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Can be debated all three groups (technology,socialmedias,penAndpaper)

- books have more of an ability to motivate and inspire its readers. Books can spread
motivation by sharing knowledge that makes readers perceive the world in a new way. Books
also spread positivity amongst the readers as it helps reduce mental pressure.

Can be debated all three groups (technology,socialmedias,penAndpaper)

- When you read a book, you can interpret the plot and the story to your liking. Books allow
your mind to be creative. Furthermore, books are much more detailed than films. Usually a
film lasts approximately two hours while in a book there can be hundreds “maybe thousands” of
pages of description.

Can be debated all four groups (technology,socialmedias,penAndpaper)

- Books create warm emotional bonds between adults and kids when they read books
together. Books help kids develop basic language skills and profoundly expand their
vocabularies much more than any other media. Books are interactive; they demand that kids
think. Fiction and nonfiction books widen our consciousness.

Can be debated all three groups (technology,socialmedias,penAndpaper)

- Reading Books is good for you because it improves your focus, memory, empathy, and
communication skills. It can reduce stress, improve your mental health, and help you live
longer. Reading also allows you to learn new things to help you succeed in your work and

Can be debated all three groups (technology,socialmedias,penAndpaper)

- Books help to inspire students to do hard work with courage and hope. They enrich the
experience of students and sharpen their intellect. There are many benefits of Reading books
students will get more knowledge, improve memory and build more vocabulary

Debate only technology

- a student use to get knowledge about everything from book only it may be about
physical,mental or social . we are not taking our studies serious as much as we should. books
teaches us patience,behavior and many more but what technologies like phone teaches us is
just bad behaviour,show off and many more bad habits .

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