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a. Identify objects attracted by magnet.
b. Show objects attracted by magnet.
c. Understand that magnets can attract or repel each other.
II. Subject Matter
a) Lesson: Force From Magnets
b) Resources: Understanding Life Through Science
c) Materials: Book, PPT,

III. Lesson Proper

A. Preliminary Activities
Teachers Activities Pupils Activities
a) Prayer
Ryza you are the one who lead the prayer

b) Greetings
Good Afternoon Class Good Afternoon Teacher

c) Checking of attendace
Is Everybody present today? Yes Teacher

Nice to hear that

d) Review
Before we proceed to the next lesson , lets Its all about Force Teacher
have a short recap of the previous lesson.
What was your topic last meeting?

Verry Good!

B. Enrichment Activities

a) Motivation:
Before we start to our topic we will have an
activity. I will show some objects, we will see if
these objects will attract to our magnet

b) Presentation :
(Showing Magnet and some object)

c) Discussion :
Our lesson for today is all about Force from

Open your book on page 188

Class what is magnet?

Magnet is a Material or an object produces
Magnetic Field which are attracted to a certain
metal or material.

Magnetic Force
A Magnetic force is the
atraction/pull or repulsion/
moving away of subtances made of certain
materials such as IRON,NICKEL,COBALT, STEEL.
Magnetic Field
A Magnetic Field is invisible and it is the area
around a magnet in which there is magnetic

The end of the magnet

is called Poles . One Pole is called the North Pole,
the other is the South Pole
A magnet always has Both North Pole and South

If Poles are Different (one is a south pole and one

is North Pole)
They will pull together or attract each other.

If the same Poles are the Same (They are either

both South poles or both North Poles), They will
push apart or repel each other. The push and pull
of magnet are called Magnetism.

d) Generalization

Class Magnet are attracted to? Metal Teacher

Magnetic field is visible or invisible? Invisible Teacher

What happens when the north poles and south

poles are pull together

Sean? They will attract each other teacher

Verry Good!

How about if the Same poles will pull together?

Lujille? They will push each other teacher.

Verry Good!

f ) Evaluation
Give 5 Objects that attracted to magnet and 5
object that magnet will not attract.

IV. Assessment

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE

if the statement is incorrect

1. All magnets have two Poles, North Pole and

South Pole.
2.If Poles are different (one is a south pole and
one is a north pole),Then they will pull together
attract each other.

3.A magnetic force is the attraction or repulsion

between subtances made of certain materials,
such as iron, nickel, coblat, And steel.

4.Magnets attract all objects.

5.If the Poles are the Same (They are either both
South poles or both North Poles), They will push
apart or repel each other.

V. Assigment

When does a magnet attract objects?

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