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Essential websites

The Internet has simply become part of us. On our daily basis we use hundreds of websites and
apps which work via the Network. And the beauty of it is that almost everyone ends up finding
what they are looking for. Take me as an example, what would I do without it. The Internet has
become mine main source of information and I could not live without many of its features.

To start with, it may seem old-fashioned, but I like to read the newspaper every morning.
Although I prefer a printed copy, I always end up reading it in my phone. I like to read,
and I probably use their website three to four times a day. And it is easy to understand why:
good journalism combined with a nice presentation. You have got to know what is going on
and I assure you if you want to keep yourself informed you will not find a better place.

Related to the theme of information is probably one of the most used websites all over the
world. Yes, I am talking about Now, some of you may have heard Wikipedia is
full of false information, and although many times the articles are not a 100% accurate, they
are normally safe to trust. I cannot even begin to count the times Wikipedia saved me while
writing last-minute essays, not to say that if you are a curios person, you can find an answer to
almost everything in a matter of seconds. I am still amazed by the beauty of the whole project.

Last but not least, I have to talk about I think YouTube is a wonderful platform
which allows to establish virtual communities based on the preferences of everybody. And
although YouTube’s policies are not always fair to their content creators (there have been
many complaints about the use of their algorithm to shadow ban certain content or to take
down videos because of their restrictive community guidelines), many people have been able
to reach out and find a supporting community around the globe. Just by seeing videos you can
support young artists and help them achieve a certain recognition. One of my favourite
pianists is a youtuber and I am well and truly hooked to her videos.

To sum it up, there are plenty of websites which I find particularly interesting, but without the
ones mentioned above I am sure my life would be quite duller. There is something about
having knowledge literally in the palm of your hand, that makes live more interesting.

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