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Interactive instructional technique in which a computer is used to present instructional
material, Monitor learning select additional instructional material on accordance with
individual learning needs.
Computer assisted learning is also known as computer assisted instruction by playing and
using materials stored on DVDs, mobile phones, and other web based resources, learning
becomes more attractive and dynamic and others the students entertaining avenues to
showcase their listening and learning skills.


"Computer assisted learning or computer aided learning is defined as learning through

computers with subjects wise learning package /materials."
"A teaching process that uses a computer in the presentation of instructional materials, often
in a way that requires the students to interact with it called computer assisted learning."

-Mosby's medical dictionary

Goals of Introducing Computers into Education:

 To keep the education system at the forefront of technological development and

students' skills up to date with those expected in the workforce.
 To increase efficiency and productivity in teaching and learning.
 To enable more self-directed learning with students as active learners assisted by
teachers to constructed their own understanding.
 With the visual power of simulation available in a computer, it can generate images
which can help students to understand "why things are the way they are"
 By using computers in instruction, information can be displayed effectively which
enables students to understand concepts easily.
The computer can never replace a teacher. It merely complements a teacher's role. However,
in some areas of interaction, it may be better than a human teacher. e.g..
o It never gets bored or irritated
o It never makes mistakes on its own
o It permits individual attention
o It permits the learner to decide his own pace of learning
o A well created lesson uses multi-media to enrich and enhance learning.

 Enhance student learning
 Ability to control their own learning
 To review and reinforcement
 Better cooperation and collaboration
 To promote remediation

 Personalizing information
 Animating objects on the screen
 Providing practice activities that incorporate challenges and curiosity
 Providing a fantasy context
 Providing a learner with choice our his/her own learning

Characteristics Of CAL:
Any CAL should:
 Promoting interactive learning
 Promoting educational management
 Providing additional learning opportunities
 Introduce flexibility into the learning environment
 Accommodate different learning strategies
 Encourage open mindedness by allowing a variety of acceptable answers
 Develop and reinforce critical thinking skills
 Allow the learner to formulate and test her own hypothesis
 Consideration of the teaching and learning philosophy expressed in the programme.
TYPES OF CAL {Computer Assisted Learning }
 Drill and practice
 Tutorial
 Simulation activities
 Educational games
 Problem solving
 Controlled learning 
 Discovery


Drill and practice software is generally used the same way that worksheet or flash cards are
used in classroom. It provides repeated exposure to facts or information, often in a question
or any type of format. Drill and practice software allows students to work example items one
at a time. This type of software will typically provide feedback to the student. However, the
type of feedback does vary from program to program. Types include:
Flash card activities: Student chooses and answer and then the program gives feedback.
Branching drills: These are more sophisticated and the next question is determined by
whether the question at hand was answered correctly or not.
Extensive feedback: Students will receive feedback as to why the answer was wrong, though
this is sometimes mistaken for a tutorial as the feedback can be very detailed.
 Drill and practice is good for fundamental mastery.
 It provides repeated exposure to facts or information, often in a question or game-type
format (e.g., used for MCQ bank for practice).
 It also fit nicely into a behavior approach to teaching and learning since it measured
student performance.
TUTORIALS: Tutorials activity includes both the presentation of information and its
extension into different forms of work, including drill and practice, games, and simulation.
 In this mode, a module (lesson) consists of presentation of the content in a structured
way, tasks-prescription to elicit learner's response, and instant feedback and
reinforcement to the learner.
 This mode, if used well, could result in 90% retention of the content (compare with
30% retention after the best lecture).
 Students who are absent or who need remediation can often benefit from using a
computerized tutorial, provided one is available that covers what was missed.
 Combines presentation of material with drill and practice, games or a simulation to
emphasize material and assist in learning.

SIMULATION: Simulation software can provide an approximation of reality that does not
require the expense of real life or its risks.
 A simulation is a representation or a model of a real event, object or phenomenon
where learners can see the results of their actions.
 It provides a real-life scenario with the material to be learned being applied as it
would in the real world.
 Simulation provides safety of leaning environment.
 Students are given the power to manipulate aspects of models or situations. They see
the results of their decisions immediately.
PROBLEM SOLVING: This approach helps children develop specific problem solving
skills and strategies
 Problem solving software allows learners to see the results of their reactions to
various events
 Learners manipulate variables, and feedback is provided based on these
 There is a lot of power to using problem solving applications in the classroom,
provided they match the curriculum.
 It is sometimes otherwise difficult to provide feedback based on individual choices
students without the computer.

