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TT2 Nama * Dych Sekar Nurhendriats NIM 4 044q¢e087 Mota Kaliol Bohaa Inggris Niaga Program Studi Manayemen Oo Export and Import Export Export is the activity oF selling goods or services abroad: A pes oF institution that exports S Called exporter Export activity carried out on a large stale will certainly involve Customs ara trurpic controller OF @ country - Export activities usually Occur when a Country Is able to produce goods or services la large quantities ond domestic needs have ben vip ‘Ths results Mthe Orcurrence oF excers production of these goods to be Sent or sale abroad when Carcying Cut export actin, the country wlll receive income commonly referred to ar foreign exchange , the more often a cpuntry exports, the greater the foreign exchan Profits obtained . In Indonesica, there are two Types of exports namely ol and gar exports ard NON Ol and gas exports: Oil and gar commodities Such at oil and gar Meanushile Non - oil and gar exports are agricultural products , plantations , Forestry , animal husbandry , handicrarts , industrial goods ,and minerals prom mining « Here are-some factors that appect export activitter & ' \- The state of the market abroad 2- Exporter’s expertise in seizng Foreign markets. 3. Business climate created by the government : . 4 International treaty Provisions. | 5- Export commoditier For Indonesia are rubber, palm oil , natural gar , Coal , Forest Products , to garments and textile producers - Export activities are able to create new eFrective demand that makes goods in the domestic Market (ok por innovations to increase Productivity. Export activities Can alsD increase economic growth ard expand Overseas markets’ por certain goods. Export activities Nave severad obsectives as poilows + I Controiting Product a : 2. Increase Foreign exchange _ ve 3: |ncrease employment (nm rt : a : ee is the activity of buying 4 product uJ goods Ha Pode wee tre purchase of imported goods is qpods Anat s is called the importer Theo” ‘The Pecson or Iarkiutton that tgs ne ie og mported goods Sold Advantage Obtaired in import ate a as domestically prodveed goods ‘n be Cheaper Ahan ihe same gpods oF h 5 does pot have wheal products D somnple Simple example is thet Indonesia wh to meet domestic: Wheat neg Wheotproduct prom other Countries in order & at teed ee clagante is Xe Needed as a process OF assistance when ppg impoctes i cr large sale Scale a pods is earret carried out on a lar a avtvities ¢ 9 Te Ore Some TeaSONS FOr a to carry Out i The innporti caine may produce hese octal te costs Ynurred voill be ‘ore & pensive which wil] Later Make {he price OF goods Sold more Brae 2-Wnportiog courtries can already produce ther 000, but nat enough fo meet _ domestit demand . 3. The impocting country cannot produce the pods due to lack OF rou) materiaiy Skills and $9 on- “Import activities can provide benepits and disadvantages , especially FOr domestic Praduce, berm tey can be vhable to oe with impatted produrts , both in tone Of price and quatity -\m port Is also an activity to reduce the, country's Forel exchange ‘eserves “which tan make the country ’s: tade batance experience 4 deri Here ové some of the bene fits of import actuier $f 8 8 -1- Getting more_modern fethnology from imported good. Ee 2: A couintry tan Focus on produting certain goods or Servicer - 3- Control ‘inflaton because imported goods are cheaper 2 A: Dbtoicing goods or Services {hat cannot be produted domesticty. “5 - Obtain. so eatorellstpys pordomeste industries: Imported goods that ore not allowed tO enter, such as goods that have clenents Bre drugs, animals | and fire arms are also prohibited prom enter, Jere ate some of the purposes of import attivitier 3 - {full domes i arti aes : 2-Strengthering balance of payments posit 5: Padus fren esCranoy tx penahce = aro

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