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Name: Bryan Saca

Story that contains a mystery

I felt nervous when the phone rang and I was studying for my English test, when I answered the
call I only heard strange sounds and nothing said anything.
After that my doorbell rang and I panicked; I didn't know who it was because it was 1 am, I just
yelled at them and they knocked on the door again. I didn't know who it was or what to do.

I called my parents in case they were playing a joke on me but no, I tried to see the cameras but
there was no one there. The fear was so strong that I went to my room and tried to sleep, it was
strange that the door of my room opened slowly, I turned on my lamp and there was no one, so
I preferred to cover myself with the blankets, it was a long time and I was trying to sleep when I
felt a weight on me and I could not move or scream, it was very scary, it was a very intense
experience. I never knew what happened but I tried to live calmly and hope that nothing like that
would happen.

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