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Ethics ETH2021-4184: Gulzaib Khanum

Date Created 04 Jun 2021

Researcher Gulzaib Khanum
Student ID 100551703
Category Postgraduate Taught Student
College College of Business, Law and Social Sciences
Current status Waiting for submission

Ethics application
Project information
Project title: Entrepreneurship for people with Autism: case study of Islamabad

What is the aim of your study?

The study aims to examine the challenges faced by autistic individuals to start their business
in the market and the role of social entrepreneurship to help the people with this mental
illness to face the challenges and to take their place in society as useful individuals.

What are the objectives for your study?

 To examine the barriers people with disabilities face when starting a business and
investigate that these barriers are different from those faced by other entrepreneurs In
Islamabad Pakistan.
 To examine what kind of businesspeople with disabilities can start and become active
members of society In Islamabad Pakistan.
 To examine the main policy tools to help people with disabilities to become more
entrepreneurial In Islamabad Pakistan.

Are there any research partners (specific staff members) within the University of Derby
involved in the project?


Are there any research partners external to the University of Derby involved in the project?
If yes, please provide details

Who is your supervisor for this study?

Project start date

Project end date

Course module

Initial screening
Does this project involve human participants? If yes, should your research adhere to the British
Psychology Society (BPS) code of ethics and conduct?

Does your study involve data collection with any persons who could be considered
vulnerable (under 18 years or the elderly, or those with physical or mental disabilities)?


Does your project involve collecting data within NHS organisations or from any NHS
employees or patients?


Does it involve collecting or analysing primary or unpublished data about people who have
died, other than data that is already in the public domain?


Does your study involve direct access to an external organisation?


Does your study involve species not covered by the Animals Scientific Procedures Act


Does your study involve ionising radiation?


Does your study involve the evaluation of medical devices, or the testing of medicinal and
pharmaceutical products?


Does your study involve Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service?

Does your study involve serving offenders, professionals who work with them, or questions
relating to criminal offences?


Does your study involve a need to see, acquire or store material that could be viewed as
illegal or that may attract the interest of the police, security or intelligence services?


Will your study have any impact on the natural or built environment?

Funding and previous applications

Has this research been funded by an external organization (e.g. a research council or public
sector body)?


If yes, please provide the name of funder: Has this research been funded internally? Name of
internal fund
Funding amount Term of funding Date funding agreed
Have you submitted previous requests for ethical approval to the Committee that relate to this
research project?

If yes, please provide previous application reference:

Brief review of relevant literature and rationale for study

Entrepreneurial activity is an innovative idea that has defined social principle, and the activities
are carried out by social players known as a social entrepreneur (Austin et al. 2012). Social
entrepreneurship is defined as the business deliverance method that implements creativity in
their activities for the progress and betterment of society (Dacin et al. 2011). According to Autism
Society of America, Autism is defined as the intricate growth dysfunction that shows symptoms
during the initial three years of life. The autism continuity scale varies from a bright scientist to
an uncommunicative person and will always live under observatory and cared conditions
(Grandin & Duffy 2008).
In Pakistan, there is enhanced occurrence of autism and shows that approximately 3 out of 1000
individuals suffer from autism, palsy, and other learning, hearing, and visual difficulty problems
(Morton et al. 2002). Previously there were many assumptions regarding mental and physical
disabilities among people that are only dependent on others and are recipient of care services
and safety and are not suitable for any employment or to start a new business (Cooney 2008).
But with the advancement in technology in business industry many new strategies have evolved
which help people from all walks of life especially disable people to participate in well-being of
the society.
This study signifies the role of social entrepreneurship and the role of social entrepreneurs in
reducing the challenges faced by people with mental disabilities i-e autism, in starting a new
venture. Mental health issues are not given importance in developing countries like Pakistan,
where these problems are taken as a stigma for the family and society. This study helps in
reducing the stigma related to autism with the help of social entrepreneurship and the role of
social entrepreneurship and government policies in making these individuals valuable members
of society.

Cited references for any sources in the sections on rationale, methods etc.

Outline of study design

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2 : Literature Review
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
Chapter 4: Results
Chapter 5: Conclusion
Chapter 6: Reflection

Outline of study methods

Research Philosophy
Research Approach
Data Collection Methods
Research Method
Research Strategy

Do you propose to carry out your project partly in a non-English language?

If yes, please provide details


Ethical considerations
Research undertaken in public places


GDPR - collecting personal data

Basis for collecting data

Data retention

Rights of data subject

Commercial sensitivity

Are you using non-standard software to store or analyse data?


Are there other ethical implications that are additional to this list?
If yes, please provide details

Have/do you intend to request ethical approval from any other body/organisation?
If yes, please provide details

Do you intend to publish your research?


Have the activities associated with this research project been risk-assessed?
Informed consent from other parties/organizations

Relevant testing materials


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