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I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Identify linear inequalities in two variables and linear equation in two

variables through given example
b. Differentiate linear inequalities in two variables from linear equation in
two variables through group activities; and
c. Relate linear inequalities in two variables and linear equation in two
variables trough real life situation
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Differentiate Linear Inequalities in two variables from Linear
Equation in two variables.
Materials: Cartolina, laptop, projector, whiteboard marker, folder, flash
Strategy: Collaboration/Cooperative

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer

Please stand up everyone, let us pray. Andrea, lead the


Dear Lord,
Add our Life
Subtract our Sin
Multiply our Blessings
Divide our Time
To serve you
2. Drill

Good Morning, Class!

Good Morning Ma’am!
Before you take your sets, kindly pick some pieces of
paper and arrange your chairs properly

Is there any absent for this morning? None, Ma’am

Very Good!
Louie, please list down the names of your classmates who
are present today, write it in a ¼ sheet of paper and pass
to me after the class.

3. Setting of Standards

This time, I want you to be acquainted to our classroom Classroom Rules:

rules. Everybody please read. a. Keep quiet unless you are
asked to speak.
b. Do not do unnecessary
things that might distract the
c. Respect each other.
d. Actively participate in the

4. Review

Since, this is our first meeting we don’t have any previous

topic, so let us now proceed with our new discussion for
this morning.

5. Motivation

Before we discuss with our new discussion let as do an

activity. Group yourself in to two. This activity will be
called ‘Arrange Me”
All you have to do is to arrange the following letters to
correct the word. The group who got a highest score in
arranging the words will be the winner and will have their
additional points in the class while the group who got the
lowest score will perform their talent.
Is everyone excited? Yes, Ma’am!

3. Q U A I N E T Y LI 4. EQUAL
8. 8. B L E S V A R I A

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation

Our topic for today is about the Linear Inequalities in two

Variables and Linear Equation in two Variables. Please be
active and participative for in this topic you are going to,
everybody, please read.
At the end of the lesson,
students should be able to:
a. Identify linear
inequalities in two
variables and linear
equation in two
variables through
given example
b. Differentiate linear
inequalities in two
variables from linear
equation in two
variables through
group activities; and
c. Relate linear
inequalities in two
variables and linear
equation in two
variables trough real
Linear Inequalities life situation
-is a mathematical sentence that uses the symbols of
< less than ≤ Less than or equal to

> Greater than ≥ greater than or equal



5x + 4y > 2 3y ≥ 2x – 4
2x + 3y < 6 y ≤ -3x – 5
2x + 6y ≤ -2 7x – 4x < 10

All: Yes, Ma’am!

Did you understand class about linear inequalities?
Mikaela: Not totally Ma’am,
How about you Mikaela, have you understand about our can you give us another
discussion? example?

Another example:
3x < 2y + 5.
8y – 9x > 10.
Mikaela: Yes, Ma’am
Is that clear Mikaela?

Okay, now let us proceed to Linear Equation.

Linear Equation
-is a mathematical sentence that uses the quality symbol
or equal sign (=)

10x+4y = 3 2x 4y = 7
-x+5y = 2 8x + 7y = 38
10x 3y = 5 3x 5y = 1 Yes, Ma’am!

Is that clear class?

2. Activity
Now, let us have another group activity. Group yourself
into two groups. I have here examples of linear equation
and inequalities. With your group you have to paste the
given example were they should belong. The group who
got the correct and highest score will have additional
points while the group who got the lowest score will
present their talent in front of the class. Scores of each
group will be recorded as your performance. Write your Yes, Ma’am
group names in a ¼ sheet of paper.
Is that clear class?

