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1. Bend - bent - She bent the metal bar.

2. Bet - bet - He bet all his money on the horse race.

3. Bid- bid - They bid farewell to their guests.
4. Bite - bit - The dog bit the mailman.
5. Blow - blew - The wind blew the leaves off the tree.
6. Brake - broke - The vase broke when it fell off the shelf.
7. Bring - brought - She brought her lunch to work.
8. Broadcast - broadcast - The radio station broadcast the news.
9. Build - built - They built a sandcastle at the beach.
10.Buy - bought - She bought a new dress for the party.
11.Catch - caught - He caught the ball with one hand.
12.Choose - chose - She chose the red shirt over the blue one.
13.Come - came - They came to visit us on the weekend.
14.Cost - cost - The car cost more than they expected.
15.Cut - cut - She cut her hair short.

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