??? ???????'? ???? - A Manifesting Guide by Solar Subs

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Hello! This guide is to help you gain knowledge in the law of assumption and how to manifest
with it. You can manifest ANYTHING, be anything, have anything, do, look like anything, you are
limitless! I made this because I get SO MANY comments from people asking me for help, so this will
give you clarity on the law of assumption and how to apply it, how to change your beliefs, and much
more. I highly recommend reading all of this from start to finish because the information I give you will
help you internalize and apply the techniques you do and make manifesting much easier for you. You
have to actually internalize what I’m telling you, don’t just skim this and apply nothing then
complain you don’t get results. I didn’t write this for aesthetics, I wrote it to be helpful.

Limiting beliefs

First of all, let’s get limiting beliefs out of the way. These are whatever “rules” you were told that
aren’t true and end up making you worried or scared if you’re going to get subliminal results.

1) “Results take 21 days to 6 months to show up” oh my god NO. You can reprogram your
subconscious in literally less than a day. Whatever time you think results will show up in, they
will. You think it takes one listen to get results? Then it will. Everything in reality is based on
your assumptions.
2) “Physical results are slower” absolutely NOT! They can be just as instant as any other type of sub
3) “You can’t listen to more than 10 subs.” This is wrong. You can listen to any number of subs you
want, as long as you think like you have your desires, nothing can stop that from being true. Not
even the amount of subs in your playlist. Listen to just one sub or one hundred subs. The results
will be the same.
4) “Subliminals with more affirmations take longer to show results.” Completely false, I’ll tell you
why. Your subconscious mind is powerful. It controls every bit of your reality whether you realize
it or not, whether it’s positive or negative. The subconscious has so much going on in it, it will
NOT be weakened by many affirmations.
5) “You need to drink water or else you won’t get results” Your subconscious can be reprogrammed
even if you're thirsty. Still stay hydrated though.
6) “You need to always be in a high vibration/ happy mood to manifest” No. Your subconscious has
been programmed since you were very little and you weren’t always happy or in a high vibration.
It’s not necessary.
7) “You have to detach to get results” This advice is often misinterpreted. If you often think about
your desires, you do not need to detach from them to get what you want. You only need to detach
from the emotional reliability. What I mean is, no you don’t need to obsess over getting results,
you don’t need results to be happy. You already have your results. If you thought once “I have
results” it has already gone into your subconscious mind, and the way to ingrain it into your
subconscious is to think “I have results” more. So only detach from obsession and emotional
To get rid of limiting beliefs, just do what you thought you couldn’t. You can listen to subliminals
literally however you want and get instant results. You want to have an unorganized playlist? You go
ahead and do that! The order of your subliminal playlist cannot slow down your results, stop
worrying about it and just listen to whatever you want however you want. You are so powerful, and
if you think you can always get whatever you want, no force in this universe can stop that. The only thing
that hinders manifestation is your own contradicting thoughts.

You are limitless. You are an infinite being. Do not ever settle for less because you think getting it
impossible, that’s putting limits. Your reality is a direct reflection of your inner consciousness. If you’re
limiting yourself internally, your outer reality is always going to be limited. Aim for your wildest desires,
you have them already. Nothing external can stop you. Whether you manifest a ballpoint pen or a million
dollars, the process will be the exact same, just with different intentions. You do not need to try harder for
bigger things. You don’t need to try at all, just think like your desires are yours and that’s all the effort

Your mind is so powerful

Limiting beliefs cannot affect you if you stop paying attention to them. Nothing can stop you
from manifesting except yourself. What I always like to say is YOUR MIND IS MORE POWERFUL
THAN ANY SUBLIMINAL. Seriously, quote me on this because I will stick with this line forever.

Your mind is so damn powerful. It controls and creates everything. If you can imagine a change
you want in your life, your subconscious mind can literally create a CARBON COPY of that change into
your reality. So what’s stopping most people from always successfully manifesting? THEIR MIND.

Let’s look into WHY someone might not be getting subliminal results. Probably because they
only listen to the subliminal but make zero effort to change their limiting mindset. They think “No way in
hell i’m gonna get full results, but i’m gonna keep listening and hope some results show up”. The
subliminal tells you: you have results. But your mind is telling you you don’t. So what’s more powerful
here? YOUR MIND.

How does the subconscious mind react to this? Well, what you dwell upon most manifests, (i’ll
go into this more later on in the document) so since you constantly dwell that you won’t get results, you
manifest NOT getting results because your subconscious mind soaks up the information that there’s no
results. There are no external limits. The ONLY possible limit is your mind, and anything can be changed
with your mind. You are an infinite being.

Subliminal affirmations can only work if you allow them to. This is one of the reasons why I tell
you your mind is more powerful than any subliminal. You will know a subliminal is working when you
mentally accept that it does. There is no magical book of truths telling you you can’t get full instant
results. There is nothing external that’s stopping your manifestation. It’s only a quick mindset change
needed and you can change literally anything! Do not make the mistake of mentally blocking out
subliminal results that you do want.
Reality is extremely malleable and changeable. It is never set in stone what your reality is, it can
change to anything, at any time, at any speed. Life changing results can happen in your reality at super
unexpected times.

The law of assumption CANNOT fail you. The same way the law of gravity always makes an
object fall if you drop it, if you make a change in your inner world, your outer world MUST change
according to that. As long as you keep persisting in an assumption, there is no way that the assumption
won’t occur in the 3D (outer reality). Your outer world is a direct reflection of your subconscious mind.
The thoughts you have consistently directly impact your subconscious mind.

The story of how Neville manifested going to Barbados

I wanted to begin by sharing a story that Neville told in one of his books, how his mentor,
Abdullah taught him how to manifest a trip to Barbados:

Neville wanted to go home to Barbados, but he didn’t have enough money to do so.

“Live as though you are there,” Abdullah told him, “and that you shall be.”
He then said to me, "As you walk through this door now you are not walking on 72nd Street, you are
walking on palm lined streets, coconut lined streets; this is Barbados. Do not ask me how you are going to
go. You are in Barbados. You do not say 'how' when you 'are there'. You are there. Now you walk as
though you were there."

Basically, Abdullah told Neville to mentally live as if he was in Barbados, Neville was physically
in NYC but in his mind he kept living and thinking he was already in Barbados. Neville was getting
impatient as he lived in the end for weeks, but still didn’t see results. Whenever he spoke to Abdullah
about it, he’d give Neville the same advice again and again.

“On the 3rd of December I stood before Abdullah and told him again I was no nearer my trip. He
repeated his statement, "You are in Barbados."

On the 4th of December, Neville finally manifested going to Barbados and cash to help him get
there. He did this by only acknowledging that he was in Barbados, and not paying attention to him being
in NYC.
He operated mentally as someone who already has his desire fulfilled. This is called living in the

I hope this story gave you a good example of how to live in the end. This is super important, and
the significance will be explained as we go along. Anytime you feel discouraged, refer back to Neville’s
story of manifesting a trip to Barbados.
Assumptions manifest
You manifest by changing your thoughts and mindset to create an assumption. Whatever you
keep assuming manifests because your subconscious will find it to be true and create it in your reality.
The mind controls everything. Essentially, you’re reprogramming your subconscious to get what you
want. You don’t need to lift a finger to manifest, you just need to change your thoughts. You also don’t
need to script, visualize, do the 3,6,9, or whatever the clickbaiting people tell you.

