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Stress and its management

Life is full of twists and turns. Everyone experiences some level of stress in their lives,
especially when encountered with adverse and demanding circumstances. Manageable
stress can be beneficial because it can help build resilience and motivate a person to
succeed. However, overwhelming stress can also be detrimental to health if it is not
managed in an appropriate manner. It can lead to a variety of health problems, such as
depression and high blood pressure. It is clear that everyone should know ways to cope with
stress in order to maintain personal health, hence we have our topic for today, "Stress and
Its Management".
It’s a great pleasure for me to introduce our speaker for today, Dr. Rathiruba Selvaraju, who
is going to tell us more about stress and ways to deal with it.
Dr. Rathiruba Selvaraju completed her medical degree at University of North Sumatera
Utara. She is currently working as a Medical Officer and Occupational Health Doctor
(NIOSH), in Occupational Safety & Health Unit in Hospital Kuala Lumpur in the last 7 years
and have total working experience for 9 years. She is married has 2 children. Currently, she
is working towards her masters and PHD in public health and aiming to be a public health
specialist in the future.
Now let’s welcome Dr. Rathi to share her insights. Let’s give her a round of applause.

Thanks for Dr. Rathi’s provoking and informative speech on stress and its management. In
short, …
I am sure that all of us found Dr. Rathi's sharing very informative and useful. Please
remember that stress is not something that can be avoided or ignored. Therefore, if you are
feeling overwhelmed, be sure to seek help so that our stress does not build up to a serious
Now, let's move on to the Q&A session. There are 3 questions to be asked, and you are
welcome to try them out. Prizes will be awarded to those who answer correctly.
Congrats to all the winners.
As a token of our appreciation, may I call upon Pn. Kalaivani, the Chief of Social Science Unit
to kindly present a memento to the quest speaker. I would like to invite Dr. Rathi to the
stage again.
Thank you Pn Kalaivani and Dr. Rathi. Before we end our session, let’s have a photo session
with Dr. Rathi.
That’s the end of our program for today. Thanks for your participation in this program.
Students may return to their respective classes.

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