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The warranty on your new computer will cover any manufacturing defects for up
to a year
2. After a long hike, the peaceful sanctuary of the mountain cabin was a welcome
3. With the rise of technology, the growth of data has been exponential in the last
4. The spy was able to infiltrate the enemy base undetected, gathering crucial
information for the mission.
5. The protagonist of the story undergoes a transformation that challenges their
beliefs and leads to personal growth.
6. The CEO used an analogous example to explain the complex concept to the team
in a simple way.
7. After the passing of her grandmother, she was surprised to come into her
inheritance and become financially stable.
8. At the store, you can find a variety of fruits such as apples, oranges, bananas, and
the like
9. Please don't butt in when someone is speaking; it's rude and can disrupt the
10. He was so angry that he began to mutter under his breath, venting his
frustration without confrontation.
11. You can take it as read that the company will do everything possible to meet the
12. The witness was granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for their
testimony against the accused.
13. The steam engine was a precursor to modern transportation and revolutionized
the way people travel.
14. The small town harbor was a picturesque spot where locals and tourists alike
gathered to relax and enjoy the view.
15. If you want accurate information about the project, you should hear from the
horse's mouth and ask the project manager directly.
16. During the interview, the panel decided to throw a difficult question at her to
test her problem-solving skills.
17. The suspect was kept under surveillance for weeks before the authorities had
enough evidence to make an arrest.
18. She always worked hard to achieve her goals, and by the same token, she
expected the same from her team.
19. Global warming is a pressing issue that requires immediate action to prevent
irreversible damage to the planet.
20. Sea level rises caused by global warming pose a significant threat to coastal
cities and low-lying areas.
21. The politician's discreditable actions led to a loss of trust and support from their
22. The missing funds have to be accounted for before we can close the financial
records for the quarter.
23. A substantial amount of time and effort went into preparing for the presentation,
but it paid off in the end.
24. Safety is the uppermost priority when it comes to designing and building a new
25. The international community came together to call for the release of the
hostages being held by the terrorist group.
26. Despite his humble upbringing, he was proud of his royal parentage and the
history of his family.
27. The disease was hereditary, which meant that there was a high likelihood of it
being passed down through generations.
28. She was given the task of organizing the charity event and ensuring that
everything went smoothly.
29. It was an unenviable task, but someone had to do it, and she was the only one
30. The language used in the film was objectionable and caused a lot of controversy
and backlash from audiences.
31. After losing his job, he began to slump into a state of struggle and despair,
unsure of what to do next.
32. The con artist managed to pass himself off as a wealthy businessman and
swindle his unsuspecting victims.
33. I refuse to be a party to any scheme or activity that goes against my moral
34. Her enthusiasm and positive attitude were contagious, and it was clear that they
rubbed off on everyone around her.
35. With so much at stake, it was imperative that we made the right decision and
took the necessary precautions.
36. He was rooted to the spot, unable to move or speak, as he witnessed the
shocking scene unfold before him.
37. Due to the unexpected expenses, he had to dip into his savings and run into
financial trouble.
38. Despite the chaos around her, she remained calm and collected as she went
about her job with precision and diligence.
39. The turnout for the charity event was impressive, with hundreds of people
showing up to show their support.
40. They have no memory of ever meeting each other before, despite working in
the same building for years.
41. He felt ill at ease during the job interview, constantly shifting in his chair and
avoiding eye contact.
42. She couldn't help but pour scorn on the ridiculous idea presented by her
43. Despite the chaos around her, she did not turn a hair and remained calm and

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