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Pinocchio by Guillermo del toro

The movie shows Pinocchio trying to find his place in the world through different
situations that he goes through throughout the story.
In the beginning we can see Gepetto and his son Carlo, who dies leaving Gepetto
very sad, which makes him create a wooden boy that looks like Carlo, in the
course of the movie Gepetto makes Pinocchio believe that he must be just like
Carlo, which shows that Gepetto has not overcome the death of his son and
although Pinocchio shows his affection towards him, Gepetto does not realize it
since all the time he has been comparing Pinocchio with Carlo. This makes
Pinocchio feel lost and confused about who he is and what his place is, since for
him the most important thing is that his father is happy.
In one of the scenes Pinocchio is run over and "dies" when he dies he arrives to a
place where a spiritual entity (sphinx) tells him that he is immortal and that he is not
a real child since life has no sense without death, this makes sense since we can
do a lot throughout our lives, but what sense does it make to be alive seeing how
the people we love die and practically being alone in the world. In this scene we
can also see an hourglass that in my opinion represents that time is passing and
that we continue with our life doing what we like thinking that we have a lot of time,
although we are running out.
Pinocchio dies and when he revives he is with a soldier (Podesta) who has a son
(Candlewick) who did everything to make his father happy, who compared him all
the time and I believe that nobody likes to be compared and even less to be
appreciated despite doing his best to please someone.
Throughout the movie Pinocchio has Grillo who would be like his guide in the world
to help him be a real boy, he doesn't do much in the movie, but his role is
important, because as I see it he represents Pinocchio's inner voice and he is the
one who guides us to do things right and think well about what we will do before we
do it.
My opinion about all the events that happen is that: if all the things that happen in
your life matter because that will help to form you in the process, no matter if they
are bad or good things, everything leaves you a message and we can see this in
Pinocchio at the end of the movie, because despite everything he fulfilled what he
wanted, to make his father happy and be a real boy. That, although he is still
wooden with his feelings and his actions, he shows it.

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