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Exercise 3.1

1. Write your viewpoint as to where the first Mass happened?

My viewpoint as to where the first mass happened was actually in Limasawa since according to
the book of Antonio Pigafetta along with the writings of Albo which makes it more certain that the
actual first mass has happened in Limasawa(Mazaua) instead of Masao, Butuan.
2. What is your stand about the site of the first Mass?

It’s already tradition to celebrate the Anniversary of Christianity in Limasawa due to the fact that it
has already been proven or favoured by Philippine historians and it will never be changed no matter the
arguments and conspiracies.
3. How credible the account of Antonio Pigafetta about the site of the first Mass?

It is very credible since Antonio Pigafetta was the one who wrote all about the Journey and
was backed up by what Albo wrote which made The First Voyage around the World very

4. How the content of the text help you understand the controversy on the first Catholic Mass
in the Philippines?

The context helped me in understanding the controversy regarding the first mass and where it
happened since it contained geographical content pointing to the island of limasawa and referring
iit to the real and first site of the First Christian Mass in the Philippines.

Exercises 3.2
Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.

1. How do you understand the word “Munity”?

Mutiny is any overt act of defiance or attack upon military (including naval) authority by
two or more persons subject to such authority. ... Mutiny should be distinguished from
revolt or rebellion, which involve a more widespread defiance and which generally have a
political objective.

2. What does Governor Gen. Izquierdo describe Cavite Munity compared from the
version, does this account related to? Explain.
Cavite Mutiny is the eyes of Gov. Gen. Izzquierdo was described as a fuel for
the Filipino revolution against the Spanish colonization, compared to what the
others said, it was all about the fight for rights of the abused Filipino workers.
3. Among the three versions of Cavite Munity, which one is most credible? Why?

I believe that the most credible version of the Cavite Mutiny is from Gov. Gen. Izquierdo.
Since it was more meaningful and what he said that might happen actually did and that
was the Filipino revolution against the Spanish government.

Exercises 3.3
A-True or False; Write true if the statement is true, false if otherwise.

1. Teodoro Plata is Bonifacio brother-in-law. True

2. Before, people who had no cedulas were severely punished. True
3. In Gregoria de Jesus Version, the “Cry” happened in the barrio of Bahay Toro. False
4. In Santiago Alvarez’s version, the “Cry” happened in August 24, 1896. True
5. The Cry of the Rebellion happened in present-day Quezon City. False

Additional activity;

Panoorin ang Video sa link na ito;

1. What makes “Cry of Pugad Lawin” a controversy?
Give your reflection and reaction about the video uploaded.
What actually makes pugad lawin a controversy is the fact that one of controversies that remains
undisputable in Philippine's history is the Cry of Pugad Lawin. The historical event marked the
beginning of the Philippine Revolution and their act of defiance against the Spanish Empire wherein
the Katipuneros, as led by Andrés Bonifacio, tore their cedulas. The exact date is still not known as
most eye witnesses never told the same date when Pugad Lawin begun and ended. What makes it
more of a mystery is the fact that the reason for the Cry is still not proven and there are many
conspiracies regarding to the motive of this rebellion. Nonetheless this marked an important
reminder that our heroes fought for what was rightfully ours, our freedom and this marked the day
of our independence as they fought valiantly and with all they can just to attaint it. We should
appreciate more of what we deserve.

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