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Physical Sciences- Research Report

By Aimee Crago s104956
Is the indiscriminate use of inorganic fertilizers a health risk to humans,
plants, and animals? That is the question I am asking today. I want to
find out how inorganic fertilizers affect the environment, including us
as humans, animals, and plants alike.
My hypothesis for this research report is that the indiscriminate use of
inorganic fertilizers is a health risk to humas, plants, and animals.
The affect of inorganic fertilizers on ground water
Ground water is one of the only sources of clean water that we can use
for drinking on this Earth. It is an extremely valuable source to our
survival. But how are inorganic fertilizers affecting this source?
“The nitrogen present in the fertilizers breaks down into nitrates and
seeps through the soil and mixes with the ground water. Since
nitrogen is easily soluble in water, it can remain mixed with
groundwater for decades at a time and as more and more fertilizer is
added to the soil the content of nitrogen in the water increases, which
further increases the harmful effects of a contaminated groundwater
when it is drunk by common people.” - Impact of indiscriminate use of
fertilizers and pesticides (2014) Your Article Library. Available at:
indiscriminate-use-of-fertilizers-and-pesticides/42624 (Accessed:
February 27, 2023).

As you can see in this article, ground water is being heavily contaminated
by these inorganic fertilizers and is affecting humans, animals, and
plants that ingest this water.

A major effect of chemicals in this contaminated ground water is that it

affects unborn children too.
“A study conducted showed that when fertilizers are mixed with pesticide
the effects are compounded. The studies showed that consumption
of such foods or drinking the contaminated water increased the
chances of fetal abnormalities along with abnormalities in the
neurological and endocrine systems of the baby. It also showed that
the child may have altered ability to learn and may be over aggressive
due to the Harmful Effects of Fertilizers.” - Impact of indiscriminate use
of fertilizers and pesticides (2014) Your Article Library. Available at:
indiscriminate-use-of-fertilizers-and-pesticides/42624 (Accessed:
February 27, 2023).

How do pesticides affect human health?

“Fertilizers are a combination of potentially harmful chemicals which can be
absorbed by plants and possibly enter the food chain through cereals, vegetables
and can even make its way through our drinking water.

Aside from those, the direct and indirect effects of chemical fertilizers on human
health range from minor adverse health effects to some major health risks.

Food crops that are grown using inorganic fertilizer are known to be less nutiritious,
since it mainly targets the fast growth of plants rather than its nutritional value.

Additionally, exposure to ammonium nitrate, which is widely used in chemical

fertilizers, can cause eye and skin irritation, which can lead to a burning sensation.
Inhalation of this chemical compound can also cause irritation of the nose, throat,
and lungs.

Chemical fertilizers can cause problems with the heavy metals that can be found in
it. These include Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, and Uranium, which can have a
negative impact on the kidneys, liver, and lungs. These heavy metals are also
associated with other human health hazards.” - Davies, E. (2022) Harmful
effects of chemical fertilizers on Human Health •, Drugwatcher.
Available at:
(Accessed: February 27, 2023).
As you can see in this article, many different health risks come with the
use of inorganic fertilizers. These affects can be long lasting on not
only us but the environment.

The affects of inorganic fertilizer on the environment.

The chemicals in this fertilizer are lethal to wildlife and is affecting our
planet in the long run.

“The chemicals and nutrients found in fertilizers, while beneficial for

agricultural crops, can be lethal in high doses for fish, birds and other
wild life. Pesticides, designed to kill pests chemically, are also
dangerous when leached into soil or ground water supplies.
Heavy amounts of fertilizer chemicals like potassium, nitrogen and
phosphorus in natural water systems can actually cause “dead
zones” where wild life cannot survive because of lower oxygen
levels and chemical poisoning. Beneficial insects and organisms
like honeybees and soil microbes can be killed alongside the pests,
eliminating some of the ecosystem beneficial to crop health and
sustainability.” - Impact of indiscriminate use of fertilizers and
pesticides (2014) Your Article Library. Available at:
indiscriminate-use-of-fertilizers-and-pesticides/42624 (Accessed:
February 27, 2023).
At this rate, our planet could be filled with “dead zones” where wild life
is unable to live and do its job peacefully.
How inorganic fertilizers can contribute to the destruction of the
ozone layer.
As we know, the ozone layer is slowly being destroyed by things called
“greenhouse gasses.” In inorganic fertilizer is a chemical called
nitrogen, also considered a greenhouse gas.
“Another problem with nitrogen is it contributes to the greenhouse effect.
Dubbed the "other greenhouse gas," nitrogen is just as bad as carbon
dioxide in global warming, but is not as famous. The main sources of
nitrogen in the atmosphere in the form of nitrous oxide are power plants
and cars, but using more nitrogen fertilizers than crop plants can absorb
plays a significant role.” - Apr 01, 2018 (no date) The hidden dangers
of chemical fertilizers, Occupational Health & Safety. Available at:
of-Chemical-Fertilizers.aspx?Page=2 (Accessed: February 27, 2023).

In conclusion, my hypothesis was correct. Although inorganic fertilizers

can be beneficial, it can also be extremely harmful towards the

List of references:
Apr 01, 2018 (no date) The hidden dangers of chemical fertilizers,
Occupational Health & Safety. Available at:
of-Chemical-Fertilizers.aspx?Page=2 (Accessed: February 27, 2023).
Impact of indiscriminate use of fertilizers and pesticides (2014) Your
Article Library. Available at:
indiscriminate-use-of-fertilizers-and-pesticides/42624 (Accessed:
February 27, 2023).
Impact of indiscriminate use of fertilizers and pesticides (2014) Your
Article Library. Available at:
indiscriminate-use-of-fertilizers-and-pesticides/42624 (Accessed:
February 27, 2023).
Impact of indiscriminate use of fertilizers and pesticides (2014) Your
Article Library. Available at:
indiscriminate-use-of-fertilizers-and-pesticides/42624 (Accessed:
February 27, 2023).

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