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North Alabama Christian Counseling Website Changes

1. Schedule (every page)

Friday should read 9:00-2:00 pm. The other days are correct.

2. See Services Page

‘Types of Counseling Services”

Move Intensive Counseling to the end; that is, after Teen Counseling.
Be sure to also move the little green box (Intensive Counseling) to the
end of the row.

3. About Bill

The photo needs to be replaced. I have another that I can send you.
Hopefully, it is the right format.

This statement needs to be removed:

Dr. Clark is also a Counseling Supervisor in the State of Alabama. He

provides supervision to those seeking licensure as professional counselors.

This statement needs to be changed:

Since 1989, he has founded and directed five private practices.

It should read six practices.

This statement needs to be changed:

Dr. Clark has been married 49 years, has two grown sons, three
grandchildren, and is living in Birmingham, AL. 

It should read 50 years…. and is living in Huntsville, Al.

4. Intake Fees and Forms

The photo image at the top of the page doesn’t work. Something else
needs to be in its place.

Fees and Payment Methods (This title should be in bold type)

Cost of Intensive Counseling (This title should be in bold type)

Cancellation and No-Show Policy (See ‘Statements of Understanding’

under Forms and Fees)

This should be in bold type and treated as a heading (compare to

Fees and Payment Methods and Cost of Intensive Counseling)

The color scheme (orange, green and tan) throughout the website
seems off. I am open to suggestions.

If you see something that needs to be rearranged or reformatted let

me know.

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