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Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

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Industry 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges for Operations

Tava Lennon Olsen, Brian Tomlin

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Tava Lennon Olsen, Brian Tomlin (2020) Industry 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges for Operations Management. Manufacturing
& Service Operations Management 22(1):113-122.

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Vol. 22, No. 1, January–February 2020, pp. 113–122 ISSN 1523-4614 (print), ISSN 1526-5498 (online)
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20th Anniversary Invited Article

Industry 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges for

Operations Management
Tava Lennon Olsen,a Brian Tomlinb
Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, The University of Auckland Business School, Auckland 1142, New
Zealand; b Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755
Contact:, (TLO);, (BT)

Received: March 6, 2019 Abstract. Industry 4.0 connotes a new industrial revolution centered around cyber-physical
Revised: March 7, 2019 systems. It posits that the real-time connection of physical and digital systems, along with
Accepted: March 11, 2019 new enabling technologies, will change the way that work is done and therefore, how work
Published Online in Articles in Advance: should be managed. It has the potential to break, or at least change, the traditional operations
September 10, 2019 trade-offs among the competitive priorities of cost, flexibility, speed, and quality. This article describes the technologies inherent in Industry 4.0 and the opportunities and challenges
for research in this area. The focus is on goods-producing industries, which includes both
Copyright: © 2019 INFORMS the manufacturing and agricultural sectors. Specific technologies discussed include
additive manufacturing, the internet of things, blockchain, advanced robotics, and ar-
tificial intelligence.

History: This paper has been accepted for the Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 20th
Anniversary Special Issue.

Keywords: additive manufacturing • internet of things • blockchain • robotics • artificial intelligence

1. Introduction whether and how the technologies underpinning In-

Mechanization, electrification, and computing each dustry 4.0 challenge our current understanding of oper-
drove dramatic and disruptive progress in the pro- ations, and more than that, we need to identify the novel
duction of goods and services. Industry 4.0, a term and important operations questions that will emerge from
first coined by the German economic development the advancement and adoption of these technologies.
agency GTAI, is so named to promote the idea that we In this article, we discuss a number of Industry 4.0’s
are at the dawn of a new industrial revolution brought foundational technologies, with the dual goals of
about by the emergence, advancement, and conver- (i) building awareness and understanding of Industry
gence of a number of technologies that enable an 4.0 in the OM community and (ii) encouraging OM
almost real-time connection between the physical and research in this area by identifying opportunities and
digital realms. This digital-physical marriage, driven challenges. With those goals in mind, we will focus
by additive manufacturing (AM), the internet of things our attention on the operations implications of these
(IoT), blockchain, advanced robotics, artificial intelli- underlying technologies and intentionally omit con-
gence (AI), and other related technologies, “is gath- sideration of other potentially important domains,
ering force [and will] be far reaching, affecting every such as medical and financial applications. Further-
corner of the factory and the supply chain” (McKinsey more, in keeping with the spirit of the term Industry
2015b, p. 2). Individually and collectively, the technolo- 4.0, we will concentrate on tangible good produc-
gies underlying the concept of Industry 4.0 hold the tion rather than service delivery. Of course, with
promise of reducing costs, enhancing flexibility, increas- the rise of product servitization, a trend that may well
ing speed, and improving quality, but more than that, be accelerated by Industry 4.0, the distinction be-
Industry 4.0 offers the possibility of dampening the ten- tween goods and services is necessarily blurred at
sions inherent between these key operational priorities. times. However, we explicitly omit consideration
The operations management (OM) academic com- of smart operations in the public and retail sectors,
munity must engage with Industry 4.0. From an ed- because each is explored by other articles in this is-
ucational perspective, we need to equip our students sue: the public sector is explored by Hasija et al.
with the knowledge and skills required to manage the (2019), and the retail sector is explored by Caro
new operations and supply chain realities that will et al. (2019). Within goods production, we consider
emerge. From a research perspective, we need to explore both the manufacturing and agricultural sectors.
Olsen and Tomlin: Industry 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges
114 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 113–122, © 2019 INFORMS

