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Blue Ridge Public School

Class IX – Computer Applications

A.Y. 2022-23


1. What is ‘Unicode’?
Ans: Unicode is a standard encoding system. It is a wide representation of
characters in numeric form.

2. What are tokens?

Ans: Tokens are the basic building blocks of the Java language.
All the characters of a Java program are grouped into symbols called tokens.

3. List six tokens of Java.


4. State the rules for naming an identifier.

Ans: An identifier can be of any length
It may contain alphabets, digits, underscore (_) or dollar sign ($) characters
It must not be a keyword or true, false or null literal
It must not begin with a digit
It can start with only 2 special characters $ and _
Eg: String _s; int $n1;
It must not contain white spaces
5. Define Keywords. List any ten keywords available in Java.
Ans: A keyword is one of the 50 reserved words that have a predefined
meaning in the language.
Keywords have special meaning to the Java compiler.
Eg: public, static, void, new, int, byte, short, long, char, boolean, float

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