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The Posts tab can be used for (select all that apply)

Give praise and encouragement

Posting memes and funny things
Post articles on link resources
Sharing bad news with your team
Posting announcements

You can add other apps to your team by adding a tab and selecting the app you want to add.

To make sure that all materials in a Class Notebook are accessible to everyone who needs to access
them, teachers can rely on the ___for help.
Check Accessibility in the View tab

If a teacher wants to assign small group work for students, which option DOES NOT ensure students
having a protected space to work together?
Ask students to post on private channels and disregard general

Apps you can add as a tab include (select all the apply)

To make sure that my students are engaged, and no one is left behind, I will check their engagement
through using ____.
Teams Insight

What feature in OneNote could help a teacher who is trying to communicate with a family in another

The Insert tab has an Audio button that allows students and teachers to make recordings right within
OneNote. When done recording, OneNote puts the recording ___.
on the page that was visible when the recording began.

Forms quizzes can be embedded in Teams so students do not have to exit the Team.

Hybrid learning experiences provide students with many opportunities to practice their social and
emotional learning skills. Which of the following BEST adheres to the statement?
The teacher can create "Other" team for support groups and student clubs.

The only way to add members to a team is to enter all of their email addresses.

If you want to make your student a co-owner of the team, you go to the___.
Manage Teams

The Math feature can help solve handwritten math problems. It is located in the ___tab.

Data privacy act is a trend nowadays. Even students work should not be publicized unless their
parents agree to it in a signed document. In that sense, is it safe for your students to work on the
Class Notebook?
Yes, student's notebook is private, and you can manage the notebook settings

The Teams dashboard is divided up into the following two main areas
The Me Space and the We Space

Why are there multiple modes of delivering celebration and praise in Teams?
I.        Because teachers get bored
II.        Because some of them only work for assignments
III.        Because teachers and students receive and appreciate praise in different ways
IV.        Because students show commendable job in different ways and different activities
III and IV

How will you get your students attention about the upcoming parent-teacher conference?
Create a channel calendar invite and make it an announcement.

 I gave my students deadline about the work they are doing in the collaboration space. How can I
make sure they will finish on time?
Lock the collaboration space on the deadline provided.

Conducting class in Microsoft Teams can be both synchronous and asynchronous. Is this applicable
in-real life?
Yes, there are technology available like Microsoft stream

Teachers cannot share things in the Class Notebook with parents because they do not have a student

Class Teams can enhance teacher-parent relationship. Which do/es NOT adhere to the statement?
(Select all that apply)
Conduct sudden live events with the parents and students

A student who would like to hear the pronunciation of a word in some text within OneNote can use
the ______ feature to hear it read aloud.
Immersive Reader

Teachers could use the Audio recording feature to ___.

All of the above.

The Researcher tool helps students find journal articles related to a topic and will also add a citation.

The teacher can add read-only content or handouts in the files tab.
What types of Teams are available with Microsoft Teams in Education? (Select all that apply)

There are two main options for teachers who want to maintain content that students cannot change.
What are they?
Class Notebook Content Library

Class Materials folder under the Files tab

To create a sense of normalcy in conducting your class in Microsoft Teams, you should____.
Include school traditions, continue your classroom rituals in a virtual way.

Assignments tab allows teacher to create, track, and review assignments and see the summary of the
grades for the whole quarter.

What is the main benefit to having embedded and integrated external sources such as Flipgrid in a
Class Team?
I.        It saves time
II.        It enhances productivity
III.        It is efficient for saving money
IV.        It saves paper for environmental purposes
I and II

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