As will become apparent, Industry 4.0 is not sim- An AM machine is indifferent to the shape that it is
ply an umbrella term for a collection of disparate tech- instructed to produce, and therefore, it does not require a
nologies. In fact, much of the promise of Industry 4.0 new setup when switching between the production
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is in the potential interactions and synergies between of objects that differ in their geometries. Subject to space
subsets of these technologies; for example, advances in constraints, some AM machines can simultaneously
sensors and artificial intelligence has allowed for the produce different objects. As such, AM technologies
development of collaborative robots that work along- are inherently flexible and in their theoretical limit,
side people. These synergies notwithstanding, we or- eliminate manufacturing diseconomies of variety.
ganize this article by technology and allude to their New product design is an iterative process, whereby
potential interactions as necessary. In what follows, we provisional designs are refined based on prototype
give a high-level overview along with research implica- testing. Commercial production begins after the design
tions of the following technologies: additive manufactur- is finalized. With traditional manufacturing methods,
ing (Section 2), the internet of things (Section 3), production of prototypes is time consuming, and com-
blockchain (Section 4), advanced robotics (Section 5), mercial production may require the development of
and artificial intelligence (Section 6). Other relevant new product-specific tooling and equipment. Because
technologies are briefly discussed in Section 7. We AM is flexible, prototyping is rapid, and commercial
conclude in Section 8 with some remarks on the im- production does not need to wait for product-specific
pact of Industry 4.0 on operations strategy. We note resources. Therefore, speed to market is greatly enhanced.
that it is not the goal of this article to survey the na- For similar reasons, the upfront cost of production
scent academic OM literature related to Industry 4.0, is also reduced, because product-specific manufactur-
and therefore, any papers referenced are in no way ing investments are not required. All else equal, a lower
intended to be exhaustive or representative. upfront cost reduces the sales volume required to break
even, thus allowing profitable production of low-
2. Additive Manufacturing volume products. Assembly-related variable costs can
AM, also known as three-dimensional (3D) printing, be reduced by designing products that require fewer
is a process that takes a digital 3D representation and component parts. In a different AM application, GE
produces the associated physical object layer by very engineers developed a new turboprop engine that
thin layer, joining the layers as it goes along. Although was assembled from a dozen parts rather than 855
there are many AM technologies (material jetting, components as was the case in the older version.
powder bed fusion, and vat polymerization for ex- The promised quality, flexibility, speed, and cost
ample), the high-level AM process flow is common benefits of AM may lead to fundamental changes in
across these technologies. The initial 3D digital model operations strategies. Instead of mass production of a
is converted into a digital .stl file format that is then limited variety of products concentrated in a small
virtually sliced into a set of flat horizontal-layer models. number of factories, geographically distributed low-
These digitally sliced layers form the instructions for the volume production of highly customized products
AM “machine” to produce the object layer by layer. becomes increasingly attractive. Taken to its natural
Oftentimes, a finishing step is required after the object limit, geographically distributed low-volume pro-
is removed from the machine. AM has been heralded duction may evolve to personal fabrication, whereby
as a revolutionary technology with enormous con- consumers locally print their purchased design on
sequences for operations management. Why? Let us demand. It is not inconceivable that, for some prod-
consider the operational priorities of quality, flexibil- ucts, the operations strategy of mass production of
ity, speed, and cost. limited variety may give way to one of customized
AM enables the production of complex shapes production by the masses. That is, the entire archi-
and internal geometries unattainable by traditional tecture of the supply chain may change.
manufacturing methods. For products in which shape Service parts for uptime-critical industrial assets
drives performance quality, AM alleviates the man- (turbines, for example) offer a compelling case in point
ufacturability constraints facing design engineers. for geographically distributed low-volume produc-
A by-now famous example is the fuel nozzle for GE’s tion. Service part demand is highly unpredictable in
LEAP aircraft engine. GE engineers developed a new the timing, location, and part required, and therefore,
nozzle tip design that was key for improved fuel ef- inventory storage is expensive. Locating AM machines
ficiency, “but there was a problem. The tip’s interior close to assets will enable rapid on-demand printing
geometry was too complex [and] was almost im- of the required service part, with a resulting uptime
possible to make” (Kellner 2017). GE was, however, improvement and inventory reduction. This vision is
able to produce the new design using an AM tech- becoming a reality, with Siemens claiming to be the
nology, and now, it manufactures the nozzles using first to commercially print spare parts on demand for
production-scale AM at a factory in Alabama. large gas turbines (Müller 2016).
Olsen and Tomlin: Industry 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 113–122, © 2019 INFORMS 115

