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The poem is about the depiction of facts

that people have regarding the skin colour of
other people in their heads. It is an unstated fact
that one's status or class is determined by one's
skin colour. It implies that civilization is based on
people's behavior and mannerism rather than
their skin colour. Color should not be used as a
criterion for any professional or personal
C. An African Negro and a white landlady were conversing on the phone.
D. The landlady's voice was lips ticked and muffled transmission of pressured
good breeding.
H. The red booth, red pillar box, and red double tiered omnibus were the
only objects that were red in colour.
M. In this poetry, it alludes to black or dark hair. It truly refers to black
hair, as well as dark or olive skin.
J. It refers to the poet's concerned voice, which is based on his vivid and
actual observation after a lot of thoughts have passed through his mind.

I.Sensible K.Revelation F.Adaptation

N.Lavish O.Abrasion G.Impersistent
E.Racism B.Emphasise L. Hide and seek

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