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Chin up boys. The human experience is a totally unique and subjective one.

through the looking glass. A window in time. It can be crushing. So unjust. We
are all like pieces of clay, molded and shaped by the world around us. A unique
product of parents, culture, environment, peers. A formula of self esteem, ego,
self worth, self image, integrity, pride, sex, emotion, valued by others.
Pain/pleasure and victim/victimizer principals. Truly yin and yang. Clearly there
are issues or afflictions that would frustrate or torture any man. Including
social treatment. The victim-hood can be severe and doesn't see a courtroom. Turn
the other cheek. Take charge. Shake it off. It takes great strength and
discipline. Heavy duty critical thinking and applying yourself. Time is an
amazing ingredient, if you make the right choices and follow the right path. So
many ways to define yourself. Fun stuff to do and experience. True skills to
master and pride yourself on. Music, sports, martial arts, blacksmith, woodcarver,
glassblower, arts, culinary arts, pottery, dance. Dirt-bike, kayak, skateboard,
scuba-dive, mountain bike, paintball, go-karts, hiking, fishing, travel, wind-
surfing. Life as an experience is hugely about attitude, focus and direction.
Tomorrow can be crafted carefully. It takes guts, grit and determination.
Patience and tolerance. Routine is the key. What you do every day. Read a page
in a book. Hit a few balls. Play the guitar for 20 min. Then you will experience
a progression, slowly over time.?

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