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Zachary McGuire Sociology 1.

Social networking sites are yet another avenue to build social capital by connecting with people previously unavailable and unknown to you, these seemingly weak connections can create very lucrative social and career oriented contacts. 2. A family of immigrants as compared to a single individual has more members and thus more opportunities to socially network with their new community. Also with a family one has a secure home base and a dedicated source of motivation to succeed in their adoptive society. 3. The strength of weak ties in relation to finding a job lie in the weak ties open connections that you have yet to meet. With strong ties and long personal connections one most likely has met the majority of that connections contacts and has thus exhausted most known routes to advancement. Nepotism fits into this discussion because clearly when it comes between credentials and recommendations that the latter plays a much larger role. 4. According to Aschs work the individual will most likely vote with the majority in the idea that the majority is usually right or to conform to their perceived peers. I do not personally believe that poll results should be released because of the above example, I also believe that a person who doesnt know their political candidates well enough to choose one of their own volition should probably not vote in the first place. 5. The concept of narrative attaches strength to names through people personally connecting to a place, organization, person, or business by personal experience with said concept. These personal experiences may ultimately lie outside and apart from the actual concept because of their role in the experience they too become part of the narrative and memory. 6. In the graphs showing who became Nazis, it is clear that ones chances of becoming a Nazi was tied intimately with the amount of Nazis or friends of Nazis that one was already socially connected to. In other words within German society there was a conservative in group and a liberal out group, the former of which would become the primary social structure of the Nazis. 7. The organizational structure of my school directly affects the organizational culture of it. I do not approach professors and talk to them about off topic subjects; I do not ask fellow students typically for academic advice in reference to specific classes. 8. This example illustrates institutional isomorphism by showing that while previously it was seen that internet availability was unnecessary with both business not having it that once the third competitor came in and offered it that it was suddenly deemed a necessary part of their business.

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