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Kotak Mahindra Bank

A Summer Internship Project Report

A study on

Submitted to
Institute Code: 832
Oakbrook Business School

Under the guidance of

Prof. Ankita Srivastava
In partial fulfilment of the Requirement of the award of the Degree of
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Affiliated to

Gujarat Technology University


Prepared by:
Jangid Sunil Prabhudayal
MBA (Semester - III)
July 2019

Oakbrook Business School

Kotak Mahindra Bank


Plot No. 225, Opp. Maharaja Hotel Lane, Jamiyatpura Road,
Gandhinagar Highway PO: Jamiyatpura, Gandhinagar-382423
Gujarat-, INDIA

Student’s Declaration

I Undersigned Sunil P. Jangid a student of Oakbrook Business School MBA 3rd semester,
declare that summer internship project titled “A study on people perception toward
investment” at Kotak Mahindra Bank” is a result of my/our own work and my indebtedness
to other work publications, references, if any, have been duly acknowledged. If I found guilty
of copying any other report or published information and showing as my original work, I
understand that I shall be liable and punishable by Institute or University, which may include
‘Fail’ in examination, ‘Repeat study & re-submission of the report’ or any other punishment
that Institute or University may decide.

Enrolment Number Name Sign

188320592043 Sunil P. Jangid

Signature and Date

Oakbrook Business School

Kotak Mahindra Bank


Plot No. 225, Opp. Maharaj Hotel Lane, Jamiyatpura Road, Sarkhej
Gandhinagar Highway PO: Jamiyatpura, Gandhinagar-382423
Gujarat-, INDIA

Date: __/__/____

“This is to certify that this Summer Internship Project Report Titled “A study on people
perception toward investment at Kotak Mahindra Bank” is the bonafide work of Sunil P. Jangid
(Enrolment No.188320592043), who has carried out his / her project under my supervision. I also
certify further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any
other project report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an
earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.
I have also checked the plagiarism extent of this report which is ……… % and it is
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Rating of Project Report [A/B/C/D/E]: ______

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Signature of the Faculty Guide/s

Prof. Ankita Srivastava

Signature of Principal/Director with Stamp of


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Kotak Mahindra Bank

Company certificate

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Kotak Mahindra Bank

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Kotak Mahindra Bank

Oakbrook Business School

Kotak Mahindra Bank


Competition is seen in the economy. Now the present scenario of the business world is quite
different from the past. Ethics, conflicts, new ideologies and energy scarcities are just the few
of characteristics that present quite different from the past.

In order to scope up in the ever changing environment, the knowledge of all aspect of business
world is a need today. M.B.A. Programs and management institution provide a global manager
to this Modern business world. But only knowledge is not for the Business but successful
implementation of the knowledge the key to success.

Industrial knowledge is like a coin, which has two sides. One is theoretical and another is
practical knowledge. Both are very important for report. But in fact practical knowledge is
more important than theoretical.

Hence in order to get familiar with the practical knowledge each student is required to
implement the theoretical aspects of the subject into the practical life work. It was a purposeful
and enriching experience for me. Apart from theoretical aspect, we gained a lot of new things
about practical knowledge. I have made this project to implement the theoretical aspects of the
subject in to a practical work.

Oakbrook Business School

Kotak Mahindra Bank

This project is the outcome of sincere efforts, hard work and constant guidance of not only
me but a number of individuals. First and foremost, I would like to thanks OBS for giving me
the platform to work with such a company. I am thankful to my faculty guide Prof. Ankita
Srivastava and also thanks to our director Dr. Sourbhi Chaturvedi for providing me help
and support throughout the internship period.

I owe a debt of gratitude to my company guide kinjal divate and Branch manager Garima
Rajput, Kotak Mahindra Bank, mamnagar Ahmedabad who not only gave me valuable
inputs about the industry but was a continuous source of inspiration during these two months,
without whom this project was never such a great success.

I would also take the opportunity to thank the entire staff of Kotak Mahindra Bank,
Ahmedabad who helped and shared their knowledge about the industry fort which I am highly

Last but not least I would like to thank all my faculty members, friends and well wishes who
have helped me directly or indirectly in the completion of the project.

Sunil P. Jangid
MBA 2018-20

Oakbrook Business School

Kotak Mahindra Bank

Table of Content

Sr. No. Particulars Page No.

Cover Page & Title Page
Student Declaration
Company Certificate
College Certificate
Turnitin Originality Report & Receipt
Preface I
Acknowledgement II
Executive Summary III
Table of Content Iv
1 Industry Overview
2 Company Overview
3 Literature Review
4 Problem Statement
5 Introduction of the topic
6 Research Objectives
7 Research Methodology
8 Data Analysis
9 Hypothesis and Hypothesis Testing
10 Limitations of Study
11 Findings
12 Recommendation
13 Conclusion
14 Bibliography and Reference
15 Annexure

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Introduction of Banking Industry

The Indian economy is developing as a one of the most grounded economy of the world with
the GDP development of more than 8 % consistently. A most grounded keeping money industry
is imperative in each nation and can have a huge effect in supporting monetary advancement
through productive budgetary administrations. Managing an account segment assume an
indispensable part in development and improvement of Indian economy. After progression the
managing an account industry in India under gone significant changes. The procedure of
progression and globalization has firmly affected the Indian keeping money segment. A steady
and proficient managing an account area is a fundamental precondition to build the financial
level of a nation. Advancement strategy presented in the keeping money part in India prompted
united rivalry, effective portion of assets and presenting imaginative strategies for assembling
of sparing. The capacity of banks to examine its money related position for enhancing its
aggressive position in the commercial center. Most banks in India are at present centering on
extending their administration organize. A developing Indian economy, extending their
different sections. After the proposals of Narshinham Committee report with the passage of
numerous private players. Indian keeping money industry has changed into a client situated
market. It presently comprises of numerous items and client gatherings and different channels
of conveyance. It is verifiable truth that a powerful and effective saving money framework is
essential for the long-run development and improvement of the economy. Along these lines,
there is expected to make a complete report into execution of banks in India. A Banking Sector
performs three essential capacities in economy, the task of the installment framework, the
preparation of reserve funds and the designation of sparing to speculation products.1 banking
industry has been changed after changes process.

