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Ameloblastoma :
1- Epithelium basal cells with reversed polarity
2- Stellate reticulum
3- Fibrous tissue
4- Ameloblast like cells
5- Acanthomatous

Giant cell lesions :

1- Multiloculated Giant cells
2- Haemosiderin
3- Vascular stroma
4- Fibrous tissue
5- Osteoid

Lichen planus :
1- Hyperkeratosis → white lesion biopsy
2- Atrophy → red erosive biopsy
3- Saw tooth rette ridges
4- Band like lymphocytic infiltrate
5- Liquefactive degeneration of the basal cells

Radicular cyst :
1- Stratified squamous epithelium
2- Chronic inflammatory infiltrate
3- Rushton bodies
4- Cholesterol clefts
5- Fibrous tissue
Pleomorphic adenoma :
1- Pleomorphic epithelial cells
2- Myxoid tissue
3- Fibrous tissue
4- Hyaline stroma
5- Epithelial pearls
6- Duct -like structures

Sjogren’s syndrome :
1- Inflammatory infiltrate
2- Destruction of the ductal system
3- Giant cells
4- Atrophy

Dysplasia :
1- High nuclear ratio
2- Hyperchromatism
3- High mitotic activity
4- Reversed polarity
5- Unorganized epithelium
6- Cellular pleomorphism
7- Abnormal cellular size and shape

Squamous cell carcinoma :

1- Same features as dysplasia but is extended
beyond the basement membrane
2- Cellular disorientation
3- Invade adjacent tissues
Fibroma :
1- Normal squamous epithelial lining
2- Possible hyperkeratosis
3- Abundant fibrous stroma
4- Collagen fibres
5- Small blood vessels
6- If traumatised → inflammatory cells may be

Odontogenic Keratocyst :
1- Stratified epithelium
2- Ribbon like appearance
3- Parakeratosis
4- Separation of the epithelium from the
basement membrane
5- Lack of rete ridges

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