The promise of AM notwithstanding, a number of manufacturers, such as Siemens and GE, eager to take
significant disadvantages currently limit its applica- on an increasing role in the profitable after-market
bility. Complex geometry is not the sole determinant service business. The implications of AM for MRO
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of product quality. Strength, size, materials, product contracting and supply chain structures may be pro-
uniformity, and many other characteristics matter. found and therefore, merit future research.
AM still faces challenges on these characteristics. Away from the MRO space, the flexibility benefits
Different materials require different AM technolo- of AM in terms of upfront product line design have
gies, and this limits the flexibility of AM machines been the subject of recent research. Dong et al. (2016)
and their ability to produce multimaterial products. examine the impact of flexibility economics on assort-
Although the new product development time is fast, ment planning (i.e., which product variants to offer),
the AM production cycle time is typically slower than and they find that, compared with traditional flexible
traditional manufacturing methods, with postprocess production technologies with variable capacity cost
finishing sometimes being the bottleneck. Additionally, that grows in product variety, the adoption of AM, with
although the upfront cost of production is low, the per variable capacity cost that is invariant to variety, leads
part variable cost of AM production is often high be- the firm to provide more variety. Sethuraman et al.
cause of high input material costs. However, it should (2018) explore the personal fabrication potential of
be noted that AM can be attractive from a sustainability AM in the context of a monopolist firm that sells a
perspective, because the quantity of material wasted product design to customers who can then use AM to
in production can be substantially lower. produce the product at a quality of their choosing.
These speed and cost limitations matter a great deal D’Aveni, a strategy scholar who has studied and
at scale production, with the result that AM is cur- written extensively about AM, claims that
rently more attractive than conventional methods only
We’re headed toward an assembly-less world where
at low production volumes. As a case in point, HP an- there are no supply chains because everything’s made
nounced a new AM technology intended for mass together at the same time in one product build-up or
production and entered a partnership with auto com- printing job. Such a future is not without its challenges.
ponent manufacturer GKN in 2018 “to deploy HP Metal For starters, companies will face difficulties adjusting
Jet in their factories to produce functional metal parts to the new manufacturing reality, where purchasing
for auto and industrial leaders including Volkswa- components and sub-assemblies disappears, and the
gen” (HP 2018). However, according to Volkswagen, R&D department will reign supreme. (Blanding 2018)
“the sweetspot of 3D printing technologies is not in Whether such a future comes to pass any time soon,
giant numbers of vehicles [and] there’s a better use this vision presents opportunities and challenges for
case for specialty parts” (SCDigest 2018). Indeed, the the OM academic community.
HP printers are currently intended only for produc-
tion of cosmetic pieces, such as customizable car key 3. The Internet of Things
rings and name plates (SCDigest 2018). A sensor detects and/or measures some property of the
Perhaps because maintenance and repair opera- environment in which it is deployed and translates its
tions (MRO) are seen as a natural early application of input into an electrical signal that can be processed by
AM, it has also been an area of recent OM research. electronic circuitry. According to a report from Deloitte
Song and Zhang (2018) model a hybrid multipart University Press (Holdowsky et al. 2015), the average
MRO system in which spare parts can be stocked or price of a sensor fell by over 90% between 1992 and
3D printed on demand, and they find that the value 2014 (from $22.00 to $1.40), and microprocessor clock
of 3D printing is increasing in the part variety (as speeds increased by a factor of 991 (from 29 million to
measured by the number of parts) and decreasing in 28,751 million Hz) over the same timeframe. This
the part criticality (as measured by the part’s outage confluence of cost reduction and processing speed in-
or backorder cost). Motivated by a Royal Netherlands crease, along with advancements in measurement and
Army peacekeeping mission and the fact that AM- communications technologies, have enabled the vision
produced parts in the field may be of lower quality, of a vast array of interconnected sensors on machines,
Westerweel et al. (2018) explore a dual-sourcing ser- people, and products coupled with intelligent con-
vice part system in which regular spare part orders can trollers, broadly defined, that can take actions based
be filled after a lead time, but AM can be used to on- on real-time sensor readings: in other words, the IoT.
demand print temporary replacement parts. Knofius Whereas in the past, decision makers operated
et al. (2019) explore how the part consolidation po- somewhat in the dark, lacking full information on the
tential of AM influences overall lifecycle costs when current state of their relevant environments, com-
spare parts management is taken into account. AM munication between sensor-enabled devices prom-
aside, the MRO space has undergone significant ises to enhance the information quality and information
change over the past 20 years, with original equipment completeness available to decision makers (Saghafian
Olsen and Tomlin: Industry 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges
116 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 113–122, © 2019 INFORMS