There appears to be no consistency among the business analyst about the root of "Bank"
According to a few creators "Bank", itself is gotten from "Bancus" or "Banquet" that is a seat.
The early financiers, the Jews in Lombardy, executed their business on seats in the commercial
center, when, an investor fizzled, his 'Banco' was separated by the general population; it was
called 'Bankrupt'. This historical background is be that as it may, derided by McLeod on the
ground that "The Italian Money changers accordingly were never called Banchier in the
medieval times”. It is for the most part said that "Bank" has been begun in Italy. Amidst twelfth
century there was an extraordinary monetary emergency in Italy because of war. To meet the
war costs, the legislature of that period a constrained bought in advance on natives of the nation

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at the enthusiasm of 5% for each annum. Such credits were known as 'Analyze', 'Minto' and so
forth. The most widely recognized name was "Monte'. In Germany the word 'Monte was named
as 'Bank' or 'Banke'. As indicated by a few scholars, the word 'Bank' has been gotten from the
word bank.

It is additionally said that the word 'bank' has been gotten from the word 'Banco' which implies
a seat. The Jews cash loan specialists in Italy used to execute their business sitting on seats at
various commercial centers. At the point when any of them used to neglect to meet his
commitments, his 'Banco' or branch or seat would be broken by the furious loan bosses. The
word 'Bankrupt' is by all accounts started from broken Banco. Since, the managing an account
framework has been begun from cash driving business; it is properly contended that the word
'Bank' has been started from "Banco'. Whatever be the birthplace of the word 'Bank' as
Professor Ram Chandra Rao says, "It would follow the historical backdrop of managing an
account in Europe from the medieval times".

Today the word bank is utilized as a far reaching term for various establishments carrying on
specific sorts of money related business. Practically speaking, the word 'Bank' implies which
gets cash from one class of individuals and again loans cash to another class of individuals for
premium or benefit.

In reality importance of bank isn't indicates in any control or act. In India, diverse individuals
have distinctive sort of importance for bank. Typical pay worker knows methods for bank that
it is a sparing establishment, for current record holder or businessperson knows bank as a
money related foundations and numerous other. Bank isn't revenue driven making, it makes
sparing action in compensation worker.

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Kotak Mahindra Bank

Meaning of Bank:
A Bank is an organization which acknowledges stores from the overall population and stretches
out advances to the family units, the organizations and the legislature. Banks are those
foundations which work in cash. In this manner, they are cash brokers, with the procedure of
advancement elements of banks are additionally expanding and broadening now, the banks are
not almost the merchants of cash, they likewise make credit. Their exercises are expanding and
enhancing. Henceforth it is exceptionally hard to give an all-around satisfactory meaning of
bank. "Keeping money business" implies the matter of getting cash on current or store account,
paying and gathering checks drawn by or paid in by clients, the making of advances to clients,
and incorporates such different business as the Authority may endorse for the motivations
behind this Act.

Definition of Bank:

Indian Banking Regulation act 1949 area 5 (1) (b) of the keeping money Regulation Act 1949
Banking is characterized as.

"Tolerating with the end goal of the arrival of speculation of stores of cash from open repayable
on request or other astute and pull back capable by checks, draft, arrange or something else".

"Bank implies a seat or table for evolving cash'.

- Greek History

"Bank is a foundation for guardianship of cash got from or on Behalf of its clients. Its basic
obligation is to pay their drafts unit. Its benefits emerge from the utilization of the cash left
utilized them".

- Oxford Dictionary

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Kotak Mahindra Bank

History of Bank:
The first banks were probably the religious temples of the ancient world, and were probably
established sometime during the third millennium B.C. Banks probably predated the
invention of money. Deposits initially consisted of grain and later other goods including
cattle, agricultural implements, and eventually Precious metals such as gold, in the form of
easy to-carry compressed plates. Temples and palaces were the safest places to store gold as
they were constantly attended and well built. As sacred places, temples presented an extra
deterrent to would-be thieves. There are extant records of loans from the 18th century BC in
Babylon that were made by temple priests/monks to merchants. By the time of Hammurabi`s
Code, banking was well enough developed to justify the promulgation of laws governing
banking operations.

Ancient Greece holds further evidence of banking. Greek temples, as well as private and civic
entities, conducted financial transactions such as loans, deposits, currency exchange, and
validation of coinage. There is evidence too of credit, whereby in return for a payment from a
client, a moneylender in one Greek port would write a credit note for the client who could
"cash" the note in another City, saving the client the danger of carting coinage with him on his
journey. Pythons, who operated as a merchant banker throughout Asia Minor at the beginning
of the 5th century B.C., is the first individual banker of whom we have records. Many of the
early bankers in Greek city-states were “metics” or foreign residents.

Around the season of Adam Smith (1776) there was an enormous development in the saving
money industry. Banks assumed a key part in moving from gold and silver based coinage to
paper cash, redeemable against the bank's property. Such developing internationalization and
opportunity in money related administrations has totally changed the aggressive scene, as now
numerous banks have shown an inclination for the "all-inclusive saving money" demonstrate
pervasive in Europe. All-inclusive banks are allowed to take part in all types of monetary
administrations, make interests in customer organizations, and capacity however much as could
reasonably be expected as a "one-stop" provider of both retail and discount money related

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History of Banking in India:

Old India
The source of keeping money in goes back to the Vedic time frame. There are rehashed
references in the Vedic writing to cash loaning which was very regular as a side business.
Afterward, amid the season of the Smritis, which took after the Vedic Period and the Epic age,
keeping money turn into a full-time business and got broadened with financiers performing the
greater part of the elements of the present day. The Vaish people group, who directed saving
money business amid this period. As far back as the second or third century A.D. Manu the
considerable Hindu Jurist, committed a segment of his work to stores and propels and set down
tenets identifying with rates important to be charged. Still later, that is amid the Buddhist time
frame, managing an account business was decentralized and turned into a matter of volition.
Therefore, Brahmins and Kshatriyas, who were prior not allowed to take to managing an
account as their calling with the exception of under especially uncommon conditions, likewise
took to it as their business. Amid this period keeping money turned out to be more particular
and deliberate and bills of trade came in wide utilize. "Shresthis" or financiers persuasive in
the public eye and regularly went about as imperial treasurers.

