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Thales of Miletus

Mathematician, astronomer, and pre-Socratic philosopher Thales of Miletus was

a Greek. He lived at Miletus, which is located in present-day Turkey, between the
sixth and fifth centuries BC.
One of the legendary Seven Wise Men, he is well-known. He is credited with
developing the concept of scientific philosophy.
Apart from what other philosophers have written about him, very little is known
about Thales, but he is still an important person because he was the first pre-
Socratic philosopher. His contributions to mathematics are very well known. He
calculated the height of pyramids and the separation between a ship and the beach
using geometry.
Thales opened the way for the Socratic age and the ancient philosophers to
provide the foundation for the main ideas of Western philosophy.
His most well-known claim was that water is the basic component of everything.
He thought of the world as a flat body floating in a huge ocean.
Although many of his thoughts and convictions seem weird to us now, they
were ground-breaking at the time. It is assumed that he never wed and that he chose
not to get married because he disliked the prospect of worrying about raising a
family. Although he adopted his nephew in his later years since he was missing his
At some time in his life, he is rumored to have been to Egypt, where he studied
geometry. As the earliest Greek mathematician, he is frequently praised.
The Thales theorem, still taught in schools today, is one of Thales' most famous
According to Thales's Theorem, if A, B, and C are distinct points on a circle
whose diameter is represented by the line AC, then ∠A B C is a right angle.
Even if Thales was mistaken on a number of occasions, he is still regarded as a
trustworthy and considerate individual.
Thales developed sound beliefs using the limited information he had. Later pre-
socratics would develop fresh perspectives on the world as a result of him,
eventually inspiring Socrates, a figure who would permanently alter the western

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