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Human interaction represents an essential aspect in our lifes.

We interact with people since the day

we were born,but during our lifetime we create different types of relationships.An example would be
friendship.In this essay i will discuss two reasons why friendship is important for people,these being
the support that friends give and the shared experiences they might have

First of all,friends can help by providing support in a difficult situations.Nowadays everyone faces
problems in their existence,so it is vital to receive the mental support they might need.For
example,the support from friends may increase our sense of belonging and ,also our self respect.A
supportive friend is someaone who knows who you are and you might have been through,so this will
reduce the possibility of deppresion.In addtion,this will prevent the isolation or social anxiety

On the other hand,the shared experiences which are supplied by freindships have a deep impact on
human beings.Mostly,this kind of experiences create moments of belonging and,as well to deepen
our understanding of each other.We are social beings,who find it necessaty to share moments with

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