Types of Banks:

In 1935, 'The State Bank of India Act, was passed, appropriately, 'The Imperial Bank of India'
was nationalized and State Bank of India developed with the goal of expansion of saving money
offices on an extensive scale, particularly country and semi – urban zone and for different of
general society purposes. In 1969, fourteen noteworthy Indian Commercial Banks were
nationalized and in 1980, six

More were included to constitute the general population area banks. Business Banks in India
are ordered in Scheduled Bank and Non Scheduled Banks. Planned Banks are including
nationalized Bank, SBI and its auxiliaries, private segment banks and remote banks. Non
Scheduled Banks are those incorporated into the second Scheduled of the RBI Act, 1934.

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Booked Banks
The second booked of RBI act, make a rundown of banks which are depicted as "Planned Bank"
In the terms of segment 42 (6) of RBI act, 1934, the required sum is just Rs. 5 Lakh. The
Scheduled Banks appreciate a few benefits. It implies that planned banks conveys wellbeing
and eminence esteem contrasted with non-booked banks. It is involved to get renegotiate office
as pertinent.

Nationalized Banks
The nationalized banks incorporate 14 banks nationalized on nineteenth July, 1969 and the 6
more nationalized on fifteenth April, 1980. They are likewise booked banks, after this
nationalization the legislatures attempt to actualize different welfare plans.

Non Scheduled Banks

The business banks excluded in the second timetable of the RBI demonstration are known as
non-booked banks. They are not qualified for offices like renegotiate and rediscounting of bills
and so forth, from RBI. They are occupied with loaning cash reducing and gathering bills and
different organization administrations. They demand higher security for advances.

Old Private Bank

These banks all enlisted under Companies Act, 1956. Essential contrast between Co-agent bank
and Private Banks is its point. Agreeable banks work for its part and private banks are work
for claim benefit.

New Private Banks

These banks lead the market of Indian keeping money business in brief period on account of
its assortment of administrations and way to deal with handle client and furthermore as a result
of long working hours and speed of administrations. This is likewise enrolled under the
Company Act 1956. Amongst old and new private banks there is wide contrast.

Outside Banks
Outside Banks mean multi-nations bank. If there should be an occurrence of Indian remote
banks are such banks which open its branch office in India and their head office are outside of
India. E.g. HSBC Bank, City Bank, Standard Chartered Bank and so on.

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Co-agent Banks
Co-agent Banks another part of the Indian save money with the sanctioning of the Co-agent
Credit Societies were satiated attributable to the expanding interest of Co-agent Credit, another
Act of the 1994, which accommodate the expanding interest of Co-agent Central banks by an
association of essential credit social orders or by an association of essential credit socialites
and people.

Saving money Product Portfolio:

There are numerous items in retail saving money like Fixed Deposit, Savings Account, Current
Account, Recurring Account, NRI Account, Corporate Salary Account, Free Demat Account,
Kid's Account, Senior Citizen Scheme, Check Facilities, Overdraft Facilities, Free Demand
Draft Facilities, Locker Facilities, Cash Credit Facilities, and so on. They are recorded and
clarified as takes after:

Settled Deposits
The store with the bank for a period, which is determined at the season of making the store, is
known as settled store. Such stores are otherwise called FD or term store . FD is repayable on
the expiry of a predefined period. The rate of premium and different terms and conditions on
which the banks acknowledged FD were managed by the RBI, in area 21 and 35Aof the
Banking Regulation Act 1949.Each bank has endorsed their own particular rate of premium
and has additionally allowed higher rates on stores over a predefined sum. RBI has likewise
allowed the banks to define FD conspires uniquely implied for senior resident with higher
enthusiasm than ordinary.

Sparing Accounts
Sparing ledger is intended for the general population who wish to spare a piece of their present
pay to meet their future needs and they can likewise acquire in enthusiasm on their investment
funds. The rate of premium payable on by the banks on stores kept up in investment account is
recommended by RBI.

Presently a-days the settled store is additionally connected with sparing record. At whatever
point there is abundance of adjust in sparing record it will consequently move into settled store

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and if there is deficiency of assets in bank account, by issuing check the cash is exchanged
from settled store to sparing record. Distinctive banks give diverse name to this item.

Current Accounts
A present record is a functioning and running record, which might be worked upon any number
of times amid a working day. There is no limitation on the number and the measure of
withdrawals from a present record. Current record, suit the prerequisites of a major
businesspeople, business entities, establishments, open specialists and open company and so

Repeating Deposit
A variation of the sparing bank a/c is the repeating store or aggregate store a/c presented by
banks as of late. Here, a contributor is required to store a sum picked by him. The rate of
enthusiasm on the repeating store account is higher than when contrasted with the enthusiasm
on the sparing record. Banks open such records for periods going from 1 to 10 years. There
relieving store record can be opened by any number of people, in excess of one individual
mutually or severally, by a watchman for the sake of a minor and even by a minor.

NRI Account
NRI accounts are kept up by banks in rupees and in addition in remote money. Four sorts of
Rupee record can be open in the names of NRI: Apart from this, outside cash account is the
record in remote money. The record can be open typically in US Dollar, Pound Sterling, and
Euro. The records of NRIs are Indian thousand year’s store, Resident remote cash, lodging
money plot for NRI speculation plans.

Corporate Salary account

Corporate Salary account is another item by certain private area banks, outside banks and as of
late by some open part banks moreover. Under this record compensation is kept in the record
of the workers by charging the record of boss. The main thing required is the record number of
the representatives and the sum to be paid them as pay. In specific cases the base adjust required
is zero. Every other office accessible in reserve funds a/c are additionally accessible in
corporate compensation account.

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Child's Account
Kids are welcomed as client by specific banks. Under this, Account is opened for the sake of
children by guardians or gatekeepers. The highlights of child's record are free customized check
book which can be utilized as a blessing check, web managing an account, speculation
administrations and so on.

Senior Citizenship plot

Senior natives can open a record and on that record they can get loan cost fairly more than the
ordinary rate of intrigue. This is because of some social obligations of banks towards matured
people whose profit are for the most part on the loan cost.

Credits and Advances

The fundamental business of the managing an account organization is loaning of assets to the
constituents, for the most part merchants, business and mechanical undertakings. The
significant segment of a bank's assets is utilized by method for credits and advances, which is
the most productive work of its assets. There are three fundamental standards of bank loaning
that have been trailed by the business banks and they are security, liquidity, and benefit. Banks
concede advances for various periods like here and now, medium term, and long haul and
furthermore for various reason.

