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Chapter 2

How to set financial Budgest helps to
Step1: Identify and write goals Live within monthly income
keep aside money or savings
Step 2: Break up each goals into short term and reach financial goals
long term prepare for financial emergencies

02 05
Calculating net worth Tracking your cash flow

Step 1: List the things pf value that you own Total cash recieve during the period
Step 2: Total up you assets MINUS
Step 3: List things that you owe to others Total cash outflow during the period
Step 4: Total up your liabilities EQUALS
Step 5: Assets minus liabilities cash surplus or cash deposit

03 06
Way increase net worth live within your means
1. Needs and wants
Increase your saving spend money based based money you have
Cutting down your spending 2. Spend Wisely
Reducing your debts When want to busy something ask yourself wether you
Selling some non income assets need and can afford it or not
3. Delay purchase
Take time wether its necessary to spend money on it or

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