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Verify Element Visibility on WebPage

Selenium: Selenium With Java Basics

➤ Verify Visibility of Web-Element on Web-Page

➤ isDisplayed() : is the method used to verify presence of a web
element within the webpage.
➤ Returns ‘true’ if element is displayed or false if element is
missing on web-page.
➤ isEnabled() : is the method used to verify if the web element
is enabled or disabled within the webpage.
➤ Returns ‘true’ if element is enabled or false if element is not
enabled on web-page.
Selenium: Selenium With Java Basics

➤ isSelected() : is the method used to verify if the web element

is selected or not.
➤ isSelected() method is pre-dominantly used with radio
buttons, drop-downs and checkboxes. 
➤ Returns ‘true’ if element is Selected or false if element is not
Selected on web-page.
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