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The gift...

- Teacher's notes

Topics: General English – presents - natural talent – skills

Level: B2 and above

Material needed: Listening “Hard work vs. Talent” and Student’s worksheet.



1. At this stage let students come up with three different situations using the noun phrase “the
gift”. Check if they provide more than one meaning for the term but don’t anticipate anything else.

2. Elicit from students different meanings of the same term and encourage them to compare their

3. Meanings of “gift”: (Source: Cambridge Online Dictionary)

- A present or something that is given. E.g.: A birthday gift.

- Something that is surprisingly easy or cheap. Also, an unmissable opportunity (informal)

- A special ability to do something. E.g.:To have a gift for sth.

- Flair: Natural ability to do sth. To have a flair for sth.

- Innate talent or ability.

4. Students should choose a synonym of “gift” they didn’t come up with in the previous exercises.

5. Some verbs that collocate with "gift" are: exchange - give - make - accept - get - receive - have –
possess. Students can either choose to talk about presents or natural abilities, using the pattern:
verb + adjective + gift. You can elicit other adjectives that collocate with “gift” as well.

6. Answers may vary. The third question will be discussed in the listening activity.

Listening task

7. Suggested answers:

Visayan's point of view: Hard work is more important than talent. Even if you’re naturally good at
something, you need to work hard to master it.

Some of his examples: In order to perform well at any task, you need to work hard. E.g. singing,
dancing, typing on the computer.
Gyri's opinion: Hard work is more important than talent, and you could be very talented, but if you
don't have the work ethic, then it doesn't really matter. E.g.: Getting jobs.

Her experience: She worked really hard to learn to play the guitar and feels proud of herself.

Some exceptions: Gyri mentions talented people in the entertainment business and having a
beautiful voice for singing and Visayan talks about NBA players and how their physical skills put
them in more advantageous positions.

After listening

8. Suggested answers:

 Answers may vary.

 Gyri finds it more difficult to express herself at times.

She says: “Yeah, so ... I don't know what I was going to say.”

Visayan answers “Yeah, well that's a good example of using hard work and something that
you like to do. That's amazing, yeah.”

Gyri says “Oh, I don't know what I was going to say. Sorry“

Visayan replies “Here's an example I have...“ to prevent her from feeling uncomfortable.

 Answers may vary.

 Answers may vary. This last question was asked by Visayan to Gyri in the audio.

Focus on lexis

9. Synonyms:

- To master a skill: to acquire, develop, learn, pick up, sharpen, improve.

- To perform: carry out, do, accomplish

- To stay focused on the task: to persist with the task at hand.

- To be good at: To excel at sth, to be capable of doing sth, to be able to do sth, to have a flair for
sth, to have a genious for doing sth…

10. To go above and beyond: To do more or better than would usually be expected of someone.

11. Gyri wasn’t born with a talent to play the guitar and she uses the second conditional to say so.
The correct form is “If I were born…”
To set/put your mind to sth means to decide to do something and put a lot of effort into doing it.
(Cambridge Online Dictionary)

12. Answers may vary.

- I’m a born + noun because…

- I’ve got a natural talent for + noun or gerund.

- I need to put in a lot of effort to + infinitive

- I wish I could + infinitive

13. Answers may vary.

Follow-up tasks

14. Students can try this fun quiz and share their answers. There are some words they might not
know. Tell them to use an online dictionary if necessary. This can be done as a homework
assignment and then they come to class and share their results.

15. Teachers give specific guidelines for the writing task. E.g. number of words. Students can either
choose a suggested topic or write something they want related to the lesson plan. Encourage them
to use some new vocabulary.

Extra resources:

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By email or via Linkedin. :)

Created by EFL Creative Ideas - Silvina Mascitti

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