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The Basics of Investing

Invest Now: What Are You Waiting For?

Many people wait until they are in their thirties, forties, and fifties to start saving money. It dawns on
them that they’re not getting any younger, and soon enough they’ll need extra cash for retirement so
they can afford a cabin on the lake or a trip around the world. The trouble is, by the time they realize
they ought to be investing, they’ve lost valuable years when stocks could have been working in their
favor. Their money could have been piling up.
Instead, they spend what they have as if there’s no tomorrow. Many of their expenses are
unavoidable. They’ve got children to support, doctor bills, tuition bills, insurance bills, home repair
bills, you name it. If there’s nothing left over, there’s not much they can do about it. But often enough,
there is something left over, and still they don’t invest it. They use it to pay the tab at fancy
restaurants, or to make the down payment on the most expensive car in the showroom.
Before they know it, they’re heading off into the sunset with nothing but a social security check in
their pockets. They have to squeeze themselves into a tight budget at the very time they’re supposed to
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nvbefhevbefhv jfbhrgerib hufggf efhreufreu erhferufgre errhgfuergf kfnheriuf erfbreifh erjfbrufg
rejfbreiuegf jrbfher erjhfgerufg erjfrefgr rehfbgerf

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