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04 October 2022

when you see yor friend found a new one

just like replace your position
I'm happy with that, don't worry
at least, I wanna move too
I wanna have friend too
I must be happy
like you do

04 October
a Friend(s)
they're a lie

05 October 2022

You couldn't make them stay

they have their own story, their world
although without you
they should be happy
although not because of you

its not forever of 'me' in their live

ourself in our universe
you, me

It should be
but wanna hear my voice?
I hope you happy
with me, because of me
I know that
selfish, indeed

this pre-menstruation syndrome really bring me to a roller-coaster huh

05 October
somenone said 'dulu, teman itu harga mati. tapi, setelah semua yang terjadi, aku
jadi tau apa makna teman yang sejati'
She knows someone who stay and give a support and someone who leave when the storm
came out
dulu yang katanya perteman itu harga mati
patutkan dipertanyakan manakah sebenarnya yang mati?
she added 'kini teman sudah tidak ada apa-apanya lagi '

but, how about you?

this friendship coulnd't be hate
although I feel it
from a seed to be a big tree

ah, this live..

how can be this complicated just about a fxckin frienship

when a tiny cute problem, be a big -terrified monsters- problem

18 november 2022
Happybirthday Din!
I've celebrate your birthday here,
I try to write a caligraph about birthday but, Its seems that I'v to learn and work
hard for it

wish you okay and may God makes your way easier

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