et al. 2018). By quality, we mean the accuracy or pre- food industry, IoT-enabled monitoring of “temper-
cision with which some nominal property is measured. ature, humidity, and other environmental conditions
By completeness, we mean that, by combining sen- of perishable foods” across the supply chain is seen
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sor measurements of different local attributes, one can as an opportunity to “improve buffer inventory”
build system-wide state information. Crucially, the (Shacklett 2017).
vision of real-time communication in the IoT will en- The sizing of inventory buffers—although a dom-
hance the timeliness associated with this information inant focus in the history of OM research—is far from
quality and completeness. Indeed, “the strategic sig- the only concern of an operations manager. The real-
nificance of the IoT is born of the ever-advancing time execution, continuous improvement, and upfront
ability to break that [darkness] constraint, and to design of the operating system are equally important,
create information without human observation, in all and the completeness, quality, and timeliness of in-
manner of circumstances that were previously in- formation envisioned by the IoT have the potential to
visible” (Holdowsky et al. 2015, p. 5). dramatically impact these aspects. “General Motors,
A McKinsey report estimated that, by 2025, the for example, uses sensors to monitor humidity to opti-
economic impact of the IoT would be in the trillions of mize painting; if conditions are unfavorable, the work
dollars, with the majority of this impact attributed to piece is routed to another part of the plant” (McKinsey
operations applications in the areas of inventory, main- 2015a, p. 68). GE sees the IoT as enabling real-time
tenance, worker productivity, and optimization oppor- optimization not only within a facility but also, across
tunities (McKinsey 2015a, pp. 111–112). McKinsey is networks of assets and facilities, “allowing opti-
far from alone in projecting profound implication for mization . . . to find the most efficient system level
operations. It is the information completeness, quality, solution” (Evans and Annunziata 2012, p. 11). In
and timeliness promised by the IoT that are the foun- agriculture, multiple sensors deployed across a field
dation of such projections. enable precision application of pesticides and water
There is an echo of recent history in this heralding of based on the local conditions of individual par-
information-driven improvements to inventory man- cels within the field or even at the individual plant
agement. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags level. Condition-based maintenance (CBM) of opera-
and readers promised a revolution in the tracking and tional assets, whereby repair and replacement deci-
monitoring of inventory as it flowed through a supply sions are made based on current asset conditions
chain because RFID enables high-quality (i.e., accurate) rather than planned inspections or unplanned outages,
and timely (no periodic auditing delay) inventory re- has received significant practical and academic atten-
cords in a way that barcoding cannot. Industry’s ex- tion long predating the emergence of the IoT (e.g.,
citement about the potential of RFID was soon followed Wijnmalen and Hontelez 1997). However, the ubiq-
by a surge of OM research that explored the benefits of uitous and connected sensors in the IoT—coupled
inventory record accuracy and real-time visibility of the with advanced predictive analytics—are making CBM
inventory pipeline progress (see, for example, Heese a key IoT application area (McKinsey 2015a).
2007, Lee and Özer 2007, Gaukler et al. 2008, and The recent emergence of digital twins offers a
others). Evaluating the benefit of perfect inventory glimpse into the potential of IoT-enabled operations.
information—a common, if often implicit, assumption A digital twin is “a sensor-enabled digital model of a
in the traditional inventory literature—can be done physical object that simulates the object in a live set-
by developing a policy that accounts for informa- ting” (Parrott and Warshaw 2017, p. 3). The crucial
tion inaccuracy or delay and then comparing it with a aspect here is the “live setting”; that is, it is not simply
perfect information benchmark policy (see DeHoratius a static digital representation of an object before use,
et al. 2008 for an example). If accuracy and timeliness but it is a dynamic representation of the object that
of inventory information were the only operational ben- evolves in use. Real-time sensor measurements across
efits of the IoT, then prior RFID-related research has al- a range of elements enable a system-level represen-
ready answered many of the related research questions. tation of a complex asset (e.g., a turbine) or indeed, an
Although RFID technology plays a role in the IoT, entire production system. The physical world has a
sensors1 enable much richer information to be gath- dynamically coupled representation in the digital world,
ered. Not only can a firm have timely and accurate and this data-rich environment can enable operations
data on inventory levels, but also, ubiquitous sensors managers to uncover previously unknown relationships
allow it to have timely and accurate information on between system conditions and outcomes. This under-
the state of the local environment in which any par- standing can drive continuous improvement in defect
ticular unit of inventory or processing asset resides. reduction, uptime, and other key performance indicators
Moreover, the real-time connectivity associated with of the existing system while also generating improved
the IoT means that this rich local information can be manufacturability design ideas for future products and
translated into rich system-level information. In the factories.
Olsen and Tomlin: Industry 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 113–122, © 2019 INFORMS 117