Individual Loans
This is one of the significant credits gave by the banks to the people. There the borrower can
use for his/her own motivation. This might be identified with his/her business reason. The
measure of advance is relied upon the wage of the borrower and his/her ability to reimburse
the credit.

Lodging Loans
NHB is the completely claim backup of the RBI which control and manage entire industry
according to the direction and data. The reason for credit is principally for procurement,
augmentation, redesign, and arrive improvement.

Instruction Loans
Advances are given for instruction in nation and abroad.

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Vehicle Loans
Advances are given for buy of bike, auto-rickshaw, auto, bicycles and so on. Low loan fees,
expanding pay levels of individuals are the variables for development in this area.
Notwithstanding for second hand auto fund is accessible.

Proficient Loans
Advances are given to specialist, C.A, Architect, Engineer or Management Consultant. Here
the credit reimbursement is ordinarily done as compared month to month.

Purchaser Durable Loans

Under this, advances are given for obtaining of T.V, Cell telephones, A.C, Washing Machines,
Fridge and other items.34

Advances against Shares and Securities

Fund against shares is given by banks for various employments. Presently days back against
shares are given for the most part in demate shares. An edge of half is ordinarily acknowledged
by the rely upon showcase esteem. For these advances the records required are ordinarily DP
notes, letter of proceeding with security, vow frame, intensity of lawyer. This advance can be
utilized for business or individual reason.

Keeping money Services

In this evolving situation, the part of banks is essential for the development and improvement
of clients and economy. Keeping money Sector is putting forth conventional and other
administration as under:

• Regular Saving and current records

• Regular settled stores
• ATM administrations
• Credit cards
• Demate cards
• Student managing an account
• Special NRI Services
• Home credit, Vehicle advance
• Tele and web managing an account

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Kotak Mahindra Bank

• Online exchanging
• Business duplicates A/Cs
• Insurance
• Relief securities and common reserve
• Loans against shares
• Retail keeping money
• Special store conspire
• Senior resident – exceptional store conspire
• Other offices for clients

Web based Banking

The antecedent for the cutting edge home internet managing an account administrations
were the separation keeping money benefits over electronic media from the mid-1980s. The
term online wound up mainstream in the late '80s and alluded to the utilization of a terminal,
console and TV (or screen) to get to the saving money framework utilizing a telephone line.
'Home saving money' can likewise allude to the utilization of a numeric keypad to send
tones down a Phone line with guidelines to the bank. Online administrations began in New
York in 1981 when four of the city's significant banks (Citibank, Chase Manhattan,
Chemical and Manufacturers Hanover) offered home keeping money administrations
utilizing the videotext framework. As a result of the business disappointment of videotex
these managing an account benefits never ended up well known aside from in France where
Phone line with directions to the bank. Online administrations began in New York in 1981
when four of the city's real banks (Citibank, Chase Manhattan Chemical and Manufacturers
Hanover) offered home keeping money administrations utilizing the videotex framework.
Due to the business disappointment of videotext these managing an account benefits never
wound up prominent with the exception of in France where the utilization of videotex
(Minitel) was financed by the telecom supplier and the UK, where the Prestel framework
was utilized.

Web based keeping money (or Internet managing an account) enables clients to lead
monetary exchanges on a protected site worked by their retail or virtual bank, credit
association or building society.

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Playing out a money related exchange, for example, a record to account exchange, paying
a bill, wire exchange and applications apply for a credit, new record, and so forth.
• Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment – EBPP
• Funds exchange between a client's own checking and sparing records, or to another
client's record
• Investment buy or deal
• Loan applications and exchanges, for example, reimbursements of enrolments

Non Transactional
(e.g., online explanations, check joins, co perusing, visit)

• Bank explanations
• Financial Institution Administration
• Support of different clients having fluctuating levels of specialist
• Transaction endorsement process
• Wire exchange

Fate of Indian Banking

The Reserve Bank of India in its ‗road delineate' the saving money industry has
demonstrated that the Indian market will be opened for worldwide banks by in closer future.
It is normal that numerous remote banks would pick up section in the Indian markets to tap
the tremendous potential that exists today. These saves money with the assistance of cutting
edge innovation, sufficient capital for venture, and their client driven approach will have
the capacity to pull in the beneficial clients from the current banks. A savage rivalry
between the current banks and the new contestants is probably going to give stimulus to
business development. To successfully address the aggressive difficulties from such banks,
the Indian saving money industry should adapt and receive the worldwide prescribed
procedures, which make them more grounded and practically identical with the universal

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Kotak Mahindra Bank

The new outside banks entering the Indian market will make progress toward making a solid
client base. These manages an account with their expansive assets accessibility as capital are
probably going to mix the most recent IT based innovative answers for quality money related
administrations. The Indian business banks have encountered the move of inclination of the
new age clients from 'customized keeping money' to 'mechanical managing an account'. This
techno savvy client bunches wants to finish saving money exchanges from their home or
workplaces as opposed to going to the bank office. They have almost no dependability to their
financiers and given a scarcest enhanced innovation to move their keeping money needs from
the current to another bank. Even with the danger of losing beneficial clients to the new
contestants in the keeping money division, the current business; banks should develop
reasonable market systems went for pulling in the current ones.

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Oakbrook Business School

Kotak Mahindra Bank

Introduction about Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.

Set up in 1985, the Kotak Mahindra bunch has been one of India's most rumored monetary
aggregates. In February 2003, Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd, the gathering's leader
organization was given the permit to bear on saving money business by the Reserve Bank
of India (RBI). This endorsement made saving money history since Kotak Mahindra
Finance Ltd. is the primary non-keeping money fund organization in India to change over
itself in to a bank as Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. Today, the bank is one of the quickest
developing bank and among the most respected money related establishments in India.

