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Aldrei John Malana BS Criminology P21 Feb.

7 2021

1. Murder
i. Mr. Teal is a businessman who wants to expand his pastry business in his place
because he had been dreaming to become a well-known pastry maker in his town. On
the other hand, Mr. Diaz has a pizzaria beside the shop of Mr. Teal who owns the
pastry shop. Mr. Diaz also wants to expand his pizzaria contrary that he wanted the
place of Mr. Teal to be his own so that he could have enough space for his customer
and expand his business. Mr. Teal and Mr. Diaz talk about it but sadly saying Mr. Teal
doesn’t approve of letting Mr. Diaz owning his place provided with a specific amount
of money to buy another place. Bur Mr. Diaz is desperate and ended up expanding his
deal to Mr. Teal every time they talk.Mr. Diaz had enough of Mr. Teal’s refusal of his
terms. He mad a plan on killing Mr. Teal so that he could acquire the business space of
Mr. Teal. Mr. Diaz invited Mr. Teal a dinner on Mr. Diaz’s house to have a formal
conversation, little did Mr. Teal knows that Mr. Diaz planned on killing him on that
night. Dinner came and Mr. Diaz put a poison into Mr. Teal’s food. Mr. Diaz planned
the action accordingly and avoid any suspicion that Mr. Teal notice, he hides the
poison very well and conceal its smell. Mr. Teal immediately fell on the floor and died
due to the cyanide poison that he puts into Mr. Teal’s meal.

2. Homicide
i. Lance and Tommy are having an argument, Lance was asking for the debt that Tommy
haven’t paid yet. Their argument ended up on a fist fight that they traded blows every
time, finally Tommy picked up a metal bar and smashed it on his nape. It knocked
Lance’s down and later was announce dead on arrival.

3. Falsification
i. Johnny works in a car dealership when he ask his manager Mr. Rossen to sign his
resignation papers because he will have to leave town to go back to his birthplace.
Johnny is the most trusted and loyal worker he ever had and decide not to sign or
accept his resignation. Later that day Johnny went to Mr. Rossen’s office to give some
work related papers that he also need to sign, but to his surprise Mr. Rossen was not
in his office. There, johnny found a blank piece of paper but there was a signature of
Mr. Rossen at the bottom right corner of the paper. Johnny then took the paper and
immediately right his resignation letter there and leave immediately to his office.
4. Forgery
i. Johnny works in a car dealership when he ask his manager to sign some paper works
that urgently needed. Little did he know that his manager forgot to sign it and the
papers were needed not later than 6 in the evening. He went to his manager’s office
and found some papers that he recognize some of it has his manager’s signature. He
quickly grab it and practice to copy his signature. He finally got it and went to the
papers that he suppose to give to his manager for his manager to sign it but he just
sign himself.

5. Abduction
i. Gilly was a 25 year old girl that lives alone on her apartment,single and has a stable
job to make a living, she is beautiful on the inside and out that people like her or
wanted to befriend her. Marc a 45 year old bystander near the apartment where Gilly
was living has a obsession of her ever since she moved there. Marc’s obsession have
reached its wit’s end so he decide to take Gilly and pleasure himself for good. On the
evening of January 10, 2022, while walking from work, Gilly was jumped by Marc and
lay her down on the ground, he covered her mouth with a cloth to stop making any
noises, grab her both hands tying them, up and put her inside of his car then he take
him to his place. There hid did some lewd things and he pleasure himself until he was
6. Seduction
i. Lexi is a 17 year old is a lectors of the youth in their parokya, that has a beautiful voice
and a respectful young woman. Brother James, one of the parokya leaders has
something of an admiration to Lexi. Brother James grown more obsessed of Lexi
everytime they meet. Then Brother James came to his wit’s end and planned an action
to meet Lexi. One of their sessions has been ended and and he invited Lexi over and
they had a conversation. They all went along together but Brother James has a plan to
seduce her but Lexi couldn’t do anything before her superior. Lexi is a virgin and they
had an intercourse sex with Brother James later that day.
7. Theft
i. Danny is a driver boy in a 5-star hotel that had been dreaming of owning a luxurious
sports car in his life a Lamborghini to be exact. One day while on his duty, he
encountered his dream car and as a driver boy he was handed the keys for him to park
at the parking lot below. Little did the owner knows Danny was stealing it under his
nose. Danny was successful of stealing the luxurious car and went on Gone in 60
8. Robbery
i. Chris was a friend of Tom and Tom has a luxurious watch that he show to his friends
to show how successful he is. Chris was intimidated for this act so he plans to steal it
from Tom no matter what. One night when Tom is soundly sleeping, Chris took this
opportunity to climb up Tom’s house to steal the watch and if possible other
expensive things. He manage to enter the house without alerting someone and steal
all the possible things he could carry including the watch. Little did he know Tom woke
up and recognizes Chris has entered his home without consent. Chris gained the upper
hand, left tom hanging for his life and flees.
9. Perjury
10. Concubinage
i. Tommy is a married man and has losing interest into his wife Madeline. He went into
a club and met Jasmin and they had a lot in common. They sahre each otehr’s secrets,
experience and pain. Tommy had already lost his interest to his wife so he decided to
live with Jasmin. They had a bond and they live as if they are married to each other on
the other hand, Madeline was all alone with their child and now living as a widow.
11. Adultery
i. Jane was a married woman who has 2 kinds with Lance, John, Jane’s close friend
came over because Jane is now losing interest with Lance. They hangout together, and
enjoy themselves and Jane wanted to spice it up. They went into a hotel and they
make love on each other, this went on for 6 months then Lance found out about their
12. Libel
13. Rape of the first mode
i. Susan is a 15 year old girl living in a subdivision near a squatter area, Lantoy is a
tambay and has been obsess of Susan everytime he go out and pass by their streets
when going to school. Lantoy had enough and planned to rape Susan, so he went on
near the school and waited until Susan go home and cross his path to bring her at a
vacant lot where no one pass by, just a number of people. His plan work and Lantoy
forces himself to Susan and had a Penile intercourse to Susan’s vagina and keep on
pleasuring himself until satisfied.
14. Malicious Mischief
15. Destructive Arson
i. Lance could pay his rent for about 4 months from now, and his landlord is kept on
asking him to pay his rent or he will be kicked out. Lance is having a hard time
managing his time and money to have a decent job and enough salary for his living to
sustain his personal needs. One day he was forced to leave his apartment because he
keeps on promising to pay but ended up with nothing. He snapped and plan to burn
down the house of his landlord. Desperately, he pursues that his plan will go as he
intended to be. And now its go time, when he saw his former landlord leaving the
house, he quickly acted to finish his plan. He throws molotov cocktail in the house and
the fire started and it spread quickly.

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