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Name: Puteri Nur Amiera binti Azlan

ID: 2023165673

Group: ED2421B

Title: Theory or practice- Which is the right measure for success?

General purpose: To inform the audience about theory and practice.

Central Idea: My specific purpose is to make sure the audience to understand the importance
of both theory and practices.

I. Attention getter - What if in a learning process it does not have a theory? Or what if
in a learning process there is no practice? Can you imagine the journey of that
learning progress? Assalamualaikum and hi everyone, let me introduce myself first.
My name is Puteri Nur Amiera binti Azlan. I am from ED2421B.
II. Firstly, I hope everyone could pay attention to me while I’m explaining about this
topic. The measure of success between theory and practice depends on the context
and the specific goals you are trying to achieve. Both theory and practice play
important roles in different areas, and a balanced approach often leads to the best
III. Central idea (Thesis) - My specific purpose is to make sure the audience to
understand the importance of both theory and practices.
(Transition: Okay now let’s start with the first point in this topic.)

I. What is the meaning of theory?
A. First thing first, I want to talk about theory. So, did you know what is theory in
learning term? Basically, theory is a supposition or a system of ideas intended to
explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing
to be explained. A learning theory explains the different ways people learn by focusing
on the internal and external influences that affect the learning process. The learning
process can be complex and because of this, there are multiple theories to explain
different approaches to learning. Theory refers to the knowledge, principles, and
concepts that form the foundation of a field or discipline. It provides a framework for
understanding how things work, and it helps generate hypotheses and predictions.
Theoretical understanding is essential for developing new ideas, advancing knowledge,
and making informed decisions.
1. Theory and practice are two sides of the same coin.
2. Theory helps us to understand how things work.
3. It can’t give you a complete picture of a system.
4. Theory is like looking at an incomplete map in the desert: it helps you find your way,
but it’s not enough to get you there.
(Transition: Now that you know something about what is meant by theory and the
importance of theory in learning, let us take a look at practice.

II. What is the meaning of practice?

B. Next, practice is the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed
to theories relating to it. Practice is also important in a learning process besides theory.
One of the key factors in attaining success in any field is the age old concept of “practice
makes perfect.” Although some people might have an innate knack for a particular
subject or skill, the truth is mastery takes time, repetition and pushing oneself out of his
or her comfort zone and there is no shortcut. While author and public speaker Malcolm
Gladwell suggests it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert at a particular
area, Josh Kaufman says it takes 20 hours of practice per month to go from “knowing
nothing to being pretty good.” Practice, on the other hand, involves applying theory in
real-world situations and gaining practical experience. It allows for hands-on learning,
experimentation, and the refinement of skills. Practice helps validate and test theories,
uncovering their limitations and providing insights into how they work in different
contexts. Not only that, practical experience is vital for developing expertise and honing
one's abilities.
1. Practice is essential because it gives us real-world experience.
2. The ability to apply what we’ve learned in theory to actual situations.
3. But, practice without theory is like driving through the desert without a map: you’ll
probably get somewhere eventually, but you’ll have to stumble around for a while before
you find your destination.
C. Ideally, we want both theories and practices when learning about any topic or subject
matter to get both the big picture and the details needed for successful implementation.
In many cases, success lies in finding the right balance between theory and practice.
Without theory, practice may lack a solid foundation and understanding, leading to
inefficient or ineffective approaches. Conversely, without practice, theory may remain
untested and disconnected from real-world application.
I. Summary of the topic
A. In the end, both theory and practice are essential, but you will likely benefit from one
more than the other.
B. That doesn’t mean that you should neglect one in favour of the other; you should be
well-rounded and try all out for yourself to see where your talents lie.
C. It’s actually fun discovering which parts you enjoy learning.
D. The measure of success can vary depending on the field or context. In some academic
or research-oriented disciplines, success may be primarily measured by theoretical
advancements, new discoveries, or innovative ideas. In other fields, such as engineering,
medicine, or entrepreneurship, success may be determined by practical outcomes, such as
the development of functional products, successful treatments, or profitable businesses.
E. Ultimately, the most effective measure of success is often the ability to integrate
theory and practice harmoniously. This can be achieved by using theoretical knowledge
to inform and guide practical endeavours, and using practical experiences to refine and
improve theoretical frameworks. By embracing both theory and practice, individuals and
organizations can achieve comprehensive and well-rounded success.

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