Watch this video for further explanation, I think it explains the law of assumption well for beginners.

Example: I lose weight by constantly thinking “I am so skinny” and assume that every time I see
my body, it is skinny. This assumption will harden into fact and my subconscious only knows that I am

Note that manifesting weight loss does not require exercising or dieting. These are optional. You
don’t have to lift a finger to manifest. Some people assume that dieting and exercising will boost their
weight loss, so it does. You can assume that you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight, and that
will become a fact. I think whether you take “physical action” or not is your choice. But the most
important thing is to change how you think, because whatever assumption you persist in manifests. It’s
that easy.

Note: Thinking “I am so skinny” while listening to a weight loss subliminal and then going on
with your day by calling yourself/ telling others that you’re fat, you’re just manifesting being fat.
Whatever story you tell will manifest.

Whatever you pay the most attention to, and whatever thoughts you dwell upon more, your
subconscious will soak up more. Your dominant thoughts (whatever you think about the most) manifest
faster, because they impress your subconscious the most.

Anytime you have a thought, or tell a story, analyze it. Ask yourself, “am I affirming something
that I want?” If the answer is NO, then stop, change whatever you're thinking/saying around, make it into
something you do want! Eventually, if you do this enough, you’ll get to a point where you stop thinking
about things you don’t want. It just takes practicing watching your thoughts.

Everything you say, think, and imagine impresses your subconscious mind, that might seem scary
but don’t worry if you get negative or intrusive thoughts. With an open mindset, you can pick and choose
what to manifest specifically. This is why I say you can block out unwanted affirmations in subliminals,
by only paying attention to the affirmations you want, you can get only those results and not any
unwanted results.
The Mental Diet Game
Mental diets
The picture I attached above is a simple flowchart to demonstrate how to do a mental diet. They
are the thoughts you have that show how you perceive your reality. Think of a mental diet as “the food
you feed your mind” Emmet Fox said: “It is the food which you furnish to your mind that determines the
whole character of your life.” Mental diets are just your habitual, everyday, constant thoughts.

Look back at the flowchart. It asks you “Is this a useful thought?” A useful thought is a thought
(affirmation) that confirms or implies that you already have what you want. An unuseful thought is an
affirmation that contradicts the fact that you have what you want. Thoughts are also affirmations. You
think/say/tell something, you are affirming it as TRUE to your subconscious. Do you repeat something
consistently and repeatedly? Your subconscious creates that.

Some people think that doing mental diets is just turning contradicting thoughts into useful ones.
That is only one part of having a mental diet. Think of a change you want to make in your life. And every
time the thing you want to change crosses your mind, you should perceive it as if it’s exactly how you
desire. This is also part of your mental diet.

Example: I want to look like Ariana Grande, so anytime I think of my face, I think “It looks so
much like Ariana’s!”Remember, a useful thought will confirm or imply that you have what you want, so
this is a useful thought, keep thinking it! Or before you look in the mirror, you’re going to think “I am just
gonna see a carbon copy of Ariana’s face, I look so much like her”

Mental diets require some effort. You have to be aware of what thoughts you’re having. If the
thought is unuseful, you must learn to not pay attention to it, ignore it, or not let it make you spiral. If you
can’t help but get an unwanted thought, my tip is to keep a list of positive affirmations that you can
immediately repeat to make you forget the contradicting thought- turn a negative thought into a positive
one! “I will never have my desires” to “I have always had my desires”

NOTE: You could listen to subliminals consistently for years but if you have a shitty mental
diet, and you're constantly reaffirming that you don’t have results- then that is an assumption that
will manifest, and you WON’T get subliminal results. This is not a limiting belief, this is just how
the law of assumption works!

How ‘strict’ your mental diet is will be up to you. The stricter you are, the more you are aware of
your thoughts and the quicker you eliminate the unuseful thoughts. A super strict mental diet will consist
of NEVER having any contradicting thoughts and only focusing and paying attention to what the person
is manifesting. Hyper Awareness of your thoughts is always better, however some people prefer to not be
so hard on themselves. If you can’t help but to pay attention to negative thoughts, that’s perfectly okay,
just keep persisting in your desires.

I think that if you can handle having a few contradicting thoughts here and there without it
ruining your day, then go ahead and be lenient with your mental diet. Or if you can’t handle always
controlling your thoughts, you’re allowed to not be strict with yourself. It’s okay. Get back on track when
you feel better, and always remember that your dominant thoughts manifest. What you dwell upon
and pay attention to most becomes reality. Once you accept something is true mentally, your 3D
reality has no choice but to accept it as well. Reality conforms to YOU. not the other way around.

Living in the end/wish fulfilled

“All transformation begins with an intense, burning desire to be transformed. You must want to
be different and intend to be before you can begin to change yourself. Then you MUST MAKE YOUR
FUTURE DREAM A PRESENT FACT. You do this by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled.”-
Neville Goddard

Living in the end (also called wish fulfilled) is considered one of the most effective ways of
manifesting. And it ties in with your mental diet. A good mental diet while living in the end will literally
give you anything you want in life, nothing else is needed, not even subliminals!

Living in the end simply means living life as if you already have all of your desires fulfilled, there
is no lack, need, or desperation because what you want is currently in your possession. So you want to
manifest something? Ask yourself: “what thoughts would I be having if I had everything I wanted?”
Write those down, if you need to. Now you are going to go through your everyday life by thinking
these thoughts, and not paying attention to thoughts that imply need, lack, or desperation.

The key to living in the end: you are not “trying to manifest” “waiting to manifest” “wishing to
manifest” or “hoping to manifest”. No. you already manifested your desires, you are at the end of your
journey already. There is no future where you’re going to have results. There is no desire to try to
manifest, you already have it. You are already at the point of having full results. Not in the future, but
right at this present moment, you already have everything you want. And you are mentally operating
as the person who has their every desire fulfilled.

Basically, acknowledge more than try. There is no need to try. Acknowledge that you already
have results rather than try to get them.

You no longer have to stress if you did a technique correctly, or if you listened to a subliminal
enough- your manifestation is completed, there’s no need to stress. Every time you do a technique or
listen to a subliminal, you are reminding yourself that you already have what you want. This is also why
you don’t need to loop a subliminal for hours and listen as much as you can. You’re assuming that a few
listens of a subliminal didn’t give you results, so you’re not really living in the end. If you feel like you’re
forcing yourself to listen to a subliminal, stop immediately and affirm that you already have everything
that you want.

So as I said before, live in the end, and be on a mental diet at the same time. Go about your day
mentally thinking like you already have everything you want PLUS stop the thoughts that contradict/
imply that you’re not at the end.
Focus on the end
Now that you know what living in the end means, here are some pointers to further help you do it
easier. First, if you are using any words that imply a future, replace it with a word that implies you’re in
the present. I especially direct this to the people who comment on subliminals things like “I’m
gonna listen to this subliminal for 3 months and i’ll update when I get results” or “I hope this gives
me fast results”. If you want to truly live in the end, STOP COMMENTING THINGS LIKE THIS!

