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1- How is coal formed?

Plants that died millions of years ago will be covered with sediments
of rocks and dust. This creates pressure and heat on them and make
them decay and turn into peat which is then compressed to form coal.
2- How is oil formed?
Dead animals and other organic material that died millions of years
ago decay and get trapped between impermeable sedimentary rocks.
They face high pressure and heat that turn them into oil or natural
gas. They are then extracted using man-made oil rigs.

3- How is oil/natural gas extracted?

Explain the process of fracking.
This is a process of obtaining oil or gas from shale rock by breaking open to
rocks using water, sand and chemicals. This method involves pumping down
water, sand and chemicals deep underground through a deep hole to reach shale
rocks. This causes the rocks to fracture and release the oil and gas which are
forced to the surface. Water here must be plenty and pumped under pressure.
Chemicals must be added to prevent the blockage of the pipes. Sand is used to
keep the cracks in the rocks open and hence allow oil and gas to escape. It keeps
the cracks open to allow gas and oil to escape.

4- How can electricity be generated from geothermal energy?

Cold water is pumped under pressure into a layer of hot rocks underground.
The rock heats the water and the hot water returns to the surface under pressure.
The hot water then heats up a second supply of water using a heat exchanger.
The steam produced in the second supply moves the turbine which then
generates electricity in the generator. Water can then be re-used in the system
to continue the process.
5- Explain sustainable ways that can be used to save energy.
Energy can be saved using different ways. First of all, energy
consumption must be reduced. This happens if people are educated and
aware of the dangers of overconsumption. For example, they must turn
off all devices instead of keeping them on standby mode which still
consumes energy. Countries can also rely on renewable sources of
energy if possible instead of using non-renewable sources such as
fossils which are also pollutant. Insulated houses can also be built to
reduce the need for energy to heat houses. For example, a house can
have a cavity wall with insulator to prevent heat inside the house form
escaping. They can also use double sheet glass for windows and loft
insulation for the roof. People must also be encouraged to use public
transportation and car sharing instead of using their own cars as this
leads to more fuel consumption. They can use bicycles too but in this
case a cyclist route must be built for them.
6- What are the advantages and disadvantages of different types of
renewable energy sources?

7- What are the problems of using fossil fuels?

Fossils fuels cause air pollution to the environment due to the release of
gases such as carbon dioxide which cause the enhanced greenhouse
effect. They can also cause respiratory problems to people such as lung
cancer. Burning of fossils also creates smog which is smoke and fog
caused by VOCs released due to incomplete combustion of fuel in
vehicles as well as factories. Fossil fuels are also limited in supply
which means that will be used up as they are non-renewable.
8- What are the problems that may arise while transporting oil?
Marine ecosystem will be affected because oil spills are toxic and may
kill animals and other living organisms either instantly or through
bioaccumulation and biomagnification. An oil spill prevents sunlight
from reaching the water hence phytoplankton will not be able to
photosynthesize which leads to their death. This will eventually
disrupt the food chain because phytoplankton is a producer. Oil spills
also prevent oxygen from reaching the water leading to suffocation of
living organisms. Oil spills may also cover feathers of birds which
may try tor each the water to feed on fish. During tides, water will
leave oil behind to cover all rocks on shores.
9- Explain 3 ways to minimize the impact of oil spills.
Tankers can be double-hulled instead of single hulled. If any damage is caused
to the outer layer, oil will still be protected by the inner layer and will not be
spilled. However, if an oil spill has already taken place floating booms can be
used to surround the oil spill and prevent it from spreading. Detergent spray
can also be used to break down the oil spill and turn it into smaller droplets
which can be dispersed. Skimmers can also be used to drag oil away from the
surface of water after being collected by a boomer.

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