“Digital twins exist at the nexus of physical engi- blockchain, there is no need to allow third-party ac-
neering, data science, and machine learning” (GE 2016, cess to commercially sensitive systems. Furthermore,
p. 2), and this holds true for IoT-enabled operations anyone in the supply chain can upload information to
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more broadly. Distilling the vast data generated from the chain, and they do not need to be directly con-
sensors into actionable knowledge will be a formidable nected to some centralized “owner.”
challenge. Real-time, data-rich, system-level optimi- Although the information is secure after it is in the
zation within and across networks of factories and chain, there is of course no magic guarantee that only
assets will require algorithms that can solve extremely factual information will be uploaded. Blockchain suf-
large problems almost instantaneously. Such difficul- fers from the same “garbage-in-garbage-out” danger
ties offer ample research opportunities in the realm of of any information system. However, there is one
data analytics and optimization methods. important difference in this regard. Blockchain in-
OM research has already extensively explored the formation can be entirely digitized. That is, information
value of inventory information (see the RFID dis- can be uploaded automatically from IoT sensor data. As
cussion above) and the value of forecast information long as the sensors are accurate, the information in the
sharing in a supply chain (e.g., Lee et al. 2000, Aviv blockchain will also be accurate.
2002). Therefore, viewing IoT-enabled operations as To make this concrete, consider the following
information-rich ones, one might conclude that the possible future for the kiwifruit supply chain from
interesting research questions have already been ex- New Zealand to China. Suppose that each fruit is au-
plored. This would be an unfortunate conclusion. IoT- tomatically tagged with a micro-RFID tag on picking.
enabled operations will deliver a much broader array Every time that the tag passes a reader, location and
of production- and logistics-relevant data, opening up timestamp information is uploaded to the chain. In ad-
questions as to what types of data are most useful, how dition, suppose that, after packed, a temperature mon-
the data should be best used, and how data ownership itor is attached to the tray that the kiwifruit sits in. Then,
in interfirm production systems (e.g., servitization of every time a reader is passed (e.g., when loading and
processing assets) would be best configured. That is, the unloading from the shipping container), the full history
IoT will lead to a wide variety of research questions of the temperatures that all of the fruit in the tray have
related to the design of the processes and procedures for experienced is uploaded to each of the fruit’s chains.
managing operations and supply chains. A buyer in China might scan the tag and then, have
access to a website that translates the blockchain
4. Blockchain information into useable information. Where was the
With extensive data now available through the IoT, kiwifruit grown? How old is it? What temperature
there is a desire to store such data in an accessible yet extremes has it been exposed to? How likely is it to be
secure fashion. One possible solution to this storage at its optimal eating point?
problem is blockchain. Although blockchain technol- All of the technology to make this scenario a reality
ogy has been surrounded by significant hype, there do currently exists. The only stumbling blocks would be
seem to be solid operational use cases for the technology the insertion of the micro-RFID on (manual) picking
(e.g., Babich and Hilary 2019). and the reading of the chip by the Chinese consumer.
A blockchain is a distributed and secure ledger. It However, currently, fruits are tagged at packing with
is distributed in the sense that it can be accessed and individual stickers, and pallets of kiwifruit are given
written to from any (possibly authorized) location, and RFID tags; therefore, it is not a very large jump to
its data are stored on a peer-to-peer network (i.e., not in individualized RFID tags. Also, although scanning of
a central location). It is secure, because after a block has tags might involve a ramping up of phone technology,
been added to the chain, it cannot be altered unilater- Chinese consumers are used to scanning quick re-
ally. It is a ledger, because it stores information. Many sponse (QR) codes (2D barcodes) to learn more infor-
people are familiar with digital currencies, such as mation about a product (or to pay for that product).
bitcoin, which use blockchain technology. However, it Tray-level QR codes linked to a blockchain could be
is blockchain’s other applications that will likely be of implemented without delay.
more use to operations managers. The level of information described above is unprec-
Blockchain allows information to be kept on the edented. It would allow for product recalls to be han-
entire history of a product as it travels along the dled extremely efficiently. It would also increase product
supply chain. Although this can also be done through (particularly food and pharmaceutical) safety and de-
a central database, such as those provided by enter- crease fraud. As long as effective methods could be
prise software companies (e.g., SAP and Oracle), its devised for inputting the information, it could signifi-
distributed nature provides greater flexibility. With a cantly increase the accountability of the supply chain.
Olsen and Tomlin: Industry 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges
118 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 113–122, © 2019 INFORMS

