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Sobre la indolencia de los filipinos

■ First out in Madrid

■ Published in parts in La
Solidaridad from July 15 to
September 15, 1890
■ Its purpose is to denounce the
charge of the friars
What is Indolence?

- This is showing a lack of


- Avoidance of work,
occupation or work.

- Determining the amount

of love in labor.
Chapter 1

■ Rizal believed that Filipinos are not

lazy. This is just a result of what
they suffered at the hands of the
Spaniards. However, it is said that
the cause should be known first
before treating it.
– "The warm vapor of the earth
prompts man to be quiet and
rest, just as the cold prompts
labor and action."
Chapter 1
■ According to Rizal:
– "The Europeans living in
the Philippines still need
fans and shoe pullers and
do not walk unless their
carriage is always loaded,
even though their food is
delicious and their
livelihood is comfortable."
Chapter 1
■ A man can live anywhere if
he only tries to adapt
himself to the demands.
Filipinos lost their diligence
and initiative because of
what the Spaniards did.
– "A man can live anywhere if he
only tries to adapt himself to what
the need demands."
Chapter 2

■ According to Rizal, the

disease must be cured so
that it does not get worse.
One should not lose hope
in the fight against
Chapter 2

■ According to Pigafetta (1521)

– Pigafetta first noticed the reverence and goodness of
the inhabitants and their trade
– In Butuan he found the people mining.
– In Paragua Island, there is plenty to eat. Almost all the
people living there cultivate their own fields.
Chapter 3
■ Rizal said some reasons
that caused the cultural
and political patriotism of
the Filipinos.
– frequent wars;
– rebellion (insurrection);
– occupation that caused
Chapter 3
• According to Gaspar de San Agustin:
• Filipinos decreased in number because:
• Those who belong to good sailors are
hired for ships that are sent out of the
country. Many Filipinos were taken
abroad to fight in Spain.
• Many became captives due to the
attacks of pirates
• All industries as well as farming were
neglected because the Filipinos could
not defend themselves against the
raids of the robbers from Mindanao and
Chapter 3

■ Many Indios were also hanged, taken to the

mountains, and left behind their wives and children
■ Many also sold themselves into slavery because of
the high taxes
Chapter 4
■ The Spanish
government did not
encourage production
and trade due to
suspicion of
neighboring countries
except for:
– Mexico; and
– Spain.
Chapter 4

■ Example shown by the

– "Why do more? The priest said
that a rich person cannot enter
the kingdom of heaven."
– "Gambling is given relief."
Chapter 5
■ Two factors have been the
causes of indolence:
– Taught to be inferior
– The bad education system then
also caused low self-esteem. Rizal
said, "since childhood they have
learned nothing but to act like a
machine that does not know the
whole situation."
Chapter 5
■ Two factors have been the
causes of indolence:
– Taught to be inferior
■ The bad education system then
also caused low self-esteem.
Rizal said, "since childhood they
have learned nothing but to act
like a machine that does not
know the whole situation."
Chapter 5
■ Lack of patriotism
– The lack of nationalism is also
due to the denial of the right to
strong organizations that would
unite Filipinos.
– "Education is the earth and
freedom is the sun of mankind.
Without education and without
freedom, no change can be
effected, no step can produce
the desired result.”
1. Root cause of Filipinos' laziness:
2. Hot weather steam pushing to relax.
3. Filipinos have experienced many battles and wars so they
are afraid to work because of their security.
4. The government does not help Filipinos.
5. Gambling and vices are rampant.
6. Filipinos do not have enough skills and education.
7. Filipinos are not paid if they work for the government.
8. Filipinos pay a lot of taxes.

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