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DATE: 12th of January

SCHOOL: Școala Gimnazială Just4Kids
TIME: 45min
TEACHER: Andreea Drăgunea
COURSEBOOK: Kid’s Box, Level 2, Pupil’s Book and Activity Book
UNIT: At home
LESSON: My house
TYPE OF LESSON: Grammar (possessive ‘s and introduce mine and yours.)

MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Pupil’s Book, Activity Book, Kid’s Box Interactive App, Whiteboard, markers.


1.1 Oferirea unei reacţii adecvate la o întrebare/ instrucţiune scurtă şi simplă rostită clar şi foarte rar, adresată cu atenţie de către interlocutor

1.2 Recunoaşterea localizării elementare (stânga, dreapta, aici, acolo) a unor obiecte din universul imediat, în mesaje articulate clar şi rar

1.3 Manifestarea curiozităţii faţă de sesizarea semnificaţiei globale a unor filme şi a unor cântece pentru copii în limba modernă respectivă

2.1 Reproducerea unor cântece/poezii scurte şi simple

2.3 Participarea la jocuri de comunicare în care reproduce sau creează rime/ mesaje scurte

3.1. Manifestarea curiozităţii pentru decodarea unor mesaje scrise simple şi scurte din universul imediat

AIM OF THE LESSON: To teach and give practice on new grammar: mine and yours.
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
O1 Repeat mine and yours.
O2 Identify mine and yours in sentences.
O3 Use mine and yours in short dialogues.

Stages of the Timing Interaction Competences Teacher does Students do Obs.
Warm up 3min T-Ss 1.1 T says Hello, how are you? and Ss answer the T’s questions;
Ss - T 1.2 starts with Simon says game Ss follow the instructions
(Point to, touch your, etc.)
Lead-in 2min T-Ss 1.2 Reviews clothes (socks, T-shirt, Ss stand up and follow the instructions
Ss-T 2.3 trousers, skirt, jacket) with a
pointing game.

Says, e.g. Point to your shirt.

Point to your socks.

Presentation 10 min T-Ss 1.1 Pick up a pupil’s pencil. Asks Ss respond, e.g. It’s hers.
Ss-T 2.3 the class Whose is it? Is it hers
Ss-sS 3.1 or his?Points to two pupils.

Repeats with other objects and Ss hold up objects and say and do the
includes Is it yours? same. Pupils work in pairs. One pupil
picks up an object and says Is it mine
Extends the activity to teach or yours? The other pupil responds,
mine/yours. e.g. It’s mine.

Holds up her book. Says It’s not Write and draw in the notebooks.
yours (makes a gesture to a
pupil). It’s mine. Repeats for
other objects.

Ss write in the notebook: It’s

mine. It’s yours. And draw
pictures to show the meaning of
the two words.

Practice 15 min 1.1 Activity 1.


2.1 Says Open your Pupil’s Book at Ss point to the clothes.
3.1 page 26, please. Elicits who
pupils can see (Stella, Simon,
Grandpa Star). Plays the CD.

Sets pre-listening questions:

Whose is the big yellow T-shirt?
What colour are Dad’s socks?
Plays the CD again.

Pupils check in pairs. Check

with the class (Simon’s, Blue).

Check comprehension, e.g.

Whose is the small yellow T-


What colour are Grandpa’s

Ss answer.

Which T-shirt is Simon’s?

The big one or the small one?

Activity 2

Says Look at Activity 6. Listen

and repeat. Plays the CD. Ss listen and say mine or yours.

Activity 3

Worksheet - listening and



Production 10 min Group work 1.1 Monitors and makes sure that Ss work in groups. They should sit on
Ss-Ss 2.3 there are at least two examples the floor, in a circle. Pupils put some
of each item (books, pencils, of their personal belongings in the
notebooks, etc.). middle of the circle.Pupils take it in
turns to ask one member of the group
a question, e.g. Which bag is yours?

The pupil answers, e.g. The red one’s

mine. It’s now this person’s turn to ask
a question to another member of the

Feedback and 5 min T-Ss 2.3 Plays the song: Ss listen and repeat.
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Gives homework Ss write down the homework.

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