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(+54) 9 11-3208-8299

Argentina, Buenos Aires, San Isidro

Garbarino ,1642.

April 30 th , 2023 Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the internship position

currently available at your company. As a student of University
Pasant: Credit Policy Secured of Buenos Aires, I am eager to apply my skills and knowledge to
a professional setting and gain valuable experience in the
banking field.

I am particularly drawn to your company because of its

reputation world wide, which aligns with my own personal
values and aspirations. I am excited about the opportunity to
learn from experienced professionals and contribute to your

Thank you for considering my application. I am available to

discuss my qualifications further and would welcome the
opportunity to interview for the position. Please find my
resume attached for your review.


Marcos Garbarino

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