You’re NOT expecting results when you live in the end, you already have results!

My next point is that you should consistently focus on the end, not just say affirmations once and
then go around and tell others the same story about how you never got results. When you’re telling the
story about how you never got results before, you’re just putting the most of your attention on the lack of
results. And the lack continues to manifest.

There’s a solution to fixing it if you accidentally keep reaffirming that you don’t have results.
First off, saturate your mind with only your desires. Anytime you get the chance or free time, repeat
affirmations to yourself, tell yourself you already have what you want. You’re not required to believe your
affirmations, just repeat them. But you are not doing this because you are trying to get results, because
remember you already have them. You are repeating affirmations to yourself as a way to saturate your
subconscious mind and harden your desires into a fact ingrained into your subconscious.

Another way to focus on your end and only your end goal is to set your intention in the morning
and before going to bed. These are the times when your conscious mind isn’t fully present, so you’re less
likely to get doubts during this time. Remember that your subconscious is ALWAYS open and soaking up
information, even when you’re wide awake. Right after you wake up and right before you go to sleep, just
repeat affirmations such as “I am already at the end of my manifestation” “I have everything I want” “I
have the perfect life”.

Focusing on the end also means you do not focus on the middle. Do not visualize or affirm that
you have “half of your manifestation” because you are going to be stuck with just half of it.
Example: I want to manifest one hundred dollars. But I affirm that someone gives me 50. Here,
my subconscious mind is only programmed to get half of what I wanted because I affirmed the middle
and not the end.

This example may seem a little silly, but you might be doing it in other ways not so obvious.
Like, weight loss. Always reaffirm that you are at your ultimate desired weight, not at a mini weight loss
goal. Forget small steps, forget the middle, go big when it comes to manifesting. Only set your mind to
see the end. Anytime you affirm or visualize, ask yourself, “is this 100% of what I want?”

If you’re struggling to get complete subliminal results and you only get partial results, it’s
probably because you set your mind for you to only get partial results, due to the limiting beliefs you’ve
had. Every subliminal will forever give you full results, as long as you live like it does and acknowledge
that it does. Do not acknowledge the lack of results, or only partial results. You already have full results,
unless you tell yourself you don’t. The stories you tell about your journey end up becoming assumptions.
And according to the law of assumption, they harden into fact. Do not settle for partial manifestations
either, always affirm that you have everything you want fully.

The purpose of repeating any affirmation, doing any technique, listening to a subliminal, doing a
mental diet will always be to remind yourself of your desires, not because you’re TRYING to manifest.
TRYING always implies a lack. There is no lack in your reality. Everything you want is there. You see
what’s in your reality based on what mindset you have. If you search hard enough for something, you
always end up finding it, your mind is set to.

How and why you should affirm

It appears that many of you are confused on how to affirm. It is so easy you’ll actually be mad at
how effortless it is to do! If you can’t visualize, don’t. Just rely on affirming. You can repeat affirmations
in your head whenever you have the time, even if it’s just waiting in line for a couple of minutes. With
visualizing however, it’s more work because you have to close your eyes, but do whichever one you
prefer, or both. Remember that no matter what you do, your goal is not to get your wishes in the future,
your goal is to remind your subconscious your wishes have been fulfilled already.

You just have to think of affirmations that imply you FULLY- not partially have your desires. If
you’re confused on what to affirm, go look at the subliminals in your playlist. what do they have benefits
for? clear skin maybe? so you’re going to repeat in your head “ I have clear skin” as often as you can.

Anytime you listen to a subliminal, think of what the benefits are, and then affirm that you
already have those benefits. This is so important to do if you’ve never gotten results before, don’t
just listen, affirm that you have the results too. Because subliminals are going to change a part of you
and then your mindset is going to be “ok now I have this” because your desire becomes fulfilled. If you
start thinking your desire is fulfilled while listening to the sub, you’re TREMENDOUSLY speeding up
the process in which your assumption hardens into fact.

And you can affirm with ANY desire. Your mind is so powerful you can change your life literally
just by thinking and doing nothing else.

Your affirmations can also be questions. For example, “Why do I have such clear skin?”. If you
repeat this affirmation in your head, then your subconscious is going to immediately try and create
evidence to answer why your skin is so clear. If you search for something hard enough, you most
definitely will find it.

If you feel overwhelmed because you want to manifest more than one thing at a time- then use
umbrella beliefs! They are more general and work just as powerfully. Examples are “I have the perfect
life” “I have a perfect body” “I have the perfect face” “Isn’t it wonderful” “Thank you” “It is finished” “I
love life”
You can use any affirmation you like, there’s no wrong way to do it. As long as you feel good and
fulfilled saying it, and you persist in it, you are doing it right. Just keep doing it and don’t stop, even if
you don’t see results, or don’t believe in your affirmations, keep affirming. Because once you affirm
something so much, you will feel it be real, you will believe it, and it will be visible in your outer

Use your imagination

One important thing to remember about the law of assumption is that you’re not attracting
anything into your life, you’re recreating it to be yours, you are the operant power, meaning your reality is
solely based on you and you have infinite power over it. You're the operant power, you’re an infinite
being. God, essentially. You are the creator and when manifesting a change in your life, you’re recreating
a part of your life. Remember, reality is extremely malleable, and can be recreated at any time, it will take
however much time you perceive it will.

Neville Goddard said “Your imagination is God. Your imagination is your creative power
through which you can bring anything forth into the physical”

All the power of god is in you already, it is already in your imagination. There is no external or
outside force giving you manifestation results. You don’t need to change the external world to see
manifestation results. The universe doesn’t give you results. Subliminals don’t give you results. Scripting
doesn't give you results. You could rely on the universe, subliminals, or scripting, but at the end of the
day, you are the operant power, and if anything were to stop your manifestation from happening, it can
only be you. Realize that all reality changes happen by your subconscious beliefs, these beliefs you
have reaffirmed over and over in your life, you searched for evidence of these unwanted beliefs, and
found them! Reality is all in your hands, you can mold it to whatever the hell you want, including
anything you can think or imagine. you have infinite power to create a wanted reality. All you have to do
is replace those beliefs that you have been fed over your lifetime.

Realize that any scenario or situation you imagine, because your imagination is god, has already
been created. That scenario already exists. It does on a subconscious level, it already impressed your
subconscious mind and it has already happened. The creation of it finished. It exists in a mental state in
which you will have to choose to be in. If you can think of something, you can create it, and your
subconscious will reflect that creation from your imagination onto the 3D. Once you understand this
spiritual awakening, you will stop having doubts and your mental diet will be super effortless to do.

