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Capstone Update #4

What I have accomplished so far

So far, I have finished writing my poetry book and have finished the visuals that will be inserted inside. I
have been hearing back from multiple publishers that are interested in my book and plan to publish

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

By the end of this week I plan to have the final tiny edits done so that the book can be printed and

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

I have another meeting planned with my mentor for next week to finalize the book and talk about
possible printing options.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

The hardest challenge so far has been finding a publisher that is willing to lower their publishing price
for me. I have been getting offers back from publishers, but their fees are all around $4500 which I can’t
afford. I’ve been looking at self-publication options, which are a lot cheaper but there isn’t as much
reach to the public as I would like.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

**sent on teams because it won’t let me attach**

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