a worker of miracles. After about three years,
the Gospels report that Jesus was crucified by the Romans. Some Jewish leaders believed
Jesus blasphemed by saying he was the Son of God.We believe that Jesus is truly God and
truly human. He is the Son of God who became one of us, our brother.He had a human body
and loved with a human heart. 
B. What did he stand for or represent (bullet form)
 Given the subversive actions of Jesus, he is not just a person who is buutan
(benevolent; good-natured) companion.He is definitely a prophetic-‘countercultural’
human being who is not afraid to stand up for the poor and the oppressed against any
form of imperialism with its ‘power over’ ideology. 
 He is nakiglambigit or nakigbisog (socially involved as in standing up for the rights of the
poor and the oppressed of his time) as well. 
 His selfless and heroic kind of pagkaisog is rooted in his pagkabuutan 
  His pagkabuutan is love- or compassion-driven which seeks solidarity with the
dispossessed and may rise up righteously in anger when people are made to suffer by a
de-humanizing social structure. 
  Jesus’ pagkaisog spills over his denunciations of what his society represents: love of
wealth, love of prestige, love of power, exclusiveness.
 So Jesus the prophet is not buutan unto himself but his being such is indispensably
linked to the welfare of the other and others. He is isog in situations where ang mga
yanong tao (ordinary people) are discriminated upon, or abused, where the 3Ps of
possessions, prestige and power take precedence over only one P (persons; people).
Jesus’ kaisog in other words springs forth from his deep-rooted (or buot-rooted) mercy
and compassion for the little ones.
C. Mention a maximum of two statements in the reading that are either new to you or
that have drawn your attention the most.

Kerra Caina Pano:

Being in such a man's company and engaging in his speech is like being in heaven. A
soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverted tongue crushes the spirit. Such a man's tongue
is able to convey beneficial instructions, sound counsel, and advice; it is a healing tongue, as it
may be interpreted, which soothes contending parties and heals the rifts between them. Such is
the speech of a minister of the gospel, saying the unadulterated words of our Lord Jesus Christ;
unquestionable truths and speech; and comforting truths to troubled consciences, such as
peace, repentance, justice, and atonement through the Savior's blood.

"The Word existed in the beginning. We start by focusing on the word itself. And the
Word was with God and the Word was God; he was in the beginning with God. The most
important details regarding this Word are found in verse 14: "And the Word became flesh and
lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the greatness as of the one and only Child from
the Father, full of grace and truth." The Word is a reference to Jesus Christ. He had blood and
flesh. He didn't appear and vanish like a ghost or apparition. He ate, drank, and became
exhausted. John was very familiar with him.
Ethel Joyce Lawas:

Words have real power, and they have it. God made the world through the power of His
words. Being made in the image of God gives our words strength. Without a doubt, no amount
of human speech can make reality appear. But, our words have an impact that goes beyond
merely conveying knowledge. The force of our words, which also has the capacity to stir up
hatred and violence, may weigh heavily on one's spirit. Words can escalate or quickly inflict
harm. We shall have to account for our words when we stand before the Lord Jesus Christ
because they have the power to both bolster and sustain. Our words have the power to both
destroy and build.

You are given the ability to perceive by God; it is not something you can know
(conceptually), but something you must perform. You have faith in the Bible mostly because of
this. The god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that they are no longer
able to see the light of knowledge, the light of the Gospel, or the glory of Christ, who is the
image of God. Because of this, we are blind, but verse 6 states, "The God who said let light
shine out of darkness has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of
God in the face of Christ." This is how God looks to us when we open the Bible.

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