Strucrtures of The Anterior Throacic Wall

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I. Osteology
A. Thoracic vertebrae
1. Typical (T2-T8)
a. Sup. costal demifacet
b. Inf. costal demifacet
c. Transverse costal facet

2. Atypical

Vertebra Sup. costal facet Inf. costal facet
costal facet
T1 Full Demi Yes
T9 Demi None Yes
T10 Full None Yes
T11 Full None None
T12 Full None None
Since there is only one costal facet on T9-12, there isn’t a need to use the term
“superior” (i.e., these vertebrae have either a full costal facet or a costal
T12 may also have an accessory and/or mammillary process

B. Sternum
1. Manubrium
2. Body
3. Xiphoid
4. Jugular notch (suprasternal notch)
5. Clavicular notches
6. Costal notches
7. Manubriosternal joint (demarcates the level of the 2nd costal
8. Xiphisternal joint
9. Sternal angle (of Louis)
C. Ribs and costal cartilages

1. True (vertebrosternal) ribs (1-7)

2. False ribs (8-12)
a. Vertebrochondral ribs (8-10)
b. Floating (11-12)
3. Typical (3-9)

a. Head
1) Articular facet(s) of head
2) Interarticular crest (ribs 2-9)
b. Body (shaft)
c. Angle
d. Costal groove
e. Costal cartilage
f. Neck
g. Tubercle
1) Articular part
2) Non-articular part
4. Atypical
a. Rib 1
1) Groove for subclavian artery
2) Groove for subclavian vein
3) Scalene tubercle
4) No angle
b. Rib 2
1) Tuberosity for serratus anterior
c. Ribs 10-12
2) 1 full articular facet on each side, but only #10 has an articular
5. Joints formed by ribs and sternum or thoracic vertebrae
a. Costosternal joint
b. Costochondral joint
c. Costovertebral joint
d. Costotransverse joint
 For typical ribs the superior articular facet of the head articulates with the inferior costal
demifacet of the vertebra one level higher, and the inferior articular facet of the head
articulates with the superior articular demifacet of the corresponding vertebra (e.g., rib
4 articulates with the costal demifacets of both T3 and T4 vertebrae.

 The articular part of the rib’s tubercle (e.g., rib 3) articulates with the transverse process
of the corresponding vertebra (T3).

D. Clavicle
1. Sternal end
2. Acromial end
3. Groove for subclavius

4. Impression for costoclavicular ligament

5. Sternal facet
6. Acromial facet
7. Conoid tubercle
8. Trapezoid line
E. Scapula
1. Acromion
2. Facet for clavicle
3. Coracoid process
II. Non-muscular structures
A. Nerves
1. Intercostal nerves
a. Anterior cutaneous branches
b. Lateral cutaneous branches
1) Anterior branch
2) Posterior branch
2. Intercostobrachial cutaneous n. (this is the special name of the lateral
branch of the 2nd intercostal nerve that emerges from the 2nd intercostal
space (T2).
B. Arteries
1. internal thoracic artery
a. Superior epigastric a.
b. Musculophrenic a.
2. Anterior intercostal arteries
3. Posterior intercostal arteries
C. Other structures
1. External intercostal membrane

III. Muscular structures

A. Serratus anterior
O: upper 9 ribs
I: anterior aspect of medial border of scapula
n: long thoracic nerve (C5, C6, C7)
A: protracts scapula, upward rotation of glenoid fossa
a: lateral thoracic arteries, branches of thoracodorsal artery

B. External intercostal
O: inferior border of the superior rib
I: superior border of the inferior rib

n: Intercostal nn.(T1-T11)
A: elevates the rib below
a: intercostal aa. (anterior and posterior)

C. Internal intercostal
O: superior border of the inferior rib
I: inferior border of the superior rib
n: intercostal nn. (T1-T11)
A: depresses the superior rib
a: intercostal aa. (anterior and posterior)

D. Innermost intercostal
O: superior border of the inferior rib
I: inferior border of the superior rib
n: intercostal nn. (T1-T11)
A: depresses the superior rib
a: intercostal aa. (anterior and posterior)

E. Subcostal muscles
O: internal surface of lower ribs near angles
I: superior borders of ribs 2-3 levels below
n: intercostal nn.
A: depresses the rib above
a: intercostal aa. (anterior and posterior)
F. Transversus thoracis
O: lower 1/3 of the posterior surface of the sternum
I: internal surfaces of costal cartilages 2-6
n: intercostal nn. (T2-T6)
A: depresses the costal cartilages to which they attach
a: anterior intercostal aa.

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