The bank has more than 323 branches and a client account base of more than 2.7 million.
Spread all finished India, not simply in the metros but rather in Tier II urban communities
and provincial India too, it is reclassifying the span and intensity of managing an account.
By and by it is occupied with business managing an account, stock broking, shared assets,
extra security and venture saving money. It takes into account the budgetary needs of
people and corporate. The bank has a global nearness through its backups with workplaces
in London, New York, Dubai, Mauritius, San Francisco and Singapore that represent
considerable authority in giving administrations to abroad speculators looking to put into
Products and Services
• The bank offers finish money related answers for boundless necessities of all individual
and non-singular clients relying upon the client's need – conveyed through a best in class
innovation stage. Venture items like Mutual Funds, Life Insurance, retailing of gold coins
and bars and so forth are likewise advertised. The bank takes after a blend of both open and
shut design for dissemination of the venture items. This is sponsored by solid, in-house
inquire about on Mutual Funds.
He bank's investment account goes past the customary part of funds, and enables us to set
aside significantly something beyond cash. The straightforward component of bank
account gives a scope of administrations from stores exchange, charge installments, 2-route
clear through our dynamic Money highlight and considerably more. We can put standing
guidelines for speculation alternatives that can be reserved through Internet or through
telephone managing an account administrations. The bank account hence accommodates
alluring returns earned through an exhaustive suite items and administrations that offer
venture choices, all conveyed flawlessly to the client by all around coordinated innovation

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Kotak Mahindra Bank

• Apart from Phone managing an account and Internet saving money, the bank offers
advantageous keeping money office through Mobile saving money, SMS administrations,
Netc@rd, Home saving money and Bill Pay office among others.

• The Depository administrations offered by the Bank enables the clients to hold value
shares, government securities, bonds and different securities in electronic or Demat
• The pay 2 riches offering gives exhaustive managerial answer for Corporate with
highlights, for example, simple and computerized electronic pay transfer process
consequently disposing of the printed material associated with the procedure, a devoted
relationship supervisor to administrations the corporate record, tweaked advancements and
tie – ups and numerous such one of a kind component. The entire extent of venture items
and speculation warning administrations is accessible to the compensation account holders

• For the business network, the bank offer extensive business arrangements that incorporate
the present Account, Trade Services, Cash Management Service and Credit offices. The
bank's discount managing an account items offer business saving money answers for long
haul venture and working capital needs, exhortation on mergers and acquisitions and gear
financing. To address unique issues of the rustic market, the bank has committed business
contributions for farming financing and foundation. Its Agriculture Finance division
conveys tweaked items for capital financing and hardware financing needs of our country

• For monetary liquidity the bank offers credits that meet individual necessities with speedy
endorsement and adaptable installment choices. To finish the individual budgetary
contributions space, the bank currently offers Kotak Credit Card which is a problem free,
straightforward item that likewise happens to be the principal vertical card in the business.
Kotak Mahindra Bank tends to the whole range of money related necessities of Non-
Resident Indians. The bank has tie-up with the abroad Indian Facilitation Centre(OIFC) as
a vital accomplice, which gives them a stage to share their thorough scope of managing an
account and venture items and administrations for Non Resident Indians NRIs) and Persons
of Indian Origin (PIOs). Their Online Account Opening office and Live Chat benefit
connects at the solace of homes and at the accommodation. These contributions are

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Kotak Mahindra Bank

particularly intended to suit the abroad Indian's Personal budgetary needs and give the
worldwide Indians a close to home feel.

• ICAI Award – Excellence in Financial Reporting under Category 1 – saving money
Sector for the year finishing 31st March, 2010

Asia money – Best Local money Management bank 2010

IDG India-Kotak won the CIO 100 'The Agile 100' honor 2010


• Banking Technology Excellence Awards Best Bank Award in IT Framework and

Governance Among Other Banks' - 2009
• Banking Technology Award for IT Governance and esteem Delivery, 2008
• IR Global Rankings – Best Corporate Governance Practices – Ranked among
the best 5 organizations in Asia Pacific, 2009

Finance Asia – Best Private Bank in India, for Wealth Management business, 2009

Kotak Royal Signature Credit Card – was picked 'Result of the Year' in a review
directed by Nielsem in 2009

• IBA Banking Technology Awards

• Best Customer Relationship Achievement – Winner 2008 &2009
• Best general victor, 2007
• Best IT Team of the Year, 4 years in succession from 2006 to 2009
• Best IT Security Policies and Practices, 2007
Euro money – Best Private Banking Services (Overall), 2009


1985 Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd. commences bill discounting business

1987 Enters lease and hire purchase business
1998 Kotak Mahindra Group launches India’s first gilt fund through Kotak Mahindra Asset
Management Company (KMAMC)
1990 Starts auto finance division for financing passenger car

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1991 Establishes investment banking division

2001 Kotak Mahindra Group launches life insurance business, partners Old Mutual plc to from
Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual life insurance Ltd.
2003 Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd. (KMFL), the group’s flagship company, receives banking
license from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). With this, KMFL becomes the first non-banking
finance company in India to be converted into a commercial bank – Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.
2004 Kotak Mahindra Group enters alternate assets business with the launch of a private equity
2005 Kotak Mahindra Group realigns joint venture with Ford Credit; takes 100% ownership
of Kotak Mahindra Prime (formerly known as Kotak Mahindra Primus Limited) and sells its
stake in Ford Credit Kotak Mahindra to Ford Kotak Alternate Assets launches a real estate
fund 2006 Kotak Mahindra Bank buys out Goldman sachs’ equity stake in Kotak Mahindra
Capital Company and Kotak securities Ltd.
2008 Kotak Mahindra Bank opens a representative office in Dubai
2009 Kotak Mahindra Group launches a pension fund under India’s National Pension
2014 Thrust on digital and social with the launch of innovative solution – first-of-its-kind fully
integrated social bank account – ‘Jifi’, and world’s first bank agnostic instant funds transfer
platform using Facebook – ‘KayPay’. Subsequently in Jan 2015, ‘Jifi Saver’ – a savings bank
account with secure and seamless transactions on popular social networks was launched.
Kotak Mahindra Bank acquires 15% equity stake in Multi Commodity Exchange of India
Limited (MCX) Kotak Mahindra asset Management Company Ltd. acquires schemes of Pine
bridge Mutual Fund
2015 Reserve Bank of India (RBI) approves merger of ING Vysya Bank with Kotak
Mahindra Bank effective April 1, 2015
Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Receives IRDAI Approval to Commence Insurance
2016 Kotak Mahindra Bank Acquires 10,00,000 Equity shares of Institutional Investor
Advisory services India Limited
Kotak Mahindra Bank acquires 9,83,82,022 (19.90%) Equity Shares of Airtel M Commerce
Services Limited Company (AMSL)
Kotak Mahindra Bank launches International Banking Unit in Gujarat International Finance
Tec-City (GIFT City), Gandhinagar, Gujarat

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Kotak Mahindra bank Acquires BSS Microfinance Private Limited


The Global Indian Financial services Brand

• Our customers will enjoy the benefits of dealing with a global Indian brand that best
understands their needs and delivers customized pragmatic solutions across multiple
• We will be a world class Indian financial services group. Our technology and best practices
will be bench-marked along international lines while our understanding of customers will
be uniquely India.
• We will be more than a repository of our customers’ savings. We, the group, will be
single window to every financial service in a customer’s universe.

