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Activity 3 in your Philosophical Journal

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1. Summarize the news in three paragraphs only.

2. Which of the following statement about the officials in authority in the news that seems credible
to you and explain why?
 You can cite the statement of Dela Rosa, Albayalde, Alunan and other authorities mention in
the news, after citing their statement explain why you believe their statement sounds true.
3. In your answer in no. 2 explain what theory of truth will it fits that makes the statement to be
possible as true for example Albayalde told reporters “There is no indication that this is a terror
attack. It is a simple robbery and … “This statement fits the theory of “Correspondence Theory
of Truth” because …. (explanation)


 Reasons and explanation 15

 Spelling/grammar/ neatness 5
 Use of theories with the arguments 10
 Summary in paragraph 10
 Total 40

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