In particular, it should allow visibility of whether eth- Conventional robots in a factory reside within
ical standards have been adhered to in the production protective metal cages that ensure physical separa-
and distribution of the product. tion from workers under normal operation. This is not
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Another important application for blockchain, be- only because the nature of the work carried out by
yond information storage, is the availability of so- robots (welding, for example) is often inherently
called “smart contracts.” These are contracts that are dangerous. It is also because we have not been able to
automatically triggered based on some externally equip robots with sufficient intelligence to dynami-
verified event. For example, payment could be au- cally adapt and adjust to an ambiguous and rapidly
thorized as soon as the container reaches customs. changing local environment. The motion of human
More interesting is if smart contracts are combined workers is not fully predictable, and therefore, sep-
with detailed supply chain information. For example, aration is required to maintain a tightly controlled
the kiwifruit transporter’s payments could depend operating environment for the robot. Recent ad-
on the maximum and minimum temperatures expe- vances in sensor technology and artificial intelligence
rienced by the fruit during transit. Although effective are enabling a new generation of robotic technologies
contracting is a relatively mature area within OM, that can be deployed alongside human workers.
smart contracts seem to offer a whole range of co- These collaborative robots, often referred to as
ordination mechanisms not previously considered. “cobots,” are being rolled out in real production
A final important benefit of blockchain is the elimi- settings. BMW, for example, now has robots work-
nation of intermediaries. Much of the current role ing alongside human workers on its assembly line in
of distributors and freight forwarders is information Spartanburg, South Carolina, with the motive for one
based. With blockchain, many of those roles can be such deployment being to automate a manual task
eliminated. Furthermore, if governments embrace the that could cause repetitive strain injury. Interestingly,
technology, then customs’ processes may be able to be “existing industrial robots could perform this work,
significantly simplified. However, all of these effi- and do it much more quickly, but they could not easily
ciency gains rely on a level of standardization within be slotted into a human production line because they
the industry. If multiple competing blockchains de- are complicated to program and set up, and they are
velop (as they likely will) and if they are made dangerous to be around” (Knight 2014, p. 67). Exo-
proprietary (as could easily happen), many of the skeletons are also being used to further blur the lines
efficiencies may be lost. between human and robotic workers.
We see a number of research opportunities stem- Ongoing advancement and development of col-
ming from blockchain’s likely impact on the processes laborative or interactive robotics are, of course, active
and procedures surrounding the supply chain. First, fields of research in computer science and engineer-
if blockchain fundamentally changes the structure or ing. Studying the adoption, acceptance, and appli-
the power relationships in supply chains, then these cation of cobots in production (and indeed, service)
new configurations will need to be analyzed. Second, settings would seem like a natural line of inquiry for
as discussed earlier, smart contracts would seem to the OM field, especially for those interested in be-
provide a significant opportunity for more effective havioral operations management. The vision—which
and sophisticated coordinating contracts. Third, as is to some extent already a reality—of humans and
mentioned for the IoT, the quantity of data available robots working alongside each other raises questions
through blockchain is a level of magnitude not con- of how such systems should be designed and managed.
sidered in most operations models. Answering those questions will require an understand-
ing of how workers perceive and interact with robots
5. Advanced Robotics in repetitive processing settings.
Manufacturing automation is not new, and produc- Although perhaps less interesting from a novel OM
tion system robotics are already highly sophisticated. research perspective, advancements in robotics are
The concept of a “lights-out” factory, in which pro- also changing the economic rationale for investments
cessing is almost entirely carried out by robots, has in factory automation. Purchasing and installing ro-
been around for decades. Over 15 years ago, “in one of bots have long been expensive and time consuming:
Fanuc’s 40,000-square-foot factories near Mt. Fuji, “robots deployed on factory floors today require teams
robots [were] building other robots at a rate of about of specialists who have in-depth expertise for installing
50 per 24-hour shift [running] unsupervised for as (the robots as well as the safety systems), calibrating,
long as 30 days at a time” (Null and Caulfieldt 2003). and programming them to perform the manufacturing
Nevertheless, robotics technology is rapidly advancing tasks. Typically, this setup takes weeks and costs a
in ways that may have profound implications for fac- multiple of the purchase price of the robot itself” (Intel
tories, agricultural production, field service manage- 2015, p. 1). Traditionally, automation of a processing
ment, and distribution logistics. activity was driven by a desire for variable cost reduction
Olsen and Tomlin: Industry 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 113–122, © 2019 INFORMS 119

(when labor is expensive), quality improvement (when a collaborative robotics being a key trend. Furthermore,
robot can repeatedly execute the task with more pre- robotic transportation options have the potential to
cision than a person can), or safety (when the processing significantly affect supply chain design.
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environment is dangerous or the task is physically