Representative of each group, please get your materials

here in front

This will be our rubrics:

Correctness 25%
Cooperation/Teamwork 15%
Time Management 10% (Answer)
Linear Linear
Inequalitie Equation
8x + 7y = 38 -x+5y = 2 10x+4y = 3 3y ≥ 2x – 4 8x + 7y =
10x+4y = 3 y ≤ -3x – 5 2x + 3y < 10 38
3y ≥ 2x – 4 3x < 2y + 5 2x + 5y = 20 5x + 4y > 2 10x+4y = 3
3x 5y = 1 6x+12y = 24 3x+6y =12 y ≤ -3x – 5 3x 5y = 1
5x + 4y > 2 8x + 3y ≥ 5 3x < 2y + 5 -x+5y = 2
8x + 3y ≥ 5 6x+12y =
2x + 3y < 10x+4y = 3
2x + 5y =
3x+6y =12

3. Analysis

Now let’s check. Let’s start with group 1

You correctly answer the given problem. So, since you
are correct, you got 25 points for that, , all members are
cooperating you will have another 15 points and lastly
you finished your task on time so you will be given
another 10 points, all in all your group got 50 points.
Next is group 2, very good! You correctly answer the
given problem. So, since you are correct, you got 25
points for that, , all members are cooperating you will
have another 15 points and lastly you finished your task
on time so you will be given another 10 points, all in all
(Students clap their hands)
your group got 50 points.

Give hands for everyone!

4. Abstraction
Ma’am, I’ve learned about
Guide questions:
Linear Inequalities and
What have you learned from our discussion class? Linear Equation.
Anyone? Yes, Cagadas?
Ma’am, Linear Inequalities
is a mathematical sentence
Very good! What is Linear Inequalities class? Yes, that uses the symbols of
Gabato! inequality.

Ma’am, those are symbols

are less than (<), greater than
Very good! How about you about you Bacad what are (>), less than or equal to (≤)
those symbols that is being used in the Linear and greater than or equal to
Inequalities? (≥).

Ma’am, I’ve learn about

Linear Equation
Very Good! How about you Espineda, what have you
Ma’am (raise his/her hand)
Very good Espineda!
So what is Linear Equation? Linear Equation is a
mathematical sentence that
Yes, Cagadas! uses the quality symbol or
equal sign (=)

None Ma’am!

Very Good Cagadas! ( Students clap their hands)

Is any other question regarding our topic?

Very good class, all of you have understand our today’s
Give claps to everyone

5. Application
Now, let us have another activity, were going to have a
“quiz bowl”. I will group you into 4 group and I want
you to cooperate with your group so that you can raise a
correct answer. I will provide materials for your group
activity. All you have to do is to raise your answer
whether it is Linear inequalities or linear equation.
Scores of each group will be recorded as your
performance. The group who will got a highest score will
have additional points. Write your group names in a ¼ 1. Linear Equation
sheet of paper. Is that clear class? 2. Linear Equation
Representative of each group, please get your materials 3. Linear Inequalities
here in front 4. Linear Equation
5. Linear Inequalities
6. Linear Equation
1. 8x + 7y = 38 7. Linear Inequalities
2. 10x+4y = 3 8. Linear Inequalities
3. 3y ≥ 2x – 4 9. Linear Equation
4. 3x 5y = 1 10. Linear Inequalities
5. 5x + 4y > 2 11. Linear Equation
6. -x+5y = 2 12. Linear Inequalities
7. y ≤ -3x – 5 13. Linear Equations
8. 3x < 2y + 5. 14. Linear Equation
9. 6x+12y = 24
10. 8x + 3y ≥ 5
11. 10x+4y = 3
12. 2x + 3y < 10 (Students clap their hands)
13. 2x + 5y = 20
14. 3x+6y =12 (students clap their hands)

(Students clap their hands)

Very Good Class!
(Students clap their hands)
Group 1 you got 10 points

Group 2 got 8 points

Group 3 got 9 points

Give claps to everyone.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a mathematical sentence that uses the symbols of inequality.

a. Linear inequality b. Linear Equation c. Linear

2. It is a mathematical sentence that uses the quality symbol or equal sign (=)
a. Linear Inequality b. Linear Equation c. Linear

3. 2x + 6y ≤ -2 is an example of?
a. Linear Inequality b. Linear Equation c. Linear

4. 8x + 7y = 38 is an example of?
a. Linear Inequality b. Linear Equation c. Linear

5. 8y – 9x > 10 is an example of?

a. Linear Equation B. Linear C. Linear Inequality

A. Assignment

For your assignment please study in advance about “Graphing Linear Inequalities in
two variables.

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