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Reviews of TOP HRE 2023

Susana Vargas Cervantes, PhD.

Assistant Professor
Communication and Media Studies

Score # 1
To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate: Canadian Public Health Messaging Towards Vaccinating Youth
Ages 12-17 Years Old Against Covid-19- Yasmine Siddiqui
The paper is very well organized and a very strong argument. A strength of the paper is that all
big claims (even if they feel almost like common knowledge, since we all experience the
pandemic in locked down) are backed up with evidence making their argument very strong. For
example, the integration of cultural taboos in their analysis of public health decisions to inform
the population of 12-17 years old.

The methodology of the paper is excellent, it seems very appropriate. This is comprised of an
analysis of the health messaging for relevant social media platforms for the population in
question, as well as interviews with officials. This methodology is further well supported and
well-integrated with the theoretical background selected. Another strength was the literature
review. I was impressed by the level of theoretical and methodological complexity of this paper.
I honestly learned a lot and have nothing to add except that from all the three papers reviewed
this is the one in my opinion that contributes to the field.

Score #2
TikTok’s Impact on the Acceleration of Fashion Trend Cycles: Mapping the Trajectory of the
Green House of Sunny Hockney Dress Sydney Powell-Goldsmith

The quality of writing in my opinion is very good, it is clear and concise. The student
demonstrates and understanding of the readings and objects of study. The paper is very well
organized and structured. The key concepts are well understood, explained and backed up with
an appropriate theoretical framework, and with many examples which made for a very
interesting analysis. This paper further has a strong literature review which not only gives
context to the analysis but also reinforces their methodological approach and media analysis. I
further appreciated their section on “limitations on literature”. My only concern with this paper
was the theoretical framework for the analysis of the use of TikTok, shaping fashion trends and
purchasing habits, or the It girl . The student did a good job explaining why these authors
complement each other and were chosen for the analysis. I however, was a not convinced why
these authors are the most appropriate for the analysis.

Score of 3:
Skylar Allsopp “Of Performativity And Pioneers: A Critical Media Analysis Of Gender And
National Identity As Constructed By The Pioneer Woman”
The paper lacks theoretical complexity specially to the concept of gender performativity that is
intended to back up the analysis. It is misunderstood and not correctly analyzed in the paper.
When the discussion moves to another theoretical framework of analysis, that of Americaness,
a similar lack of clarity and understanding happens. The concept is not explained nor analyzed
with clear examples describing the show.

The analytical sophistication is also lacking in my opinion because there are big claims not back
up. The analysis is limited to telling us what the characters of the program do and behave but
there is not a description and analysis of the scenes. For example: “Mauricio is portrayed in a
positive light, as he appears kind, funny, and loving towards Alex and the Drummonds” (22).
Yet there are no examples or evidence of Mauricio’s behavior. Similarly with the concept of
“aesthetics” I found that it was not well defined, explained and justified in the analysis.

I believe this paper has the lowest strength in the overall argument of the paper and therefore
not a strong contribution to the area of study.

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