onerous). The significant upfront cost and configura- 6. Artificial Intelligence
tion time meant that robots were attractive for high- Like Industry 4.0 itself, AI is a term that does not have
volume repetitive operations but that they were not one precise definition. Traditionally, AI has meant the
attractive for low-volume operations or operations mimicking of human intelligence using computers,
requiring flexibility in terms of volume or mix of work but recently, the term has begun to encompass “an-
(because robot capacity was fixed and was not easily alytics” and “big data” also. Indeed, it is often used
reconfigured or repurposed). Newer generations of simply to indicate that a computer rather than a hu-
robots, from ABB, iRobot, Motomon, and others, are man is engaged in problem solving, a perspective that
becoming cheaper and perhaps more important, more readily fits the OM mindset. Borrowing a framework
easily configured for a range of different tasks, thereby from analytics, we can categorize AI industrial appli-
alleviating their conventional flexibility disadvantage. cations as being descriptive, predictive, or prescriptive.
The factory of the future will look very different as Workers that inspect, pick, or sort products must
cheap, configurable, and collaborative robotics become continuously recognize different objects and cate-
increasingly available. gorize them correctly. This is mentally fatiguing, and
Robotics are also taking off in the production of errors can result in defects going unnoticed or products
agriculture. According to Jordan (2018), “about 60 per- being picked or placed incorrectly. AI that recognizes
cent of the romaine lettuce and half of all cabbage and images or objects can augment workers’ categorization
celery produced by Taylor Farms are harvested with skills or alternatively, enable robots to automate these
automated systems.” Although automatic harvesting types of pattern recognition tasks. As discussed in
of more delicate fruit, such as berries, is further off, Section 3, sensor-enabled operations will generate vast
advanced robotics are also being used to assess ripe- amounts of data that can be mined using AI techniques
ness, pack produce, and hoe weeds. The trade-offs to uncover previously unknown relationships between
involved in such technologies are likely to be very processing conditions and outcomes, and this infor-
similar to those found on the factory floor. mation can then be used to improve process design and
The effects of advances in robotic technology are control. In agriculture, facial recognition is being de-
being felt outside of the farm and factory as well. veloped to allow “farmers with large herds to know
Great strides are being made in the automation of as much about the behavior of individual cows as
vehicles and the use of drones. Automated guided farmers with small herds do” so that milk yield can be
vehicles have been in use in factories for decades. How- improved (Owen 2018). Such applications are de-
ever, sensors and related technologies are now reach- scriptive in the sense that AI is describing an existing
ing the point that such vehicles can become autono- state (of an object or processing relationships) and is
mous and freed from predefined paths. For example, not necessarily predicting future outcomes or pre-
“thousands of students at George Mason University scribing actions.
will have another dining option at their disposal: on- Of course, after cause-and-effect relationships are
demand food delivery via an autonomous robot on at least partially understood, then benefits can be
wheels” (Holley 2019). Autonomous vehicles are pro- gained by predicting future outcomes and prescribing
jected to have a large impact on transportation networks current actions based on those predictions. Predictive
and supply chains (e.g., Olsen and Parker 2019). AI has become a key focus of durable asset manufac-
Drones or unmanned aerial vehicles are another turers, such as GE and Siemens, because condition-
robotic technology that is fast becoming ubiquitous. based maintenance is dependent on accurate esti-
They can be used to survey remote locations, deliver mates of future failure times. This requires sensors that
small items (such as pharmaceuticals), monitor assets, deliver continuous data to a computer but also, ad-
and spray crops. Larger drones that carry passengers vanced algorithms that predict remaining life based on
also seem to be on the horizon (Associated Press 2016). current and past sensor readings. Prescriptive AI,
Drones are being used for lights-out inventory counting whereby operational actions (or at least recommenda-
and inspection of oil pipelines to name just two com- tions for actions) are generated by software, is not es-
mon operational tasks. They may lead to new trans- pecially new; manufacturing and supply chain decision
portation optimization formulations (e.g., Agatz et al. support systems (DSSs) have existed for decades. What
2018). The opportunities for OM research seem sim- is new is the increasing adoption of machine learning
ilar to those for autonomous land vehicles. techniques to generate these prescriptions. (Advances
In summary, the cost, flexibility, speed, and/or quality in machine learning also underpin the increasing use
of various robotic technologies are improving, with of descriptive and predictive AI.)
Olsen and Tomlin: Industry 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges
120 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 113–122, © 2019 INFORMS

