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The greatest stroke of luck I have ever had was 3 weeks ago when my mom called me to tell me

that I had to buy something urgent, the thing that annoys me most is being interrupted but I had
to hurry because it was the first time that she asked that, so I run as fast as I can to the grocery
store. I work out every day and I’m getting slimmer and slimmer but the furthest I’ve ever run is 1
kilometer so I was very tired when I arrived. By fate I found what I was looking for quickly, I was
third in line at the checkout, the person at the cashier was purchasing basic items. Her money was
in her hand as the cashier gave her the total, so I wanted to take the money out of my pocket to
pay as soon as she finished but there was nothing, I didn’t know what to do, but for things of
destiny, the man behind me realized that and reached into his pocked 10 soles, bent down as if to
pick something up and said “I think you dropped this”, I was speechless, it was a friend who my
dad invited to a restaurant last week. When I was about to get home I noticed something different
in my house and in the other houses. My house was just as big as the one next door and a little
bigger that the one next door and suddenly saw 20 soles toward the ground. I have never been as
lucky as that day.

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