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Aroma snooze sleep aid

  This 7 in 1 humidifier will transform the room into a dreamy oasis of purified mist, soothing sounds,
relaxing scents, and calming colors, putting your child into a deep and restful slumber. 

unlike traditional oil burners that use a naked flame and alter the composition of essential oils, the
Aroma Snooze is a cool mist ultrasonic diffuser which is completely safe to leave unattended, and to
use around babies, children, and pets.

When the minimal water level is reached, the Aroma Snooze will automatically switch off.

We actively encourage customers to sleep with their Aroma Snooze on to reap the benefits of
essential oils, and benefit from the clean air or leave it running if they’re leaving home to return to
beautifully purified air and an uplifting aroma.

What all ways to use this voice recorder

1. Your  own soothing words,  sounds or favorite music track

2. A good night message from grandma or a parent working away, that they can listen to before bed,
before setting to one of the 5 sound choices for sleep.

3. Your own ‘Shushing’ sound, a sound recommended by world leading sleep experts as this
replicates the sound a unborn child would hear in the womb

Traditional vaporisers use heat to steam large amounts of water into the room during the night with
the objective of assisting breathing. The downside of this is that steam vaporisers also produce
condensation on the walls and ceiling. This moisture creates mould, and bacteria, and leads to
further health and respiratory issues, particularly harmful to babies and small, When the
minimal water level is reached, the Aroma Snooze will automatically switch off. The technology in
the Aroma Snooze uses mere mililiters of water dispersed as a cool mist, and
produces zero condensation, while the ultrasonic technology creates healthy anions
to improve the air quality, the same anions you find abundant in nature where the
air is clean and fresh.

The Music, Lights and Mist are all controlled by their own buttons and can be used all together or
individually on their own. You press the buttons of the features of which you want to use.

The Red LED helps get your child to sleep as red light produces a the sleep hormone, it increases
drowsiness and produces deeper, longer periods of sleep through the night. The red light has a
unique breathing light feature which allows you to choose the brightness intensity, and is also
calming.Every child is different. The Aroma-Snooze has 5 sound choices to use. The sounds blocks
external loud noises that might disturb them and has the added benefit of increasing the deepest
level sleep. Your child will find it easier to get back to sleep if they happen to wake earlier.
The Snooze Blend included in the main bundle is a large 15ml Certified Organic pure essential oil
blend, created using only the finest certified organic essential oils to support sleep.

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