 Games use the instructional material to create a contest for the learner.
 The learner can compete against his own personal best, the computer, or other
learners while mastering the material.
 It provides a course of study in an instructional sequence on the pattern or
branching program.
DISCOVERY: Discovery approach provides a large database of information specific to a
course or content area and challenges the learner to analyze, compare, infer and evaluate
based on their explorations of the data.


 Text or multimedia content
 Multiple choice questions
 Immediate Feedback
 Notes on incorrect responses Summarize student performance
 Exercise for practice Work sheet tests


 Distance Learning / Education{Web-Based Education (Internet &WWW)}
 Computer & Video technologies
 Computer-mediated courseware (interactive CD-ROM)
 On-line Classes
 Telemedicine


HOME= Educational CD's, Distant education, WWW educational sites

SCHOOLS/UNIVERSITIES = Videos, educational CD's, distant education, simulation
COMPUTER LABS: Web interactive, software CD's
ORGANIZATIONS/CORPORATION :Web, teleconferencing, annual mandatory’s
HOSPITAL :Patient simulation models, skye CD's, telehealth
TESTING CENTERS: Computer testing modules
SENIOR CENTERS: health CD's, videos, Www, educational sites
LIBRARIES: lending activity CD's, videos, interactive educational program


 To maintain the nursing records of the patients
 To record admissions of the patient
 To record discharge of the patient
 To maintain intake and output chart of the patient
 Storage of patient information for a long period of time
 To evaluate the patient problem
 To facilitate the continuity care of the patient

 Promote interactive learning
 CAL in nursing education can be made clear by consideration of adult education
theory and curriculum design
 It involves any student actively in the learning Enhance clinical judgement skills
 Reduce required instruction time
 Better teaching learning material
 Reduced the work load of teaching
 Build confidence among student
 Multiple dimensional learning
 Builds confidence among students
 Reach the large audience More accurate monitoring of learner progress
 CAL is very useful in remedial education
 Reinforcement of learning in such situation is immediate

 Lack of computers or resources
 Must be internally or self motivated
 Time commitment required to prepare
 Hardware or software problems internet connectivity
 Not very effective in topic which need abstract
 In addition, a dedicated information technology staff is necessary to provide practical
advice and maintenance of the software and hardware.
 Costly affair
 Teacher student bond is lost
 Become addicted
 Required skill
 Required Electricity.
 Health hazards
 The development of high-tech computer-assisted learning programme is labor
intensive requiring appropriate hardware, backup and frequent upgrading
 Learning becomes too mechanical
 Lack of infrastructure
 Over use of multimedia may divert the attention from the content.

Research Points:
E-learning & information communication technology in nursing education: A review
of the literature Didy Button, Ann Harrington, Ingrid Belan

Published On: 2001 January, and December 2012

To examine primary research articles published between January 2001 and December
2012 that focused on the issues for students and educators involved with E-learning in
preregistration nursing programs. The literature was systemically reviewed, critically
appraised and thematically analyzed.

E-learning is arguably the most significant change to occur in nursing education since
the move from hospital training to the tertiary sector. Difference in computer and
information literacy for both students and educators influence the success of
implementation of E-learning into current curriculam.
Data sources:
 Online database including MEDLINE, OVID, the ProQuest Central, and science
Direct were used
The criteria used for selecting studies reviewed were: primary focus on electronic learning
and issues faced by nursing students and/or nurse educators from undergraduate
preregistration nursing programs; all articles had to be primary research studies, published in
English in peer reviewed journals between January 2001 and December 2012.
Analysis of the 28 reviewed studies revealed the following three themes: issues relating to E-
learning for students; use of information technologies; educator issues involving pedagogy,
workload and staff development in E-learning and associated technology.
The review highlighted that commencing preregistration nursing students required ongoing
education and support surrounding nursing informatics. This support would enable students
to progress and be equipped with the life-long learning skills required to provide safe
evidence based care. The review also identified the increased time and skill demands placed
on nurse educators to adapt their current education methodologies and teaching strategies
corporate E-learning.
SUMMARY: In this seminar I have discussed about the introduction, definition, goals,
purposes, features, characteristics, types, ways to apply CAL, settings to use call, uses of
computer, advantages and disadvantages.
CONCLUSION:CAL and teaching means students using computers by which students can
learn easily. Computer assisted learning mainly used for distance learners and children's .It is
also precursor of mobile learning. It is a modern teaching method for learners.

Books :-
 Basvanthappa BT, nursing education, 2nd edition, Jaypee publication, page no.340-355
 Jaspreet Sondhi, Comprehensive textbook of nursing education ,second edition ,page
 Vijay Kumar Gautam communication and educational technology for nurses page no
Websites :-

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