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Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a shy little girl named Lily.

Lily was so shy that she found

it difficult to make friends or speak up in class. She often spent her time alone, reading books or drawing
pictures in her notebook.

One day, while walking through the village, Lily saw a beautiful butterfly fluttering about. It was so pretty
that she followed it, hoping to get a closer look. The butterfly flew over fields and through forests, and
Lily followed it all the way to the edge of a meadow.

Suddenly, the butterfly landed on a flower, and Lily stopped in her tracks. She looked around and saw a
group of children playing in the meadow. They were laughing and running around, having a great time.

Lily wanted to join in, but she felt too shy to approach them. She watched from a distance, admiring
their energy and excitement. Then, the butterfly flew back to her, and she realized it was time to go

The next day, Lily went back to the meadow to see if the children were there again. Sure enough, they
were playing the same games as before. This time, Lily took a deep breath and walked over to them.

"Hi, my name is Lily," she said softly.

The children turned around and looked at her. They smiled and welcomed her with open arms.

"Hi, Lily! We're so glad you came to play with us," said one of the children.

Lily felt her heart race, but she smiled back at them. "I'm not very good at these games," she said.

"That's okay," said another child. "We'll teach you!"

Lily spent the rest of the day playing with her new friends. They showed her how to play tag, jump rope,
and hopscotch. She even drew pictures of them in her notebook.

From that day on, Lily wasn't so shy anymore. She had made new friends and discovered the joy of
playing with others. And whenever she saw a butterfly, she knew it was a reminder to be brave and try
new things.

Illustration suggestion: A cozy village setting with a meadow in the distance. Lily, a small and timid-
looking girl, is walking towards the meadow, with a butterfly flying above her head. In the meadow, a
group of children are playing various games, such as tag, jump rope, and hopscotch. The children have
big smiles on their faces, and Lily looks a little nervous but excited. In the background, there are colorful
trees and flowers, adding to the cheerful and vibrant atmosphere.

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