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Why do you want to study your chosen major specifically at Georgia Tech?


Having studied the entirety of High School in Venezuela wasn’t always the best. Among blackouts,
marches, and the occasional famine, it isn’t very consistent and is not even close to US standards, but,
through thick and thin, my love for chemistry never died. But even though they tried their best, it just
wasn’t enough, not enough theory and definitely not enough lab. I wanted more.
But there wasn’t any more to give…
I want to study Chemical Engineering at Georgia Tech because it lets me have more, more than I could
ever want.
I look forward to learning about the principles of chemistry in CHEM 1211K, the advanced and exciting
molecular structures I’ll be seeing in CHEM 2313 and the fascinating ChBE 4200/4210 where I’ll finally
be able to finally be able to really show my abilities in a real laboratory & partake in exciting projects,
such as making an enzyme membrane reactor.
To be able to immerse myself in the beautiful and scenic campus, right in the middle of urban Atlanta,
and be able to enter the newly built John Lewis Student Center, where I hope to make friendships that last
a lifetime.
To one day join the American Nuclear Society & Association of Environmental Engineers and Scientists,
institutions that I will no doubt join in order to learn more and actively participate in the world of energy
conservation & nuclear power.
And lastly, to feel as if I was back home, thanks to the Office of Hispanic Initiatives and, more
specifically, The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers. I wish of a future where I can be an
engineer and succeed with the help of those who went through the same struggles as me, and that future is
one only Georgia Tech can give.

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