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5(b) Demonstrate the use of jQuery UI ThemeRoller with

1. Change the background color of all paragraph tagsin

HTML page to yellow
2. On click of a button remove the first paragraph inthe
HTML page
3. Select the first Radio button by default when thepage
is loaded
6(a) 4. Apply style with a class to anchor tag
5. Change the background color of all columns of 3rd row in
the table
6. On click of a button, append a new paragraph
element with some text in it.
7. Toggle the style of a paragraph.
8. Demonstrate databindin

Take any sample data as external resource(txt/csv/json)

a. Showing the data as a column chart (simple)
b. Showing the data as a Line chart (single, multiplelines)
6(b) c. Showing the data as a Pie Chart (single and multiple pie)
d. Showing the data as a Bar Chart (Simple and

a. Using Google Charts API Basics draw charts like aBar

b. Using Google Charts API Basics draw charts like aLine
c. Using Google Charts API Basics draw PieChart.
7 d. Using Google Charts API Basics draw Donut Chart.
e. Using Google Charts API Basics draw Candle Chart.
f. Using Google Charts API Basics draw other types ofChart
by taking dropdown list.
g. Using Google API read JSON file and create Google

8. Build interconnected Dashboard using any sampledataset

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