The Most Preferred Employer in Financial Services

• A culture of empowerment and a spirit of enterprise attracts bright minds with an

entrepreneurial streak to join us and stay with us.
• Working with a home grown professionally managed company, which has partnerships
with international leaders, gives our people a perspective that is universal as well as
The Most Trusted Financial Services Company

• We will create an ethos of trust across all our constituents. Adhering to high standards of
compliance and corporate governance will be an integral part of building trust.

Value Creation

• Value creation rather than size alone will be our business driver.

Kotak Mahindra Bank Other Products

Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life Insurance Ltd.

Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life Insurance Ltd is a 74:26 joint venture between Kotak
Mahindra Bank Ltd. its affiliates and Old Mutual plc. A Company that combines its
international strengths and local advantages to offer its customers a wide range of
innovative life insurance products, helping them take important financial decisions at every

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Kotak Mahindra Bank

stage in life and stay financially independent. The company over 3 million lives and is one
of the fastest growing insurance companies in India.

Kotak Securities Ltd.

Kotak Securities is one of the largest broking houses in India with a wide geographical
reach. Kotak Securities operations include stock broking and distribution of various
financial products including private and secondary placement of debt, equity and mutual

Kotak Securities operate in five main areas of business:

• Stock Broking (retail and institutional)

• Depository services
• Portfolio Management Services
• Distribution of Mutual Funds
• Distribution of Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life Insurance Ltd. Products

Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Company Ltd.

Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Company Ltd. is a 100% subsidiary of Kotak Mahindra
Bank Ltd., one of the fastest growing banks in India. Kotak Mahindra General Insurance
Company Ltd. was established to service the growing non-life insurance needs of an emerging
India, emphasizing on customer service, quality & innovation.

The company aims to cater to a wide range of customer segment & geographical offering an
array of non-life insurance products like Motor, Health, etc.

As a practice, the company seeks to provide a differentiated value proposition through

customized products 7 services leveraging state of art technology &digital infrastructure.

Kotak Mahindra Capital Company (KMCC)

Kotak Mahindra Banking (KMCC) is a full-service investment bank in India offering a wide
suite of capital market and advisory solutions to leading domestic and Multinational
Corporation, banks, financial institutions and government companies.

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Kotak Mahindra Bank

Our services encompass Equity 7 Debt Capital Markets, M & A Advisory, Private Equity
Advisory, Restructuring and Recapitalization services, Structured Finance services and
Infrastructure Advisory & Fund Mobilization.

Kotak Mahindra Prime Ltd. (KMPL)

Kotak Mahindra Prime Ltd. is among India’s largest dedicated passenger vehicle finance
companies, KMPL offers loans for the entire range of passenger cars, multi-utility vehicles ans
pre-owned cars. Also on offer are inventory funding and infrastructure funding to car dealers
with strategic arrangements via various car manufactures in India as their preferred financier.

Kotak International Business

Kotak International Business specializes in providing a range of services to overseas customers

seeking to invest in India. For institutions and high net worth individuals outside India, Kotak
International Business offers asset management through a range of offshore funds with specific
advisory and discretionary investment management services.
Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company Ltd. (KMAMC)

Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company offers a complete bouquet of asset management
products and service that are designed to suit the diverse risk return profiles of each and every
type of investor. KMAMC and Kotak Mahindra Bank are the sponsors of Kotak Mahindra
Pension Fund Ltd., which has been appointed as one of six fund managers to manage pension
funds under the New Pension Scheme (NPS).

Kotak Private Equity Group (KPEG)

Kotak Private Equity Group helps nurture emerging business and mid-size enterprises to evolve
into tomorrow’s industry leaders. With a proven track record of helping build companies,
KPEG also offers expertise with a combination of equity capital, strategic support and value
added services. What differentiates KPEG is not merely funding companies, but also having a
close involvement in their growth as board members, advisors, strategists and fund-raisers.

Kotak Realty Fund

Kotak Realty Fund deals with equity investment covering such as hotels, IT parks, residential
townships, shopping centers, industrial real estate, health care, retail, education and property
management. The investment focus here is on development projects and enterprise level
investments, both in real estate intensive businesses.

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(jain, 17 may 2003) Argues that designing portfolio for a client is much more than merely
picking up securities for investment. The portfolio manager needs to understand the psyche of
his client while designing his portfolio. According to Gupta, investors in India regard equity,
debentures and company deposits as being in more or less the same risk category and consider
including all mutual funds, including all equity funds, almost as safe as bank deposits.

(W.goetzmann, june 1993)Studied the ability of investors to select funds and found evidence
to support selection ability among active fund investors.

(rajarajan, 1999)Has examined that, the individual investors occupy a prominent place in the
economic development of a nation. Their savings pattern needs considerable attention. This
article examines the relationship between the various stages in the life cycle of individual
investors and their investment size and their investments in risky assets, on the basis of primary
data collected from 450 individual investors. This study finds the existence of systematic
relationship among them.

(SELVI, September 2015)Investors have a lot of investment avenues to park their savings.
The risk and returns available from each of these investment avenues differ from one avenue
to another. The investors expect more returns with relatively lesser risks. In this regard, the
financial advisors and consultants offer various suggestions to the investors. The available
literature relating to the investors' attitude towards investment avenues is very little and failed
to provide a lot of information. An attempt has been made in this study to find out the main
objective of the investors in Coimbatore District towards making investments and to assess the
investors' attitude towards the investment avenues.

