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Final test preparation level 4

Test exercises:

1. Grammar :
1.1. Circle the correct answer

1.2. Complete the sentences with the present perfect and the past simple

1.3. Make questions with what or who

2. Reading: Read the email and write right or wrong

3. Vocabulary:
1.1. Circle the correct answers

4. Listening

5. Writing: write a story or an article

6. Speaking

1. My parents …….at weekends.

A aren’t working B don’t work C doesn’t work

2. My mother ……delicious dinner last Saturday.

A made B makes C make

3. George hates heavy metal music. He ……listens to it.

A always B often C never

4. Helen ……us often before she moved to the country.

A was visiting B used to visit C would visited

5. It’s Friday afternoon now. I …….emails to some friends.

A am writing B write C am write

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