This might be confusing if you’re hearing this for the first time, so here’s an example. You realize
you are the operant power, creator, and you are an infinite being. Now you want to create a reality in
which you have a million dollars. You remember the fact that creation is finished, so your one million
dollars already exists. Because you know it exists, you are not doubting that it’s yours, you already know
you own one million dollars, even if you don’t see it, you don’t need to, you are certain that because you
imagined it, it’s been created and claimed by you. You are in the state of certainty that you have your
desired amount of money, and so is your subconscious. This directly projects into your 3D world and in
the outer reality, you do have your money now because your subconscious has been reprogrammed for it,
and you have never prevented yourself from getting it, you knew from the start it was yours to claim.

It is like planting a seed in your subconscious. The seed being a thought, imaginal scene, or
affirmations you do. To make it grow into a healthy tree, you need to consistently take care of the seed,
give it water, and sunlight. This will be your mental diet, the mental conversations, your habitual thought
patterns after you planted the “seed” in your subconscious. You know that as long as you keep watering
your plant and providing it with sunlight, you can be certain that the tree is growing. You also know that if
you give your plant toxic chemicals (a limiting mental diet), it could prevent the plant from flourishing.
The seed will always be there, but how you take care of it will determine how it grows. You can also
prevent “unwanted seeds” from growing, just by affirming that they won’t.

I highly recommend reading this article:

And here’s an excerpt from it that I think perfectly explains it:
“To sum it up, creation is finished simply means that anything you can imagine already is. This is
why circumstances do not matter. Your ideal already exists and the only reason you are not expressing it
right now is because you aren’t assuming that you are it. Take this as an invitation to take the leap of faith
and assume that you are the person that you want to be. There is a version of you that already has what
you desire. Fuse with that version of yourself. Creation is finished means that your desire is a glimpse into
a potential future. Accept it as fulfilled and start viewing the world from it.”

Checking for results/ evidence

There seems to be a lot of confusion around checking for results. Like should you look in the
mirror or avoid it? How often should you check for results? Should you ignore the 3D? Should you
disassociate from your physical reality? I’ll start off by saying that subconscious beliefs create reality. So
if you are embedded in your subconscious that looking at mirrors will slow down results, then it will. But
that is a limiting belief and mirrors don't slow down results.

If you have read this far, you’ve learned already how much I’ve stressed that creation is finished.
So whatever desire you have, it doesn’t need to be a desire, it is reality already. Perceive it as reality and it
naturally shows up in your physical reality without you needing to lift a finger.

Ok let’s get into the looking at mirrors thing. So that is a limiting belief that looking in the mirror
or other reflections will slow down results. It won’t unless you convince yourself it will. You don’t need
to avoid mirrors for a certain amount of time, stop worrying about unnecessary things like that and focus
on your mental diet! Of course, don’t look in the mirror expecting results, because that implies a future.
Instead, live in the present. You already have your results already no matter what you see in the mirror.
What the mirror shows you is an illusion projected by your inner subconscious beliefs. The true reality is
the thoughts you’re thinking right now in the present, which are stored as subconscious beliefs. That’s
why I emphasize perfecting your mental diet as much as possible!

Next: How often should you check for results? This might sound radical and you might hate me
for this but. Don’t check for results ever…. Dun dun dun….

Not that it will stop you from manifesting if you check for results, but you have results already, so
why waste time making sure they’re there or not? Remember, you are mentally the person who has all of
their wishes fulfilled. Creation is finished. When you listen to subliminals, you are reaffirming the
creation which brings it into 3D as a way to reflect your inner subconscious beliefs. You are not just
listening and gradually getting results as time goes by, do not view it as that way.

Don’t go chasing for results, it implies that they’re not there already, and you might just end up
feeling doubtful and obsessed. Let the 3D changes come to you, once you have renewed your mind to
assume that your 3D has your wishes fulfilled, they are required to come, it is the law. Sammy Ingram
gave the example that if you drop a marker from the top of the building, it must fall because of the law of
gravity. Same thing here, if you persist in the assumption that your outer 3D world looks exactly how you
wish, then it must exist in the way you desire it to, because it is the law of assumption. Make sure to focus
more on the thoughts you’re having rather than what the outer reality looks like. I give this advice
especially to people who struggle with intrusive thoughts and doubts. Just focus on the inner you, not the
outer reality.

The next point of confusion is: should you ignore 3D/ disassociate from your physical reality to
focus on changing your subconscious beliefs? In the last chapter, I told you that you are the god, the
creator, and operant power of your reality, all meaning that all things in it can be modified and controlled
by you. So if there is something in your 3D that appears as something unwanted by you, you can just say,
“no, it doesn’t look like that, it is what I tell it to be”. This is how you use your infinite power, by telling
the 3D no, and letting your inner reality, your subconscious, make the changes you want to see.

Many hear the advice: “Ignore the 3D and persist in your desired assumption!” Some find it
difficult to ignore and disassociate from their 3D because it is their life and they have to live it. You don’t
have to ignore it to manifest, you just have to change how you react to it. How you react to your 3D will
show you just how far you have come to getting a stronger mindset. So as I said before, keep saying no if
you see something you dislike. It’s your reality, you’re the boss, you tell that reality how to be! Instead of
it telling you how to be. Don’t let your reality control how you feel… What I mean is, don’t observe that
you can’t see your results in 3D and immediately complain to others that you tried manifesting and it just
wasn’t effective for you. Reality is extremely malleable and whatever unwanted result you see, it’s not
permanent! Keep persisting in your assumption! Take control!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcx-79jgSe8 watch this video for further explanation on the topic of

ignoring the physical world

If you see something unwanted in your reality, First, I want you to view it as something powerless
and helpless, because you have all the power in the universe to recreate that thing to match your desire.
Second, KEEP PERSISTING IN YOUR ASSUMPTION! Don’t give up your persistence, EVER, don’t
ever let a 3D circumstance affect your mental diet, keep thinking as if you have full results no matter
what. Don’t let your 3D make you a victim. Always keep in mind you’re the one in power.

How long should results take?

Again, you don’t need to worry about this question because your results are already there. But I
also want you to view time a different way while manifesting. Stop viewing manifesting from a linear
time perspective. Your full results exist RIGHT NOW. In this present moment. Do not worry about when
they’ll show up in the future. Change your focus. Focus more on your mental diet and persisting, and less
on how long it takes. Get rid of this “Listen to subliminals now then get results in the future” mindset. I
advise you to always think you have your results now and instantly.

Trusting your inner reality

The law of assumption has to work, I repeat, it cannot fail you if you keep persisting in an
assumption. So if you have been doing that, you have nothing to worry about, you know for sure you have
your desires fulfilled, you don’t need to check for results to see that. You don’t need evidence of your
manifestation because you are so sure that your inner reality has manifested your desires for you. Of
course you can live life and look at how things are going in your reality, but don’t do it from a “I NEED
evidence manifesting is working” point of view.

Furthermore, you are literally the universe, infinitely powerful, the creator. What you say goes.
You are in control of your 3D. Someone with a mind as powerful as yours wouldn’t need 3D evidence to
validate their assumptions. Even if you see evidence that disproves your desire, you do not accept it as the
end, and you do not get upset over the illusion that there’s a lack of results. You continue persisting and
telling the story that no, you do have your desired results.

