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Nur Fitrahtul Adilah binti Mohd Firdaus Nelson (145418)

Not part of the essential

Also known as

Low quantities
molecular structure natural products

A significant proportion of assimilated carbon & energy to synthesise organic

molecules with no obvious roles in normal cell function.

Do not have apparent functions involved

Production may be widespread/restricted to

in plant growth & development families, genera, or even species.


TERPENES Largest & most diverse class of organic compounds found

in plants; nearly 15,000 known structures.

Significant commercial value & important physiological roles in plant growth/development:

1. Hormones like gibberellins & abscisic acid

2. Essential oil: plant distinctive odours &

are terpenes. flavours of plants - insect repellent properties.

(lemon grass)

Gibberellins: fruit & seed

Abscisic acid: causing

production stomata closure, e.t.c

Representative terpenes that

3. Sterol: Plant steroids commonly occur in essential oils.

No hormonal role in plant development.
Plant protective function/disrupt insect's moulting cycle; when ingested by insect herbivores

(e.g. phytoecdysones)

Function as deterrents to herbivores. GLYCOSIDES

3 particularly interesting glycosides; saponins, cardiac glycosides, cyanogenic glycosides.

- With detergent properties. Cardiac glycosides Cyanogenic glycosides
- Defence against attack by
- Highly toxic glycosides. - Capable of releasing deadly

fungi. - Have a profound effect on

hydrogen cyanide or prussic

- The effect of saponins on

heart rhythm (e.g. digoxin &
animals: digitoxin from Digitalis) - Common cyanogenic

1. Not significantly toxic to

- Produce a milky-white,
glycosides: amygdalin.
mammals: have a bitter,
cardenolide-rich latex. - Seeds of apples/pears.
acrid taste if ingested.
2. Highly toxic to fish


Also known as phenolics, polyphenols, and phenylpropanoids. - Found in cell walls,

The basic structure is phenol. especially the

Involve in plant/herbivore interactions. secondary walls of

For example; lignin, flavonoids, tannins. treachery elements

(TEs) in the xylem.

Flavonoids Tannins - High degree of

- Are synthesised in plants in

- Well known for their

response to infection. astringency & bitterness in the

strength/rigidity in

- In plants, flavonoids commonly

flavour of many foods. lignified woody stems.
occur as plant pigments, often
- Water solubles - Also been implicated

yellow or orange. - Consumption of tannins may

as a defensive

- Color attractants to insects &

lead to a reduction in
chemical which is not

birds. absorption of proteins & other

readily digested by

- Affects the taste of plants. nutrients. herbivores.

Most are derived from a few common amino acids.
Compounds have a ring structure and a nitrogen residue.
Widely used as medicine.
Common in certain plant families, for example:
Asteraceae (sunflowers), Rutaceae (citrus), Solanaceae

(tomato) Codeine Morphine

Codeine and morphine are

structurally related alkaloids. Codeine

is commonly used as a cough-

suppressant and local anaesthetic.

Morphine is used primarily as an

analgesic or pain killer.

1. A. Hussein, R., & A. El-Anssary, A. (2019). Plants Secondary Metabolites: The Key Drivers of the Pharmacological Actions of Medicinal Plants. Herbal Medicine.
2. Ahmad Ghazali, A. H. (2022). Lecture Notes. Secondary Metabolites. USM.
3. Plant Secondary Metabolism: Alkaloids. (2020, August 29). [Video]. YouTube.
4. Plant Secondary Metabolism: Terpenoids, Lectins and Glycosides. (2020, August 30). [Video]. YouTube.

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