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Make a Novel Outline: Write the chapters on and a 1 to 3-sentence description of the chapter on the

opposite column of each part.

Part (Plot Points) Chapters

Beginning Prologue – A Barbarian begins his rampage across a small quiet town.

Chapter 1 – The main character, The Knight, learns of the rumors of

Inciting Incident the Barbarian’s exploits and path of destruction across the lands. He
goes on a journey to defeat the Barbarian in search of glory and fame.

Rising Action Chapter 2 – The Knight prepares to go on his quest. He brings with
him his armor, sword, and other essential items like food and water
on his adventure.

Chapter 3 – The Knight arrives in one of the small towns destroyed by

the Barbarian. He asks around for his whereabouts.

Chapter 4 – He heads into the bar, one of the few remaining buildings
not destroyed, and asks around. Here, he comes across the bartender
who tells him what happened, explaining his atrocities committed and
where he could find him.

Chapter 5 – The Knight leaves the town and journeys once again, the
stories he listened to about the Barbarian reminds him of his past with
a childhood friend of his who eventually became the princess of the
land. Both of them grew apart as her father, the King, did not want
him to be involved with her.

Chapter 6 – The Knight arrives near another destroyed town where he

finds out that the King’s army had been decimated following an attack
from the Barbarian. He discovers the King is also in this town as well,
recovering from the attack in a small cottage.

Midpoint Chapter 7 – The King tells the Knight that he had sent his army to
attack the Barbarian after he had kidnapped his daughter. Both the
Knight and the King reconcile as the Knight promises to bring her back
safely. He soon leaves once again on horseback to his destination.
Crisis Chapter 8 – The Knight arrives at the Barbarian’s castle where he
keeps the princess hostage. Both draw their weapons against one
another and begin their battle.

Chapter 9 – The Barbarian overwhelms the Knight with speed and

strength; mocking him for trying to stop him when whole armies have
failed to do so. The Knight notices that the Barbarian is near a cliff and
proceeds to throw his shield at his head which staggers him before he
kicks him off the cliff.
Resolution Chapter 10 – The Knight, tired from his battle, walks into the castle
where the princess lies unconscious but unharmed in the tallest
tower. He walks out of the castle with her in his arms and lays her on
his horse as they journey back home to the kingdom.

Your Novel Outline:

Part (Plot Points) Chapters


Inciting Incident

Rising Action




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