Project by persisting
Here is a quote by Neville Goddard to start off this section: “I simply persisted in my assumption
and watched it harden into fact. That persistent act taught me that this world was a dream.” – Neville

Neville emphasized on the act of persisting in assumptions to manifest them. Persisting is so

important for so many reasons. All you have to do is to say affirmations that confirm your desired
assumption is true. As long as you persist, your reality will only be what you persist in. And as long as
you persist, your reality can’t tell you no because you’re in control of it. You’re going to continuously
state that your assumption is true with certainty- whether you have evidence of it in 3D or not, it doesn’t
matter, your imagination is much more infinite and real than 3D reality. Human imagination is god.

Continuously persisting will make the thought of your assumption the dominant thought, which
directly impresses your subconscious mind. This is your reminder right here to not just think of your
desire once a day and go on with your life. Repeat your affirmations, saturate your mind and imagination
with them, dwell upon them for as much as you want until they become dominant thoughts, until they
play on autopilot mode, then you will feel your desire much more real, you will easily and vividly
visualize it, you will feel it in your reality. If you have trouble believing your affirmations, don’t worry
about it because you don’t need to believe in them, you just need to repeat and persist in them.

Also I will talk more about why persisting is so important later in the chapter, persisting makes a huge
difference in your journey I swear.

Some of you were wondering, if assumptions become reality, then why doesn't everything we
worry about become reality since we assumed something bad would happen? It’s because those
assumptions weren’t persisted in. Maybe you let them stick in your head for a while but after you saw
evidence something bad wasn’t happening, you stopped assuming it would, so you didn’t persist in it until
it became a fact.

When consciously manifesting, you persist that you already have your wish fulfilled even
when you may not see any evidence of it at all. And this will project that assumption into the outer

Can’t visualize? Read this

People are often told that to manifest something, they need to visualize having something over
and over again, until it becomes true. (This is a limiting belief btw) Visualizing is an effective technique,
but people tend to overcomplicate it and create limiting beliefs around it, so let me make visualizing easy
for you. Remember that all assumptions you persist in manifest, and you can manifest effortlessly without
needing to visualize even once or forcing yourself to visualize.

The visualizing code

1) You are the operant power of your reality, if you persist in the assumption that you need to
visualize to get results, then that will manifest and you will actually need to. If you persist in the
assumption that you need to visualize before sleeping to manifest, then that will be true. However
these things are not necessarily required for results. You can visualize at any time you want to,
maybe you like to visualize while listening to subs, you can, it’s not required but what I mean is it
doesn't matter WHEN or HOW LONG you visualize.

2) If you can’t make yourself imagine a scene where you have results- that’s ok, relax and don’t
force yourself. If it’s difficult for you, it’s totally fine. You don’t need to do the hard work because
when you repeat or listen to affirmations, your subconscious is already making a picture of it, it’s
a natural process. Your subconscious is not dumb, it understands what you want from your
affirmations. Every word in an affirmation contributes to your subconscious painting a picture,
even if you can’t consciously notice that. (I learned this from Pluto’s Gate) You can manifest
without forcing yourself to visualize, you don’t need to. Visualizing doesn’t manifest, it’s just a
technique to help you. So if it isn’t helpful to you, why bother? At the end of the day, your mental
diet will help you manifest the most, not visualizing.

3) Furthermore if you can’t visualize consciously, you can find pictures of what you want and as you
look at them, affirm that you have exactly what you want in those pictures and persist in that
assumption. Remember that as you do this, you should also have a good mental diet, because only
looking at pictures but not putting effort into reprogramming your subconscious won’t grant you

4) Always affirm that visualizing is easy. A lot of you guys just assume visualizing is hard just
because you’ve seen so much confusion around it. Just change your thoughts around it. Think:
It’s easy, it’s the simplest thing you can do and anytime you close your eyes, you see a clear, vivid
scene where you have everything you want, you’re not even thinking of anything unwanted.

5) For those of you who can visualize, your intention when you do it is NOT TO GET RESULTS.
You already have results. When you are visualizing, it’s like you are remembering a scene that
has already happened to you. Try to immerse yourself with this scene as much as possible, the
subconscious mind can’t tell between real and imaginal, so imagine a scene where it feels actually

Visualizing Q&A
I asked my subscribers for questions they have about visualizing and I will be answering them here.

Question :“How do I visualize”

Answer: If you’re wondering this, first off, I want you to change your question into an affirmation.
Instead of saying “How do I visualize”, tell yourself that you can always visualize and it’s really easy for
you to do so. All you need to do to visualize, if you can, is to close your eyes and imagine from first
person POV that you’re at the end of your manifestation journey. Meditation is optional, it is not a
requirement. Remember that anything is possible, and all possibilities exist already, so choose a scenario
that implies that you already have ALL of your desires. And replay this scene over and over until it feels

You have to tell yourself that you already manifested this desire, and you’re not trying to get it, you’re
just replaying a memory you had.

Question: “What do I do if I can’t picture having what I want?”

Answer: there are three solutions to this.

Number one: You don’t have to picture having what you want. You could simply just close your eyes and
feel relief or satisfaction because you know your desires have already been created and manifested. Do
not force yourself to feel anything though, this should not feel like a chore.
Number two: Instead of picturing you have your desires, imagine someone you frequently talk to
complimenting you for whatever you have. This should feel natural, and since the person is
complimenting you, it should imply that you already have what you want.

Number three: Instead of picturing it, imagine writing a comment or email telling someone about how you
manifested your desire already, and how it was so easy for you and how you feel extremely powerful now
because you feel as if you have utmost control over your reality.

These tips were inspired by this youtube video by unseen seraph:


Question: “are having negative thoughts at night and imagining negative scenarios which make you have
tears at night count as visualizing”
Answer: If you persist in the assumption that your negative thoughts become true, then they will. If you
assume that only wanted scenarios come true, then they will. When visualizing, assume that only your
wanted thoughts and imaginal scenes manifest. And if an unwanted scenario comes up, it doesn't affect
you at all.

Question: “What do I do if doubts come up while i’m visualizing?”

Answer: So the best way to prevent this is to first decide exactly what you are going to visualize before
doing this, and by doing this, you’ll have a clear and organized plan. Another way to prevent this is just to
affirm that you always visualize exactly what you want with no problem, and you are always free of
doubts. Next, if doubts still come up, you’re going to just set them aside. Just think, “my creation is
already finished, so there’s no way I wouldn’t be able to have this”.

Question: “how to visualize better or more vivid // feel that it’s real”
Answer: To feel that it’s real, understand first that it already is. Your wish already exists, and visualizing it
is how you're going into the state of having it in 3D. Second, visualize that you are in a place that you are
extremely familiar with. Maybe it’s your bedroom or living room, or in front of your mirror and you are in
this familiar place having full results. Use as many senses as possible, not just sight, but maybe also touch
and hearing. At first, it might not feel vivid and that’s okay. All you need to do is keep repeating it in your
mind so many times until it feels like an actual memory that happened to you. And it will. Your
subconscious will perceive it as that. Don’t doubt your subconscious! Use it’s power to your advantage.
As you keep replaying a scene, you will start to add more vivid imagery in it so do not stress about it.