(Dr.M.Mohana Sundari, 2016) The person dealing with the planning must know all the
various investment choices and how these can be chosen for the purpose of attaining the overall
objectives. The details of making the investment along with the various ways in which the
investment has to be maintained and managed. The expectations of the investors, their
perception towards various products/ investment avenues, their current pattern of investment
have to be understood to serve them well and also to offer better products.

(M.geetha, may 2012) This study attempts to find out the significance of demographic factors
of population such as gender, age, education, occupation, income, savings and family size over
several elements of investment decisions like priorities based on characteristics of investments,
period of investment, reach of information source, frequency of investment and analytical
abilities. The study was made by conducting a survey in Nagapattinam district of Tamilnadu,
South India and the statistical inferences were deduced using computer software tools. The
study reveals that the demographic factors have a significant influence over some of the
investment decision elements and insignificant in others elements too. The study also discloses
a general view of investor’s perception over various investment avenues.

(Bhushan, January 2014) Diverse financial products have been introduced these days in
Indian market. Each of these financial products offer a range of benefits and varying options
with respect to interest rates, exposure to risk, time period of the contract, fees etc. Most of
the individuals are not able to take advantage of higher returns offered by these products due
to lack of financial awareness. Thus they must be made aware about risk and return
characteristics of these products by designing an appropriate financial education program so
that people can invest in these financial products. For designing an effective financial education
program, current awareness level as well as investment behavior of individuals towards

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financial products must be known. This paper examines the awareness level and investment
behavior of salaried individuals towards financial products. Results of the study suggest
that respondents are quite aware about traditional and safe financial products whereas
awareness level of new age financial products among the population is low. Also majority of
the respondents park their money in traditional and safe investment avenue.

(sharma, augest 2014)Indian economy is one of the rapidly growing economies of the world
where more than 50% people belong to middle class and lower class, their annual income fall
up to rupees 10 lacs (acc to NCAER’s definition). Middle class population is the key element
for economic development of India. They influence demand and supply of need and comfort
products at a great extent. Their saving and investment pattern gets influenced by their future
needs, have wide scope for researchers due to greater impact on the investment market. In this
paper, researchers want to discuss about investment behavior adopted by middle class as
seeker, included both groups engaged in either service or business, whose income exist between
Rs.2,00,000 to Rs.5,00,000 per annum. The reason behind selecting the particular income
group is to find that how to manage their investment with small income after spend their hug
expenses. The study has conducted to answer few important questions about preferences of the
investment instrument as real estate, bullion, precious stones, money market and capital market

(Ms.k.j.anju, september 2015) Today the financial services sector has become highly
diversified offering the investor with a wide range of investment avenues. With proper
investment strategies and financial planning investor can increase personal wealth which will
contribute to higher economic growth. Economic growth is among the most vital factors
affecting the quality of life that people lead in a country. Three variables that measure the
growth of an economy are Income, Saving and Investment. In this paper miscellaneous
literature existing globally has been reconnoitered to recognize the investor's behavior. Using
interpretative approach viz., objectives, sample, research methodology and results of the study
have been taken for further enquiry. This study constructs a robust conceptual framework for
the researchers by meticulously analyzing the experimental studies on investor behaviour in
different countries. The paper exhibits that there are numerous variables that direct an investor's
decision to invest. Further, we propose an empirical study to determine the relationship
between the income, saving and investment behaviour among the IT professionals of
Bangalore. The results from the proposed study could be of great relevance to the investors for
their wealth management and to the policy makers, the investment agencies, the researchers as
well as managers of the firms to prepare themselves to respond to the varying behaviour of the

(kumari, july 2017)Impact of behavioral finance in investment decisions and strategies – A

fresh approach, has mentioned that emotions and cognitive errors influence investors in the
decision making process. Various causes that lead to behavioral finance are anchoring, over-
confidence, herd behavior, over and under reaction and loss aversion. Behavioral finance offers
many useful insights for investment professionals and thus provides a framework for evaluating
active investment strategies for the investors.

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(kumar, 4 Decembar 2015) The development of any economy depends on healthy savings
and proper allocation of capital for the developmental activities of any country. The reduction
of disposable income or increase in per-capita income will contribute to savings. The avenues
of investment and the investors’ opinion based on their preferences vary from person to person.
Liquidity and safety play a major role in the investment decision; tax exemption and other
factors are also taken into consideration. Apart from the above factors, there are demographic
factors which influence the decision on investment. This article discusses the factors which
affect the investment behavior of individuals.

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Introduction of investment:

Now-a-days a wide range of investment opportunities are available to the investor. These are
primarily bank deposits, corporate deposits, bonds, units of mutual funds, instruments under
National Savings Schemes, pension plans, insurance policies, equity shares etc. All these
instruments compete with each other for the attraction of investors. Each instrument has its
own return, risk, liquidity and safety profile. The profiles of households differ depending upon
the income-saving ratio, age of the household’s head, number of dependents etc. The investors
tend to match their needs with the features of the instrument available for investment. They do
have varying degrees of preferences for savings vehicles.

Every investor tends to keep some cash balance and maintain a certain amount in the form of
bank deposit to meet his/her transaction and precautionary needs. In the case of salaried people,
contributions to Employees Provident Fund become compulsory. Life Insurance is widely
preferred to meet situations arising out of untimely deaths of the bread earner. Besides these
needs, the surplus income (savings) awaits investment in alternative financial assets. Investors
have to take decisions relating to their investment in competing assets/ avenues. An investor
has a wide array of investment avenues.

Different thinkers interpret the word ‘Investment’ in their own ways in different periods.
However, the ideology or concept of investment is same in between them.
Some famous definitions of Investment are;
- “Sacrifice of certain present value for some uncertain future value”
- “Purchase of a financial asset that produce a yield that is proportional to the risk assumed
over some future investment period”

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Types of investment:-
1. Mutual fund
2. Fixed deposit
3. Sovereign gold bond scheme
4. Kotak ASBA facility
5. Currency
6. Commodity
7. Insurance
8. Portfolio management service
9. Real estate
10. National Pension System

1. Mutual fund: A mutual fund is a type of financial vehicle made up of a pool of

money collected from many investors to invest in securities such as stocks, bonds,
money market instruments, and other assets. Mutual funds are operated by
professional money managers, who allocate the fund's assets and attempt to produce
capital gains or income for the fund's investors. A mutual fund's portfolio is structured
and maintained to match the investment objectives stated in its prospectus.