Whereas prescriptive OM models traditionally set intelligence, other emerging technologies are also rel-
up the objective and solved for the optimal decision evant to Industry 4.0.
using some appropriate algorithm, with machine Augmented reality (AR)—in which the physical
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learning, the computer uses training data and sta- world is enhanced with digitally generated visual or
tistical techniques to learn how to make good deci- other sensory information—has applications not just
sions without relying on a specific underlying model. in entertainment but also, in industry. GE is exper-
There are also hybrids to this approach, where imenting with AR as a means to drive productivity
the algorithms are given some guidance but not the and quality by “projecting the work instructions onto
entire model (see, for example, the dual-sourcing ap- the parts and [using] sensors to monitor the assembly
plication in Gijsbrechts et al. 2018). Because machine and give feedback to the operator. . . . The system sig-
learning in OM is the focus of the article by Mišić and nals the operator immediately if an error occurs or guides
Perakis (2019) in this issue (and also discussed them to the next step” Kellner (2018). Anecdotal cases
somewhat by Song et al. (2019) in this issue), we do of AR use by Boeing, GE, and “several other firms
not elaborate further here and refer the interested show an average productivity improvement of 32%”
reader to those articles. (Abraham and Annunziata 2017, p. 5).
AI also goes hand in hand with advanced robotics. In a similar vein, although Google Glass was not a
According to Roose (2019), although consumer success, wearable AR glasses have found
applications in manufacturing: “with Google Glass,
[i]n public, many executives wring their hands over
[the worker] scans the serial number on the part she’s
the negative consequences that artificial intelligence
working on. This brings up manuals, photos or videos
and automation could have for workers . . . in private
settings . . . these executives tell a different story: They
she may need. She can tap the side of headset or say
are racing to automate their own work forces to stay ‘OK Glass’ and use voice commands to leave notes for
ahead of the competition, with little regard for the the next shift worker” (Shamma 2017). Other appli-
impact on workers. cations of industrial wearable technology include de-
vices aimed at reducing posture- and movement-
Indeed the founder of the Chinese e-commerce com- induced injuries and those aimed at tracking worker
pany has been quoted as saying “I hope my exposure to hazardous materials.
company would be 100 percent automation someday.” Along with progress in sensor technology and AI,
As noted earlier, human workers have traditionally been innovations in material science (such as the thin,
more flexible but slower than robots, but with advanced strong, transparent, and highly conductive material
robotics and smart AI, that trade-off seems to be changing. graphene and “smart materials” that can adjust their
From an OM research perspective, AI presents properties in a controlled fashion in response to ex-
ample opportunities for algorithmic development ei- ternal stimuli) are likely to drive advances not only
ther in general purpose methods or in specialized ap- in wearable devices but also, in “smart” products that
plications. The complexity and scale of the problem and have embedded intelligence that can be exploited dur-
the speed of solution are likely to be distinguishing ing both production and use.
features of future work. From a behavioral perspective, The term Agriculture 4.0 is sometimes used as an
just as with robotics, AI introduces an interaction be- analog to Industry 4.0 (e.g., De Clercq et al. 2018).
tween humans and technology. In particular, workers However, there is another dimension to Agriculture
will become more reliant on AI-generated recommen- 4.0, namely agricultural-specific technologies and
dations, and this raises interesting questions as to how high-technology foods . For example, vertical farming
best to manage this worker-machine interface. There is and genetic engineering are two key technologies
an emerging literature in organizational behavior on in this sphere. In addition, laboratory-manufactured
algorithm aversion (Dietvorst et al. 2015, 2016), and and bioprinted animal and plant proteins are growing
there is one in OM studying the interaction between in popularity. Venture capital flooding into the ag-
human workers and DSSs. For example, both Caro riculture technology sector (protein, food, and seed
and Saez de Tehada (2018) and Sun et al. (2019) show and crop technology) was U.S. $25 billion in 2015, and
that adherence to such DSSs can be low but that it can the Agricultural Development Bank of China has
be improved with changes to either how it is presented allocated at least 3 trillion yuan (U.S. $435 billion) by
or the algorithmic prescriptions. In general, we would 2020 to the modernization of China’s agriculture in-
expect AI to have a significant impact on a large dustry (Bosworth 2016).
number of operations and supply chain processes.
8. Conclusions
7. Other Technologies One hierarchical view of operations and supply chain
Although we have focused on the core technologies strategy is that a natural tension exists between the
of AM, IoT, blockchain, advanced robotics, and artificial competitive priorities of cost, flexibility, speed, and
Olsen and Tomlin: Industry 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 113–122, © 2019 INFORMS 121

quality, and although all are important, a firm cannot launch. Cobots, AI, wearable devices, and AR can ele-
be best in class on all four priorities and must, therefore, vate (or eliminate) the role of human assets. The IoT,
choose between them. Overall business strategy (e.g., blockchain, and digitization enable remote and real-
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which customers to target and what do they value) helps time monitoring, diagnosis, control, and optimiza-
the operations function make this choice. The ranking tion within factories and across geographically dis-
among priorities then drives both the design of the persed assets. A globally distributed and agile network
tangible architecture of operations (i.e., the degree of of production assets that can dynamically and rapidly
vertical integration; the capacity and type of produc- adjust and reallocate activities becomes possible.
tion, transportation, and MRO assets; inventories; and It is promises such as these that make many believe
the geographic distribution of these various elements) that the marriage of the physical and digital worlds
and the design of the intangible processes and proce- that is Industry 4.0 will have a revolutionary impact
dures that orchestrate the flow of goods and information on operations and supply chain management. The
through this operations and supply chain architecture. OM community should engage with this vision to
As we have already discussed, the technologies both understand the implications and limitations of
underpinning Industry 4.0 can either in isolation or Industry 4.0 and to help develop the concepts and
in combination improve one or more of the four pri- techniques that will further drive its potential and
orities. More intriguingly, Industry 4.0 may alleviate adoption. We hope that this article will prove to be
some of the tension between the priorities and thereby, useful as OM researchers look for opportunities and
enable new customer value propositions. Crucially, challenges in this space.
Industry 4.0 creates new design possibilities for the
operations architecture and its associated processes.
Certain technologies, the IoT for example, will directly 1
For ease of exposition, we will use the term sensor to describe both
impact the processes for managing the operations and the sensor and any associated controller that drives action based on
supply chain architecture and thereby, indirectly influ- the sensor reading.
ence architectural choices. Others may directly influ-
ence the architecture but the processes only indirectly.
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