Question: “Should we visualize in first person or third person?”

Answer: First person is better. It allows you to feel yourself in action rather than just see it. Third person
dissociates you from the event that you are wishing to create. When visualizing in first person, you are
seeing exactly what you would see if your imaginal scene was real right now. And your subconscious
can’t differentiate between reality and imaginary. So your subconscious will create exactly what you see
when you visualize in the first person point of view. If you really cannot visualize in first person then it’s
fine, as long as you persist in the assumption that you have your desires already, you will manifest them
so don’t worry. Another thing you could do is visualize that you’re in front of the mirror seeing yourself
as the version of you with full results already.
“Manifesting is hard” (Pep talk)
Manifesting, on paper, is easy. It can be summed up in only three words. Reprogramming the
subconscious. And it can be a super effortless process, but many find it difficult. Why is that? They have a
lot of resistance to their manifestation. Resistance is when it feels unnatural for you to have what you
want. Like you can’t even imagine yourself with your desire because it feels too impossible, and you
doubt your ability to manifest. I’m here to tell you that anything is possible, bigger changes won’t take
longer. Bigger changes don’t take an incredible amount of mindfulness, hours of meditation, extensive
gratitude for the universe, NO! Your subconscious will effortlessly bring anything you desire into the
outer reality, small or big, it is only you going “no, my true desire is too life changing, my subconscious
can’t do it”.

When you’re starting out, you might feel a lot of resistance, especially since you went through
your whole life believing things like you have no control over your life, and this stuck with you in your
subconscious as a core belief. At first you think that reality is extremely difficult to change, so it becomes
difficult for you to change. But manifesting is easy. Only thing is, it’s meant to feel difficult at first. You
are meant to put in the work, to catch your thoughts, to change your mental conversations. After you
manifest something, you will NEVER think of it in the same way again because you needed to change
your thoughts in the first place.

Please do not make the mistake of giving up manifesting because you feel too comfortable in the
mindset you have already. Your subconscious is never stuck, it will only recreate the story you keep
retelling over and over. When you’re complaining about how subs never work for you, you are just
retelling and manifesting that story and that’s why you didn’t get results.

Get out of your comfort zone and start thinking the thoughts that imply you have what you want
already. This is the only thing required for manifesting, everything else, visualizing, scripting, maybe
you’ve tried them and they didn’t work, leaving you discouraged. But a mental diet will never fail you, it
must always work in your favor, it’s literally the law.

The reason why you haven’t been manifesting your desires in the past is because you had a
mental diet where you kept affirming you have no control over your reality. Now you know that you do
have control, but if you still do not want to take control and let it control you instead, you’re not always
going to get your desires. Only you can guarantee yourself results, no subliminal or visualization
technique can give you results if your mental diet all day is shitty.

Stop comparing yourself to others for real. This is just a small tip to help you stop: don’t listen to
other people’s success stories. Because then you’re going to think “this person got results so quickly why
can’t I”. As easy as it seems, that person who got overnight results also had it difficult at first. And
everyone else who discovers the law of assumption also finds it extremely difficult at first. Everyone has
started off with resistance and doubts, and everyone who’s gotten tremendous results has had to still
persist in their assumption regardless of resistance. Manifesting is not hard, you’re just so accepting of the
illusion that big changes are impossible, or take incredible hard work.

A lot of you guys keep doing technique after technique, listening to so many different subliminals
with different formulas, maybe even taking outside action. But all of that becomes completely ineffective
because you refused to put in the work to change your mindset. Now, the moment you’re reading this is
the time to change your mindset. Adopt the mindset of the version of you who has full results. If you
don’t know how to do that, think back about what your desires are and then affirm that you have them.
Keep affirming, assuming, persisting that you have your desires. If doubts, resistance, intrusive thoughts,
or disbelief come up, just keep persisting anyway. This action will become a core subliminal belief (even
if you didn’t believe in your affirmations at first), and will run on autopilot, replacing the old beliefs that
told you that you couldn’t do anything to change your reality. You are not going to get full instant
overnight subliminal results if you keep thinking that you won’t! It’s so simple to just make that negative
sentence into a positive sentence and then just repeat it to yourself. This is the secret to manifesting.

If you’re scared that you’re making a mistake while manifesting or doing the process incorrectly,
all you have to do is some self reflection. Remember that the only requirement to manifest is you have a
strong mental diet that lets you persist in your assumptions. So if you are doing that, you’re fine, there is
nothing else for you to worry about, don’t think that some circumstance is gonna stop you from
manifesting or what you want is too big. You are an infinite being, nothing is too big for someone as
insanely powerful as you.

A lot of you guys might not even be applying the advice you keep getting. You probably know
how to manifest but don’t apply the concepts and do the mental diet or the persisting. Don’t fall into this
trap! Don’t just read all of the information I’m giving you, you should actually use it to see what changes
you can make, and I promise you you’ll see a difference just by putting in this work, rather than just
reading advice and going on with your day with the same old mental diet you never attempted to change.

Fighting Resistance (get rid of doubts)

When you have resistance, you are doubting that you can get your manifestation or feeling
frustrated and upset that your manifestation isn’t here yet. But if you apply everything I’ve told you in this
guide, you’d know that you already got your manifestation, it is finished. However, you’re probably not
going to be feeling 100% every single day, especially when you’re starting out.

Your current situation does not mean you cannot manifest it to change. You can manifest a
completely new reality for yourself regardless of where you are physically, as long as you mentally
operate as your wanted reality. Your unwanted situation is only a circumstance, an illusion that makes
manifesting seem harder. An unwanted situation will only continue to be that way if you dwell upon it,
keep giving it hate and attention. As I said before, your mind is insanely powerful that it can recreate
realities with literally only thoughts and nothing else.
One reason why you could be doubting is because you worry about how you’ll get there rather
than just living in the end. Do not stress about how you will get from your unwanted situation to your
desired situation, always live as though you are in your desired situation, and if you were really living in
the end, you wouldn’t worry about how or how long it took. Focus on the end, always the end.

Thinking back to how Neville manifested his trip to Barbados, he was constantly wondering how
just his thoughts could get him there, he was doubting the process over and over by questioning it. His
mentor told him to walk the streets as if he was in Barbados at that exact moment, and if he wanted to
truly feel as if he was, he wouldn’t be wondering how he got there. So don’t spend your time questioning
how you will get from an unwanted situation to a wanted situation. Just focus on your mental diet,
persisting, living in the end.

If you are doubting, and your thoughts are that you can’t manifest at all, because you can’t
believe that thoughts create reality, realize this: your inner beliefs have always been reflected into the
outer reality. You can look back to your past and see how in the past you made an assumption and kept
persisting in it and it became true. I’m going to give one example about confidence that many of you
might relate to. So say you felt unattractive, so your inner conversation was “I feel so ugly, I cannot ever
be confident because of my looks” and you kept persisting with this, even when others reassured you that
you weren’t attractive. Since you kept persisting, you probably never felt self confidence while you had
those mental conversations and your mind was rewired for you to dislike your appearance, so you
unnoticeably manifested the lack of confidence.