Mutual funds give small or individual investors access to professionally managed

portfolios of equities, bonds and other securities. Each shareholder, therefore,
participates proportionally in the gains or losses of the fund. Mutual funds invest in a
vast number of securities, and performance is usually tracked as the change in the
total market cap of the fund—derived by the aggregating performance of the underlying

Types of mutual fund:

1. Equity Fund: Mutual funds give small or individual investors access to

professionally managed portfolios of equities, bonds and other securities. Each
shareholder, therefore, participates proportionally in the gains or losses of the fund.
Mutual funds invest in a vast number of securities, and performance is usually
tracked as the change in the total market cap of the fund—derived by the
aggregating performance of the underlying investments.

2. Fixed-Income Funds: Another big group is the fixed income category. A fixed
income mutual fund focuses on investments that pay a set rate of return, such as
government bonds, corporate bonds, or other debt instruments. The idea is that the
fund portfolio generates interest income, which then passes on to shareholders.

3. Index Funds: Another group, which has become extremely popular in the last few
years, falls under the moniker "index funds." Their investment strategy is based on
the belief that it is very hard, and often expensive, to try to beat the market
consistently. So, the index fund manager buys stocks that correspond with a major
market index such as the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA).
This strategy requires less research from analysts and advisors, so there are fewer

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expenses to eat up returns before they are passed on to shareholders. These funds
are often designed with cost-sensitive investors in mind.

4. Balanced Funds: Balanced funds invest in both stocks and bonds to reduce the
risk of exposure to one asset class or another. Another name for this type of mutual
fund is "asset allocation fund." An investor may expect to find the allocation of
these funds among asset classes relatively unchanging, though it will differ among
funds. This fund's goal is asset appreciation with lower risk. However, these funds
carry the same risk and can be as subject to fluctuation as other classifications of

2. Fixed deposit: Fixed deposit is investment instruments offered by banks and non-
banking financial companies, where you can deposit money for a higher rate of interest
than savings accounts. You can deposit a lump sum of money in fixed deposit for a
specific period, which varies for every financier.
Once the money is invested with a reliable financier, it starts earning an interest based
on the duration of the deposit. Usually, the defining criteria for FD is that the money
cannot be withdrawn before maturity, but you may withdraw them after paying a

3. Sovereign gold bond scheme: Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme from Kotak
Mahindra Bank are RBI issued securities which are denominated in grams of gold.
Since these are substitutes of physical gold people have to invest in these bonds in cash
and after redemption receive only cash.

4. Kotak ASBA facility: ASBA can be opened with a Self-Certified Syndicate Bank
(SCSB) as per SEBI guidelines. Not all banks are enlisted as SCSB. Kotak Mahindra Bank is
an SCSB. Also, the ASBA IPO Application form can be submitted at the bank branch, which
is designated for the purpose.

5. Currency: The foreign exchange market (forex) is the market where world currencies
are traded 24 hours a day. For some, it's simply a mechanism for changing one currency
into another, such as multinational corporations doing business in various countries.
Here are five ways for a retail investor to participate in this market.

6. Commodity: A commodity is a basic good used in commerce that is interchangeable

with other commodities of the same type. Commodities are most often used as inputs
in the production of other goods or services. The quality of a given commodity may
differ slightly, but it is essentially uniform across producers. When they are traded on
an exchange, commodities must also meet specified minimum standards, also known
as a basis grade.

7. Insurance: Investment Plans are financial products that provide the opportunity to
create wealth for future. Life Insurance products are often used as investment
instruments. These type of saving scheme or investments offer life coverage and returns
but differ in their construct.

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Kotak Mahindra Bank

8. Real estate: Real estate investing involves the purchase, ownership, management,
rental and/or sale of real estate for profit. Improvement of realty property as part of a
real estate investment strategy is generally considered to be a sub-specialty of real estate
investing called real estate development.

9. Portfolio management service: Portfolio Management Services (PMS), service

offered by the Portfolio Manager, is an investment portfolio in stocks, fixed income,
debt, cash, structured products and other individual securities, managed by a
professional money manager that can potentially be tailored to meet specific investment

10. National pension system: The National Pension Scheme allows online
investment. It is handled by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
(PFRDA). The scheme was launched on 1st January, 2004 with a purpose of reforming
pension in India, it is the cheapest market-linked retirement plan available in India.

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Objective of the study

1. A study the investment behavior toward investment in Ahmedabad city.

2. A study perception of different age group toward investment.
3. To know the factors that are influencing investment behavior of the
4. To analyzing the pattern of investment.
5. To know the mode of investment of the various investment.

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Research Methodology

Research Methodology is a way systematically to solve the research problem. It may be

understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. It is necessary for
the researcher to know not only the method or techniques but also methodology.

Research Method

Descriptive Method

Descriptive studies, primarily concerned with finding out “How is, where is and may also
give different preference according to demographic factor such as age, gender, annual
income, occupation.

Source of Data

Primary Data
Primary data has collected directly from customer through structured questionnaires.

Secondary Data
Secondary data has collected from the various magazines, journal, website of KOTAK
MAHINDRA BANK and various website.

Sampling Method
The population includes male and female customers residing in the area of Ahmedabad
with the criteria: Customers with Kotak Mahindra Bank. In this project convenience
sampling method is followed.

Sampling Size
My sample size was 100, who fulfill the basis criteria-Customers with Kotak Mahindra

Sampling Unit
A sample unit is a single individual, who is having Kotak Mahindra Bank accounts.

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Sampling Technique
Convenience sampling method

Data Collection Method

Self-administered personal survey method used to collect necessary data, for this purpose
appropriate questionnaires were designed.

Structure of Questionnaires
The questions formulated were structured and non-disguised. The questions were asked in
order to get all the necessary information to see that the respondents could answer them
with case. This pattern adopted facilitated in analyzing the data

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Data analysis


Gender Respondent Percentage

Male 67 67%

Female 33 33%

Total 100 100%





From the above chart 67% of the respondents are male, 33% of respondents of female. One of
the reasons could be that male are into commercial and business so the more know about the

Age Responded Percentage
20-25 26 26%
25-30 22 22%
30-35 26 26%
Above 35 26 26%
Total 100 100%

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Kotak Mahindra Bank

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