Now that you know the law of assumption works, you can change your inner thoughts and
conversations this way, to get a reality you actually want.

“Results aren’t here yet”

To start off this chapter, here is an excerpt from a Neville Goddard Q&A:

“18. Question: Suppose my wants cannot materialize for six months to a year, do I wait to imagine them?

Answer: When the desire is upon you, that is the time to accept your wish in its fullness. Perhaps
there are reasons why the urge is given you at this time. Your three-dimensional being may think it cannot
be now, but your fourth dimensional mind knows it already is, so the desire should be accepted by you as
a physical fact now. Suppose you wanted to build a house. The urge to have it is now, but it is going to
take time for the trees to grow and the carpenter to build the house. Although the urge seems big, do not
wait to adjust to it. Claim possession now and let it objectify itself in its own strange way. Do not say it
will take six months or a year. The minute the desire comes upon you, assume it is already a fact! You and
you alone have given your desire a time interval and time is relative when it comes to this world. Do not
wait for anything to come to pass, accept it now as though it were and see what happens.

When you have a desire, the deeper you, who men call God, is speaking. He urges you, through
the language of desire, to accept that which is not that which is to be! Desire is simply his communion
with you, telling you that your desire is yours, now! Your acceptance of this fact is proved by your
complete adjustment to it as though it were true.”

So Neville said that even if you don’t see results in your 3D, you still have them. So I don’t ever
want to hear any of yall say “results aren’t here yet” because they are, don’t complain to others about
how results didn’t appear because you’re just going to manifest that. You just can’t see them. You know
how you can? Change your mental diet to match your desires!! If you’re going from subliminal to
subliminal, playlist to playlist, never seeing any results, never having them work, IT'S NOT THE

Please don’t check for results, see theyre not visible in 3D, panic, then immediately try to fix it in
3D as well by forcing yourself to do something without you changing your mindset. For example, you
want clear skin, see you have acne, panic, then immediately wash your face. Or you see you don’t have
your desired face so you immediately loop a desired face sub for hours. These actions will be ineffective
if your inner conversation is “I don’t have results, I need to immediately get them or else I can’t be
happy” Relax, you are the operant power, you give yourself results, not the subliminal. Your mind is more
powerful than subliminals. Do not judge or make conclusions that doubt your infinite power based on the
illusion that is 3D.

Read if you never gotten results before

Ok now if you’re a person who’s never gotten results before, you need to understand one thing.
You are the operant power of your reality. So you, yourself unnoticeably manifested a reality where you
don’t get results. It wasn’t any fault of a subliminal playlist or a technique that you just couldn’t make
work. Whether it was through limiting beliefs or a bad mental diet, or you were too comfortable never
getting any results, only your mind caused it, not your subliminal playlist. But lucky for you, you are still
the infinite creator and you can recreate your reality to get full results now. Every change is made by you.
This was a huge breakthrough for me, and this is what inspired my newer subliminal formulas. Instead of
relying on outside things like subliminals and techniques, let’s focus on how our inner thoughts shape us

All you need to do is change your habitual thoughts and let them dominate (it’s a funny word ik)
your mind. Constantly fill your mind with affirmations like “I have absolutely everything I want” “I have
infinite power to get my desires” “Reality goes as I say” “Reality is extremely malleable in my hands”...
of course you don’t only need to think those exact affirmations you can come up with anything that makes
you feel good. You’re going to do this and also live in the end, always think that you have your results,
and you’re not hoping to get them. Because in the past, you kept hoping to get results and it didn’t work.
So stop hoping for something you have already.
You can’t just listen to subliminals on loop hoping for a change, but never attempting to
change your mindset.

I gave this tip in the guide earlier, just to reiterate because it’s helpful. If you find yourself
struggling to keep away contradicting thoughts during your mental diet, simply just keep a list of
affirmations you can immediately tell yourself. Like “This might not be worki- NO I am so powerful I
always get what I want”

You should also do self reflection. What was your mental diet before when you weren’t getting
any results? Were you constantly talking down on yourself? Were you complaining to others about how
you never get results? Were you trying to change a part of you while still affirming it’s impossible to
change? Were you giving up on your mental diet too quickly? Identify these thoughts that you didn’t
notice you had. Make all these negative thoughts into positive ones. Now that you know what thoughts
were causing you to feel powerless, you can easily identify them now if they come up and instantly
change them. Having self awareness is so useful.

Doing everything correctly? Still no results?

Are you the person who’s been doing a mental diet for a while, living in the end, and listening to
subliminals, doing techniques, but still not seeing results? You do not need to change a single thing you’re
doing, do not lift a finger even. Keep doing what you’re doing, even if you don’t see 3D evidence of it
working. Only keep persisting further that your desires are yours, claim it’s your possession like the
infinite being you are.

Since you’re doing everything right, your outer expression (3D) must change, right? Of course.
Maybe it hasn’t and you're worried and wondering why. Your affirmations have made it to your
subconscious, don’t fear, the results are there in the inner you. The only reason they aren’t in the outer
expression is because there’s still a version of you with the old, limiting mental diet, it hasn’t been
completely replaced in 3D yet. But you need to keep thinking and persisting that you have full results no
matter what.

I highly recommend watching this video on how the 3D is an illusion, the information is terrific, I
promise this will help : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqPoEo5568w

Kim velez explains in the video that people start their mental diet, try it and believe in it for
weeks and when they see no results in the outer 3D, they give up. These people do everything right but
give up the second they don’t see 3D evidence. And there is no evidence yet because the new mental diet
hasn’t dominated their subconscious beliefs yet. The old limiting mental diet has been ingrained for long
periods of time before the new one arrived. The only way to fix this is to keep persisting in your new,
wanted assumption, let it dominate (lol) and harden into fact. This does not mean it will take a long time
to see 3D results, it just means you should persist as much as you can. The 3D is already in movement the
second you think of an assumption, even if you can’t notice it. When you persist in an assumption so
much, and it’s become your dominant assumption, your subconscious literally cannot block it from
appearing in 3D and becoming a hardened fact. Please don’t quit too early. When you’re living in the end,
and something unwanted still shows up, you need to understand whatever happened isn’t your end.

This is important: The lack of results you might see in the 3D is only an illusion. When you
persist in a desired assumption, there are already things in the 3D being changed, but it’s not fully visible
to you. You might be changing a physical feature so when you affirm, your cells and atoms are changing,
but you cannot view those changes occurring during that moment. When the beliefs that you have your
desired physical appearance completely dominates and replaces old subconscious beliefs, you will most
definitely see complete, visible changes. If you stop persisting, then that will never happen so never quit,
and never settle for less than what you want.

This is how you use your infinite power as a creator to get anything that you want. You see
something you want to change, so you persist it looks the way you want it to look. The power of your
persistence cannot be stopped by anything, and your 3D isn’t something permanent.

“I have a stubborn mind”... and other false beliefs

I never want to hear you say this. This is just insulting yourself and your subconscious mind. It
isn’t stubborn or stuck or not working, it is always working, always recreating. Keep this phrase out of
your vocabulary for real.

Your subconscious is ALWAYS responding, if you keep giving it the same limiting thoughts, it’s
going to make you conform and comfortable with limiting thoughts. This is why a spiritual awakening
and realizing you’re infinite seems uncomfortable and difficult for some to accept. You don’t need to
spend energy trying to make your mind not stubborn - it isn’t, it’s just been programmed to not make any
drastic changes that you are wishing to get from subliminals because you kept thinking you couldn’t
change your reality.

Another false subliminal belief is that results can be reversed. Reverse results aren’t a thing. You
will always get the exact desires you want by applying what I told you in this guide. Dwelling on the fact
that you might get the opposite of what you want could actually give you reverse results because you
persisted reverse results are real.

The next false belief: “you need to listen to permanent results subliminal otherwise results will
fade”. Results are always permanent. The only way they can fade is if you adopt a mental diet where you
think thoughts like “Any result I get fades away” or “I must listen to a permanent results subliminal”. You
are the operant power of your reality, there is no subliminal police taking away your results when you get
Have a mental illness? Read this
If you struggle with a mental illness, it will not slow down or stop you from manifesting. These
are external circumstances. The only thing that can stop you from manifesting is if you keep thinking
thoughts that contradict your desires. You can always affirm that you always have everything you want
regardless of any mental illness you might have. Furthermore, you can also manifest healing and
overcoming one by affirming that you have mentally recovered and feel extremely happy with your life.

You do not need to be in a high vibration or happy mood every second to manifest. Your
subconscious is hella strong, it does not need you to be happy for it to be reprogrammed, your
subconscious is always being programmed in some way, even after one second passes, there is tons of
new information entering the subconscious. Your outer reality has ALWAYS been a reflection of your
inner conversations for your ENTIRE LIFE, and I’m sure you weren’t always in a high vibration. Do not
believe those big law of attraction gurus who tell you you need to be constantly happy and thanking the
universe so it would be nice once in a while and maybe grant you results. NO! You are the operant power,
you are the universe, you grant yourself results!

The second you decide, yes, I have all my desires fulfilled, and you persist in that assumption
continuously, you are manifesting and you are doing everything correctly, the law of assumption working
perfectly in your favor. You are guaranteed results.

You could even affirm your desires while crying and get results. So say you've been doing your
mental diet perfectly but something unrelated to your manifestation comes up and gives you negative
emotions. You are allowed to be upset, it will not slow down or affect your manifestation in any way,
unless you convince yourself it will.

Your mental illness does not define you. It does not define the quality of your subconscious mind.
Everyone’s subconscious is immensely powerful. You are so much more than what your mental illness
makes you believe.

Clashing isn’t real

I would honestly like to meet whichever random person who came up with the term “clashing”
and have a very respectful conversation about why the fuck they would make a huge limiting belief like
The ENTIRE sub community needs to hear this: do not worry about clashing, it will not slow
down or stop subliminal results. Only if you convince yourself it will stop or slow down results, then it
will. The idea that clashing affects results is a huge misconception. And as a sub maker (and I'm gonna
assume it’s the same for other sub makers) I’m hella tired and annoyed by all the comments that are like
“will this clash with an xyz sub”.

First of all, subliminals with the same topics cannot clash. Next, let me explain why clashing
won’t affect results.
You can have two opposite beliefs in your subconscious, but the one you think about and dwell
upon and affirm MORE manifests. This is because your dominant thoughts impress your subconscious the

Having two opposite beliefs and still manifesting is completely possible. You went your whole
life with the belief you couldn’t change your reality, but when you discovered manifesting, you now have
the new belief that you can change your reality. See how these are opposites? But you keep affirming
more that you have control over your reality and it manifests.

Another example: what if I listen to a thin thighs sub then a beauty combo that includes thick
thighs? It’s all up to your mental diet. If you're constantly thinking that your thighs are thin then that is
what you manifest. Mental diet is KEY.

So PLEASE stop thinking clashing will stop you from manifesting. It won’t do shit just focus on
your mental diet, it will help you tremendously rather than bothering sub makers on whether or not sub A
clashes with sub B.

Manifestation advice to avoid

As we reach the end of this guide, I want to tell you I’m proud of you for having enough faith in
yourself to consciously manifest, adopt a new mindset, your life is about to completely change for the
better. And thank you for supporting and trusting me! Again, I’m super proud. You started off as a baby
manifestor now you can manifest like a master!

Now that you learned a lot about manifesting, you might go out and seek other resources to help
you. There is a lot of misinformation and scammers out there, so let me warn you about the advice to

1) People who start by flexing their money and then try to sell you their course so you can have their
wealth, they start by giving maybe generic law of attraction phrases like “trust in the universe”
and then want to confuse you more and more so you can give them your money more and more.
These ,,, I don’t even know what to call them,, “cOaChEs” don’t care about you. They only want
your money.

2) A lot of information on the Tik Tok app about manifesting is false. You do not need to script, do
the 3,6,9 method at 3 in the morning to manifest. Subliminals are not dangerous, magical things.
You do not need to be in a high vibration to manifest. ALSO IF ANYONE TELLS YOU TO

3) Subliminal users amino. Now I haven’t been on there in such a long time so I don’t know what
advice they give there. But be mindful, since MANY of my subscribers have told me they spread
limiting beliefs. I’m not going to tell you to completely avoid SUA because I don’t think it’s fair
to generalize all of them but look out for any limiting beliefs they tell you and just ignore them,
don’t entertain it, don’t read further, just scroll past it. This also goes for if you see limiting
beliefs being entertained on instagram, youtube, wattpad maybe.

4) Don’t take advice from anyone who says you NEED to do techniques to manifest. All you need is
a mental diet that aligns with your wish being fulfilled. You writing down your affirmation with
55x5 is not REQUIRED for manifesting don’t waste your time or energy with that if you really
don’t want to. Visualizing is also not required. If you want to do techniques go ahead but don’t
expect results if you’re still not changing your mental diet and persisting.

Helpful resources for you

Remember to actually apply whatever you learn from these resources, don’t just read/listen and make no
effort to change your mindset~ and your mind is always more powerful than subliminals.

Free Neville resources:


Subreddit for Neville learners:


Read about mental diets:


My subscribers suggestions:
Sammy Ingram: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCasZhfP_3kMQ2pwNdsvgoxQ
Pluto’s Gate:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9gnTfcFoYzA0B4Drm2Rasw
Joseph Alai:https://www.youtube.com/c/DivineImaginationbyJosephAlai
Awaken the godself with Candace: https://www.youtube.com/c/AwakentheGodselfwithCandaceThoth
Illuminatingjoy: https://www.youtube.com/user/illuminatingjoy
Shelly Bullard: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKSOP2qFvUZxzoahiEw8wOg
Create your future: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNsda372dDdNRPu0vLL-4RQ
Simply Create with Elle: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCR5wdtt-zPU6Gmu3BKZMUw

Read blog posts about law of assumption:


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